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Howard T. Lewis III


Bevely Fox

Thank you for all your efforts. We were born 5 days apart. No wonder we think so much alike!

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

Thanking you all most kindly for all your endeavours on our behalf , the value of what you all do is unmatched by the despots that seek to enslave and torture the rest of us , as well as murdering, through covert means , trickery and deceit, extort us financially while committing worldwide trafficking of our loved ones and genocide .

Julie anne

Wow thank you all so much. May God bless you and make a way. Many thanks and prayers from the UK!!! X

Layla Maxaley

I can’t see the video. Am I looking at the right link?




Praise God!!!

Annoynomos 100

the government declared war on us the people back in january according to NUREMBERG CODE article 6.
so why are the people not armed up and fighting for your country and lives? clearly the government is out to kill the world and all you do is legal bs. arm up group up and go defend your fkn country

Sari curzon

Thank you so much for want you are doing ! I wish the whole world got red pillee
Tonight!!!! This needs to stop!!!! Evil about to be unleashed on the world 😞


Wow thank you all so much. May God bless you and make a way. Many


This gives me hope. Thank you.

Amir  Romsi

I agree with anonymous100, why has no definitive actiin been taken to rid the earth of the scum that are perpetrating this harmful technology on we, the people.
Blessed be when can line up the guilty, incarcerate the people that are enforcing this NWO agenda, pantomime scamdemic.

Karen Marie Høie Omholt

Thank youm thank you, thank you...1000 times!

markéta nikol

Thank you for your work.


Where is the source of this, can it be located in where else beside this website? I have looked and found nothing "official"


Thank you!

Teija Ilikaine

What a false news this is. If this were true then it would have been reported in the media

Светлана Сергеева

Огромная благодарность врачам и правозащитникам за блестящую работу. Лже пандемия должна быть прекращена, а виновные в ее организации все до единого должны быть изолированы в тюрьмы. Все активы большой фармы должны быть распределены в качестве компенсаций пострадавшим от вакцинаций людям.

Alfred Lambremont Webre

"Many thanks to doctors and human rights activists for their excellent work. The false pandemic must be stopped, and the perpetrators of its organization, every single one of them must live & # 110 0; isolated in prisons. All the assets of the big pharma should be distributed as compensation to people affected by vaccinations."

Alfred Lambremont Webre

NOTE: The Mainstream Media convicted defendants by this Tribunal for intentionally abetting genocide by publishing false news to hide the extent of the Pandemic Genocide. SEE: www.peaceinspace.org Final Judgment

"What a false news this is. If this were true then it would have been reported in the media

Posted by: Teija Ilikaine | 12/08/2020 at 09:08 AM
Светлана Сергеева

shabana lis saeed

It must be stopped. it is a crime against humanity.and our children. you have to stop it now. help. we have children. and parents. dear god help.

Gail Jones

Many of these perpetrators have been executed or imprisoned , while the media continues to run fake news using clones and look alikes !There must be a reason why the public is not privy to this info ????I expect this should soon be revealed .
Time is of the essence as the TRESSPASS continues, vaccines are being forced and they are lethal.

Alexandra Follmann-Rivera

LOL. Twitter just blocked me after I shared the video. Hmmm... Considering that I only have 24 followers, I am officially a NOBODY. I guess we all know what this means...


Божьей помощи в делах Праведных! В защиту человечности, мира на Земле и Процветания!


what does it help... we are still under enslavement of the corona jab, passport etc. Here they have started to put up 5G in all smaller cities, Croatia to have it all over by Marts 2022.

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International Tribunal