Please Note: If you are interested in good faith supporting and participating in the Initiative, please email [email protected] with your full contact details and a statement of your area of interest. Thank you.
10.10.2020 Zoom Cafe Video - Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference International Criminal Court Statute Initiative
SATURDAY OCT 10, 2020 @2pmPDT/5pmEDT/6pm Latin America Time/10pmBST/11pmCET/Sunday 10.11 8am Melbourne time
Sweden Michael Zazzio presenting & discussion
– Turn to associations encouraging them to spread the knowledge about the ”Rome Statute” and to, in the future, consider to start court cases
– Get our work exposed in written media
– Be interviewed by TV, PODs and radio
– Write our own articles and debate articles in written media
Indigenous Sovereign Territory Canada - Chief Capilano, Klan Mother Irene, Klan Mother Karen MacDonald presenting & discussion
!2 Nations , Klanmothers, DUMBS, Adrenochrome, Military & Deep State perps
Canada Alfred Lambremont Webre presenting & discussion
- Treaty Conference:
Develop list of contacts/addresses at each of 118 Ratifying Nations of Rome statute @ Home Nation @UN Missions
Initiate development of Host Nation for Treaty Conference
@ Home Nation @UN Missions
- Liaison with other similar court case projects
Rocco Galati lawsuit - Canada
German lawsuit - Dr. Fuellmich
UK lawsuit - Simon Dolan
- Endorsements - Gather a list of public endorsements from Influencers in many fields Celebrities; Musicians; Artists; Politicians; Heads of State/Government
Local, Regional, National figures, Health & Welfare fields, Scientists, Indigenous
Feminists, Youth, Elders
- Natural Law/Common Law Treaty Conference - Convene and broadcast a Natural Law/ Common Law Treaty Conference with people from Nations representing government officials. Enforce findings under Natural Law/Common Law.
- Sponsors - Recruit Sponsors for our Initiatives and Activities
- Form a lawful entity under Natural Law/Common Law
Uruguay John & Bonnie presenting & discussion
Canada Marianne Perz presenting & discussion
1) List of journalists such as Icke and Rose who can get the message out to citizens - organize contact with them as to cover different language districts - we need to contact French, Polish, Japanese, etc.
2) What is the plan if internet fails us by shutting or by censoring our attempts to reach out?
3) Submission of the formation of a new justice hearing format - what if the ICC court RS fails us?
4) Discuss false flag operations such as those appearing to act for the good but for agendas other than freeing the people - i.e.. What is motivating Gallati?
I think the key here to reach out to form a united effort - can we get such persons as Robert Kennedy Jr., David Icke as all assembling rather than scattered submissions? UNITY
United States of America - Prof. Raymond Keller PhD reads statement from Robert Potter
By Rob PotterTo my esteemed colleagues at the Peace In Space Summit,
I am sorry I am unable to attend today but I will hope to be part of future endeavors to contribute some positive insights into how we can bring about lasting and peaceful change on our world. I submit an edited version of a document I posted in 2013 which predicted aspects of what we see happening in the world today that can be read by Raymond for you all.
The Earth has been run by gangsters for many ages. Today they are known as the Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, and/or The Syndicate. They control our money supply, most of the food we eat, much of the water we drink, the types of fuel we burn, the way diseases get treated, our entertainment, our religions, our governments, our education systems, our space technologies, the stock markets, the media, and even the air we breathe. No one on the planet escapes their clutches.
They also manipulate and are trying to completely control our DNA in a type of trans-humanist agenda. Their veils of secrecy are soon to be lifted by an upsurge in the spirit of truth that is now cleansing this planet.
All the gangsters will be given a chance to either surrender or be arrested. This is a certainty, that over time or by attrition these selfish evildoers shall see their efforts demise. If a large number of these demons can be taken down in lawful arrests of crimes the average person could not conceive of, it is intended that at the same time, the Cabal is arrested, all the government secrets that have been hidden from us for centuries are going to be released for the world to see.
This is also eventually will be a certainty. This entire process of arrests is intended to take no more than two weeks from start to completion. However, since this "Plan" was released it is very clear this is a long and arduous fight against scheming criminals with the far-ranging influence that seems to shield them from justice. This has been called “The Event”.
Aspects of this cosmic preparation have been in process for over 30 thousand years.
In fact, the inner people of Telos recently said in August to one of their new surface contacts that they felt it was very possible a Solar Event Might take place on DEC. 20th 2020.
Still, Earth-based plans coordinating at the highest levels behind the scenes with Extra-Terrestrial and Extra-dimensional beings the various military and earth secret services have been in the process of gathering evidence against these gangsters since the ’70s.
These indictable offenses are easily proven thanks to the brave contributions of many brave men and women in various occupations throughout history to overcome evil and corruption. After The Event the following solutions will be implemented:
All wars will cease as mankind realizes and understands the manipulation of people by scheming and advanced mind-control technology.
New, fair financial systems will replace all existing systems these will be based on prosperity and abundance not on scarcity and lack.
Previously suppressed medical technologies as it relates to healing the human body and mind will be released. This is coming forward now in a tsunami of avanced vibrational technologies using sound light color scaler waves pryamids crystals and many other types of quantum influences
Media companies will be free to broadcast the truth.
Governance will return to the citizens.
Previously suppressed energy and space technologies will be implemented.
Massive improvements will occur in education, food and water quality, and basic living conditions.
Quantum leaps forward will take place in the areas of transportation, communications, family associations, and spirituality.
Our planet’s oceans, airways, and eco-systems will be restored to previous pristine conditions.
Peace, love, and harmony will prevail.
This will be a worldwide phenomenon so The Promiser Revealed & Prepare for Change and many other star seeds and lightworkers are conjoining ideas and forces to provide information for people to acclimatize to the new frequencies coming into the earth at these times. Broadly speaking the Event is when humanity is lifted above the darkness and fear that has so engulfed us since the fall.
The Prepare For Change Network’s mission is to inspire and to uplift all who access this information towards participating in a network creating a New Society. More importantly, we hope the will act as a stabilizing force during and after The Event to ensure a positive, peaceful, and non-violent change of our world.
The Promise Revealed and PFC sites are a response by a group of people inspired by many of us, seeking to encourage a profound and positive change in our world’s sociopolitical and societal infrastructure.
We are taking action to provide this information to educate and provide information and a solid reference base for the changes soon to come upon our world.
We hope to make this site a place for others to share knowledge and to prepare for the changes in a peaceful loving way. This information is not intended to foment fear or anxiety in any way. In fact, we all are very, very optimistic about the revelations and plans for our planetary liberation.
The mold and darkness must be exposed to the light of truth so that it may be understood and forgiven. We may then forge a new path towards a just, transparent, and open New Society.
We have been given detailed information about enforcement of what is known as “The Galactic Codex”. According to Cobra this Galactic Codex enforcement will happen at the time of “The Event”. “The Event” can be defined as an imminent, secretly scheduled, and simultaneous police force action of the lawful arrests of major criminals within the world’s political, military, societal, and financial institutions worldwide.
The event will also coincide with an energetic pulse from the galactic central sun and may be accompanied by a strong solar flare that will positively affect all lifestreams by its nature.
Our main goal is to educate people the world over as to the history and nature of “The Event”. Furthermore, we have declared our peaceful intent and have transition teams in various disciplines established to support this commitment to peaceful nonviolent change.
There are people all over the world preparing right now to act as humble servants dedicated to Love when the time comes.
“The Event” itself will have multiple strategies affecting our society on many levels. However, at its core “The Event” is simply the intended peaceful and nonviolent arrest of major criminals. Rest assured that the results of these police actions will have dramatic results!
COBRA has asked us to emphatically state that the arrests and other radical changes that are to take place during “The Event” ARE NOT a military coup. “The Event” and the planned changes ARE NOT to be considered the results of instigators within renegade police forces or military personnel. In fact the arrests themselves are intended to restore peace, liberty and justice for all.
For this reason, it is imperative that people are made aware of what is about to transpire on our world’s stage so they do not panic or overreact.
We hope you will take the time to study the information contained herein and choose to participate in some way. We all may add a piece of the puzzle by our well-intended efforts and commitment to a harmonious and peaceful life!
Enlightened and aware individuals the world over are invited to help us in our mission. We should all take the time to dedicate ourselves to manifesting viable alternatives for our New Society. We have several different sections that have been designated for you to join us in our efforts.
There is a wealth of knowledge here which we know you will enjoy. Please accept our invitation to learn and to be part of the process. If you have ever felt you wanted to do something good for your fellow man, this is your opportunity to share your love and your good works.
With Love and Respect to you all from,
Rob Potter
Founding Head of PFC Leadership Group
Prepare For Change
Victory to The Light
United States of America - Marcia presentation + discussion Initiative is a valid approach toward relieveing world suffering at the hands of the Deep State Cabal.
SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud
Yan, Li-Meng; Kang, Shu; Guan, Jie; Hu, Shanchang
Private Criminal Prosecution Against Parliament for Pandemic Fraud Moves Forward