Call for a Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference of the 118 Nations that ratified the International Criminal Court Statute/Treaty of Rome
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA - This is a Call for a Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference of the 118 Nations that ratified the International Criminal Court Statute of the Treaty of Rome banning War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, and the Crime of Aggression. A similar Treaty Conference held in Canada in 1997, and championed by Princess Diana, led to the banning of proliferating land mines. The mission of a Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference is set out in this Call document, and will result in a Truth and Reconciliation process ending genocidal mass vaccinations that cause crimes against humanity and are intended to irrevocably alter human DNA, and trigger Social Control Methods that cause irrevocable economic and social damage to the human divine Being and society.
Call for a Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference of the 118 Nations that ratified the International Criminal Court Statute/Treaty of Rome
Download Call for a Genocidal Technologies-Pandemic Treaty Conference VER. SEPT 30 2020
Heads of State and Heads of Government of the 118 Nations ratifying the International Criminal Court Statute/Treaty of Rome are urgently requested to convene a Genocidal Technologies - Pandemic Treaty Conference.
National Health Federation Sweden–a health freedom organization
Mandatory vaccination is an obvious crime against human rights,and the vaccines are threatening the health of mankind.Free from Vaccination Abuse
International laws, constitutions,charters,treaties and declarations forbid mandatory vaccination and forced medical treatment
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Crimes against Humanity Full Transcript
German Corona Investigative Committee
Thank you, Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
CONTACT: Heads of State and Heads of Government and any organization and individuals interested in facilitating this process are requested to urgently contact [email protected] with a statement of intent and contact details.
This is an historic move! Thank you Alfred. Your leadship will inspire millions to stand up for humanity. All devine beings of the Light must share this immediately so we combine our efforts and prove how powerful we truly are to chenge dark to light. The world of integrity is within reach!
Posted by: tommy | 09/23/2020 at 10:40 AM
To whom it may concern
I would like to join my voice to all of you against these international criminal behind covid19! They must stop it! We need to go back in our job and usually habits!
Stop ! Stop! Stop! Stop!stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!!!!
Posted by: Bouvard Monse | 11/29/2020 at 03:42 PM