United State of Good Hope, founded September 24, 2017
Flag of State of Good Hope


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Paul Neil

I listened to King Cornelius III on rense.com and I am fully behind United State of Good Hope and would like to offer my services; I can email my C.V. if it will help; we live in Kleinmond, 7195.

We need to separate from the Republic of ANC and rule ourselves along the lines that the King as outlayed.

Kind Regards,


Jacqueline Helen Niedermeyer

My Dear King,

You have been met with some serious unrecognition for your position. Please I urge to make a stand. The bad elements do not recognize you as the King of the Sovereign State of the Cape of Good Hope.

They do not believe your credentials or that you are King. Sir I am Jew I can not bow before you and I can not call you Majesty and your Highness because this is respectfully against my religion. However Sir I respect your position and I will fight for the Sovereignty of the Cape. You have my allegiance to that cause and nothing else.

I wanted to inform you that we as a New Nation should start making it clear to the Public platform that we mean business I include myself in that we want the same things.

I hope we together we can change the minds of the South African who wants to live in peace.

But in the meantime I pledge my allegiance to The Sovereign State of the Cape of Good Hope. I will take up arms with you if it comes to that.

Kind Regards
Miss Jacqueline Helen Niedermeyer

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