What should people know about psychics and being psychic?
Hi, I am a student who is only 13 years old but is in great need
of help. I am doing a report about psychics for school. And I would
really appreciate It if you could give me some insight on what I should
include in it. What do you think is the most important stuff about
psychics you think people should know about? This is some topics I have
in my report, if you could tell me some more or tell me some I should
leave out I would like it: History of Psychics, Clairvoyance, Crystal
reading's, Palmistry, Prices of readings. I really need some insight on
this, thanks so much. Shelly
From Dr Geri DeStefano-Webre, Ph.D.
Notes On the History of Psychism
It's interesting, I don't think that there's one reference book, per
se, that has a history of psychism. Many books on the subject have
pieces of it here and there. But I can't remember one definitive text
on the subject. At least no one written without a "sensational" slant.
And, of course, the whole area of psychism has changed drastically in
the last 30 years. Psychism is an ability that has been with humanity
since the very earliest of times. And has gone through many changes.
Simply put: everyone has SOME intuitive ability. It's part of our
human fabric and has been always! But how it's perceived by the
prevailing culture, times, religions is often what defines it. In some
cultures and times the "gift" was respected and sought out. For
instance, in the early Greek times, with the Oracles at Delphi. These
oracles, or "the eyes and the ears of the gods" were sought out by
Kings, rulers, generals and the populace for information. The kind of
information that would give one the "inside track" or the expanded view
of a particular situation. The Oracles themselves, were supported
completely by the culture in terms of food, housing etc. There's a book
kicking around somewhere, "The Oracles of Delphi" that I remember
looking at years ago. It contained some of the predictions and
"readings" given in those times. It was difficult to read, only because
so much seemed obscure from the point of view of thousands of years
later. I suspect you'd have to have a really thorough working knowledge
of ancient times history. But, at least, someone took the time to
transcribe these ancient readings and save them for posterity.