Tuesday Feb. 9, 2010 @ 7 PM PST
Vancouver Maritime Museum
A “Bodhisattva-wanna-be’s” meanderings through the unconscious!
Somewhere, in our thoughts about becoming enlightened we have this idea of what the journey SHOULD look like. Maybe it’s wearing yoga pants and breathing hard, maybe it’s sitting on top of the mountain in Tibet meditating, maybe it’s being really perfect all the time, eating right, processing our issues with a really conscious therapist.
Or, maybe it doesn’t look like that at all.
I’ve been at this “consciousness thing” for over 40 years. When I started out I was positively driven to get there (wherever there IS!) with an extreme sense that there was no time to waste. Now, when I’m REALLY present to the impermanence of this life, I realize that some of my greatest “AH-HA” moments have risen out of some of the most unconscious behaviors and states possible.
So this is the conversation: how do we begin to rethink and reframe our journey towards enlightenment and how do we take every day activities and use them to move into an expanded awareness? What are the deeper possibilities in the everyday fabric of life that point us in the direction of truly being of service in the world?
This is an interactive program with Dr. Geri. Throughout the presentation she and her students will be giving participants intuitive insights so bring your questions with you!
Geri De Stefano-Webre, Ph.D. is a psychic psychologist and trainer with a private practice in Vancouver. Along with her private clients she is currently teaching Basic and Intermediate level Psychic Development Courses in preparation for the One Year Transformation Seminar, beginning in Fall 2010.
Questers Vancouver Chapter
Vancouver Maritime Museum
1905 Ogden Ave (near planetarium)
Located at the north end of Chestnut Street, just west of the Planetarium, on the water in the Kitsilano area.
Enter using the south-side door of the Museum.
Admission: $5 members / $10 non-member
Contact: Evah at (604) 684-3584 Richard at (604) 688-4406 John at email [email protected]
Tuesday Feb. 9, 2010 @ 7 PM PST