The Role of the Corporate Psychics
by Dr Geri DeStefano
I’ve been a psychic and a therapist for over 25 years. In my private practice I’ve often had clients who came to me for psychic readings to deal with any number of personal problems. Usually, the areas that they wanted advice about were the standard stuff of life: relationships, career, family, life.... After working with me, these clients realized that I provided them with clear, concise and practical ways that they themselves could employ to approach these problem areas. Very quickly, these clients began to ask me questions on how they could begin to apply these same strategies to their businesses and work environment.
What evolved out of those inquiries was a practical methodology to assess, enhance and to bring into action people in business. I want to stress the "enhance" part here. Oftentimes when a business approaches a firm that specializes in organizational management and consulting, there is a tacit agreement that "there’s something wrong and it has to be fixed"!
This is at a point when it is almost too late to remedy the problem, it usually costs big bucks, (which a business or corporation can ill-afford to spend at that critical point) AND, more importantly, owners and upper management are faced with their own subconscious "fears" that it was something they did. . .or didn’t do well enough. So while a business may be motivated to seek outside assistance there may be many factors that can prevent or impede a healthy recovery.
As readers of energy, we are trained to see into and through the energy of the organization and the individuals that comprise it, to get to the root of the problem - often before it requires serious and costly outside intervention.
Within every business or corporate structure there is excellent talent and ability. There is usually a main motivation for wishing a business flourish. And people work very hard to achieve their goals. Owners have staked their entire fortunes and poured their vital life force into concepts and systems to market their products. So for an outside firm to come in and sell their services based on fear and the idea that they’re going to somehow "fix" it can potentially, in fact, undermine the very solutions that the ailing business needs. Instead of approaching the problem from "there’s something wrong and it has to be fixed" how about replacing it with "there is no problem here, there’s just work to do!"
The first step is to enhance the talent, motivation, mission and self-esteem of everyone concerned. This provides an atmosphere of safety and confidence. What I learned and applied initially, was that everyone in a business setting needs to be "seen", "heard" and "acknowledged" for their process. This includes everyone from the head office right down to the janitors. And, most importantly, everyone must know and understand how they are personally responsible for their part of the whole.
The employer has hired each person for his or her unique abilities and expertise. And while they may be the best people for the job there may be factors within the structure of the organization that impede the flow of creative ability.
There are always breakdowns in the communication process at some point or another. This seems to be the biggest factor in why many businesses run into problems.
Owners and upper management are often overworked and stressed by the daily demands placed on them to perform. This stress can result in eroding the fabric of the workplace, cause health issues and result in a high level of absenteeism.
Everybody has a personal life outside the work place. It would be great if everyone could leave that personal life at the front door when they go to work every morning. Some people manage better than others. And, the fact is, that most can’t. Yet, in the workplace there is very little room for people’s personal issues. No one really wants to hear it or deal with it. Yet, these factors can weigh heavily upon workers and diminish their capabilities.
No, I didn’t misspell solutions! I’d like to think that along with individuals having a soul, a vital spark of life essence, so does a corporation! And in order to heal the soul of the corporation you need "soulutions"!
Non-profit corporations, law and medical practices, hospitals, mid-sized corporations and small business owners have approached us. We have chosen to look at each one of these "entities" as a "whole" system and not just a collection of different people and agendas. It’s very similar to viewing the business entity as a family system. In our assessment process, we speak with everyone, privately, to get a "feel" for their personal issues, their concerns in the workplace, where they feel "empowered" or "dis-empowered" in their jobs and note any recommendations that they may proffer. This is not just a simple fact finding task on our part. During the interview process, utilizing therapeutic and psychic abilities, we are able to access a much deeper level of information. All information is confidential with the goals being to:
1. personally empower whoever is sitting in front of us;
2. gain an overview of the corporate "entity";
3. begin formulating strategies to produce outcomes.
Additionally, we attend staff meetings as a silent observer. This allows us to simply witness the underlying group dynamics and communication styles.
After compiling the necessary information we meet with owners and upper management for a "focus group". There, we present recommendations and strategies for how to enhance and operate within their environment. Additionally we pin point the desired outcome. Typical recommendations can include and are not limited to:
Re-arranging, physically, the work environment to allow the maximum flow of energy and creativity.
Instituting a daily "staff energy" session, 30-45 min. company time, for all staff members to check in with each other on daily tasks, goals etc.
Creating a "stress release" room on the premises. This can be an exercise-type room or a quiet meditation room depending on the needs of the corporate entity.
Facilitation of conflict/resolution groups.
Making available to all employees some type of "informal" therapeutic process. This could be mini-sessions with an on staff therapist or on site massage (many masseuses will bring a portable chair into the office for a 10 min. neck and back massage) Amazingly, this does wonders for people’s morale and stress levels!)
Workshops on communication skills, developing intuitive abilities for the purpose of enhanced creativity, stress reduction, meditation, substance abuse, and creative play to name of few.
Review of dress code
Provision for child-care facilities, on site, to accommodate working parents.
Review of bonus and incentive programs.
Review of works flows, systems and procedures to identify bottlenecks, duplications and unnecessary steps.
Depending on your needs and the nature of the problem, in addition to meeting with owners and upper management we also meet with everyone employed by the company in either a small or large group format. The purpose of this is to "enroll" everyone in focusing on the same goals, create a safe space for everyone to contribute ideas and suggestions and to boost the corporate energies through collective effort. There is an instance, at a Japanese car-manufacturing factory that is illustrative of this point: at the weekly group meeting of all employees it was a janitor who came up with an innovative idea for part fabrication that saved the corporation time and money. In that climate of collective cooperation a janitor had an opportunity to be "heard" and "acknowledged" for a creative solution.
Your caring matters -
Clients and their employees all know from the very beginning that we are Psychic Therapists and consultants and are amazingly open and receptive, for the most part. Through the private interviews,and personal readings, people frequently comment that they think it’s great and seem to feel appreciative that their employers are willing to utilize such a unique service. It has had the effect of employees viewing their employers as "caring", "concerned" and "open" to new ways of thinking.
You get honest information
On another level, through the initial interview, people are very quickly put at ease, since, as psychics, we tend to have very sensitive and accurate people-skills. Interestingly, people will often share information with a psychic that they don’t share with others. Additionally, because the goals for the session are to "see", "hear" and "empower" the client, it generates a non- threatening dialogue in which people feel free to disclose their deepest concerns and issues.
You need an objective view -
Psychics can "fit" within a corporate model is because they can perceive information at such a subtle and non-intrusive level. The psychic is careful not to add to or make waves in the prevailing energies of the corporate entity. Psychics who are working in this field are trained to be neutral, objective fair witnesses, impartial observers and readers of energy.
To be successful, everyone needs an edge -
Psychics are simply individuals who have realized, consciously, that they have enhanced abilities. They take it as a given that all people have these abilities whether they’re aware of them or not. In the corporate world we invariably run into natural intuitives who have channeled those abilities, creatively and productively, into their work. Every successful businessperson I know is also a fully functioning intuitive, even though they may not describe it in quite those terms. Part of the process that we’re proposing is to develop the business owners' and managers' "latent" and natural abilities to enhance and function with them creatively. In the corporate world being tuned in psychically gives one an "edge" to perform even more effectively and profitably.
How it Works - the Practical Details, in an Ideal World
The size and needs of the corporation will determine how many counselors would make up the team. All the members of the team are professionally trained intuitives; they’ve all run their own national and international businesses and corporations, their abilities, professionally, include computer technology, psychology, law, financial services and media. All consultations are billed on a per hour basis.
Depending on your needs and the nature of the problem, in addition to meeting with owners and upper management, including CEO's and Boards d Directors, we also meet with everyone employed by the company in either a small or large group format.
The purpose of this is would be to "enroll" everyone in focusing on the same goals, create a safe space for everyone to contribute ideas and suggestions and to boost the corporate energies through collective effort. There is an instance, at a Japanese car-manufacturing factory that is illustrative of this point: at the weekly group meeting of all employees it was a janitor who came up with an innovative idea for part fabrication that saved the corporation time and money. In that climate of collective cooperation a janitor had an opportunity to be "heard" and "acknowledged" for creative solution.
Dr. Geri's services are very accessible. Please contact Dr. Geri Toll-Free at 1-877-266-7337 (or call 604-649-5590) or email Dr. Geri at [email protected]