The reading I had with Geri was one of the most educating readings I have ever had. She gave me insights into why I have some of the behaviors I have today and why I do some of the things I do in my interactions with others. It was very valuable in that I now know I can change some of those things if I choose to do so. She touched on some things only I know about myself; no other psychic has ever mentioned some of those things, and again, I can now make some changes if I choose.
I can’t wait to hear what she has to say next month; I know it will be interesting and exciting…… I highly recommend her not only for her gift but for her caring and wonderful personality; I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet her and have her share her gift of knowing with me. Anyone who wants to know more about themselves must have a reading with Geri! YC Portland, Ore
My reading with Geri was probably the best one I've ever had. The way she interpreted the Tarot made so much sense to me and just "felt right". I so much enjoyed meeting and talking with her - she has so much information of interest to share. VJ, San Anselmo, Calif
My experience with Geri was very positive. I have recommended her to many of my friends and they were very pleased. I found her to be clear, direct and accurate. She also provided great insights into issues I was dealing with. I would definitely choose to have another reading with Geri. She is one of the BEST!! SK San Francisco, Calif
It is amazing how accurate the points made about me were, especially by Geri. My fantasy world is often more real than what happens around me. My question is how can I allow myself to risk so than I am really living in the present? Thanks, Pat
Dear Dr. Geri, Thank you for sharing yourself with and interpreting my astrological chart with me. A lot of it was on target! It truly inspired me and provided me with some much needed insight. As I wrote to Lise, you reading proved most definitely worth the value and investment! I truly thank you Dr. DeStefano and look forward to hearing from you one more time, if possible. Ramy
I wanted to write and thank you for your insightful evaluation of my situation. Never have I received such accurate, detailed guidance especially after providing so little initial information.. You're right about my one desire to be in a loving relationship. It's almost obsessive at times. I'm not feeling like the clock is ticking, but more of "when is it my turn?" I've even wondered if I was giving off some sort of psychic vibe that was actually driving men away from me like an anti-pheremone. It was such a relief to hear that someone just might be coming, but it's not our time yet. That actually takes my focus off of the relationship thing and is allowing me to attend to my own internal issues.
I had considered going into therapy, and your message has encouraged me to make an appointment with a social worker highly recommended by a good good girlfriend. Thank you for that.
Yes, these men all remind me of emotionally-distant Dad. I uncovered that during the 4 months in therapy, but didn't learn how to really work with it -- I DO think that if I love them, it'll work out -- but I realize that I have more to learn. Thank you for saying that "I don't get that it's about what's wrong with you" because I truly DID think that there was something wrong with me. I know, however, that I need to get more tools in navigating through relationships and make better choices. I'm this big success at my day job, but when it comes to relating to men, I feel like a 2-year-old trying to perform brain surgery.
I thought you might enjoy hearing back from someone to confirm that your reading was so accurate and has inspired me to make some positive changes.
Thanks again for giving me hope that HE is still out there -- I just might have to wait a couple of more years and use the time to work on my relationship skills. Thanks for sharing your gifts and best wishes in your life. Lisa Yar
Please thank Geri. I have to say that your services for me knock spots off any of the other psychics I have contacted in other places and countries. I will come back again. Many thanks, David
Geri: I am indeed amazed from the accuracy of your report. You made me see things I knew were there but I didn't want to accept. Thank you. M
Dear Geri: Thank you for my reading. I found it to be extremely accurate and comforting because I've had such a hard time making any sense of my situation. I so appreciate (your help). Bri
I want to tell you just how much the information I received from you helped me. My husband and I have came to a temporary agreement concerning our marriage. I have decided to give him another chance. After a four and a half hour session of my wrath, he begged me for another chance to prove that he could be a better father and husband. Reluctantly, I concluded that he did deserve at least that much. I told him that, if he "messed" up again, that my other foot would be out the door, along with our children and our belongings. Since then, he has been as sweet as the day I met him back in 1985, and he has treated the children better than he ever has before. Though I did seek the advice of my attorney, he is well aware of the true reality of my statements. He knows now that I mean business. I have talked him into doing things that as a father AND HUSBAND he was not not doing before. After your reading, I felt empowered enough to go through it and talk it all out.
Also, knowing now that the premonition I thought I had was only a dream , colored by my intense emotional state relieved me greatly. I have my self-confidence back, I feel better than I have in years, and know now that if things do not work out with my husband and I, that the world (be it his or mine), will not end! I do more things now, things I haven't done in years.
The emotional "veil" or "wet blanket" has been lifted from my life and I feel I owe you Geri, a world of thanks. I have also lost some weight I have been trying to lose for three years now. I still have more to go, but, I feel most confident now, that I will lose the rest. I really want to tell you that, your guidance has changed me Geri, and I will never forget it. I wish you weren't so far away, because I would love to thank you in person. Even though I was a bit leary of doing a reading over the internet, with someone I never heard of before, I have NO regrets whatsoever. I would suggest you to anyone seeking advice. Geri, I hope I can have further readings when I need them. Thanks again, S.K
Dr. Geri's services are very accessible. Please contact Dr. Geri Toll-Free at 1-877-266-7337 (or call 604-649-5590) or email Dr. Geri at [email protected]
My experience with Geri goes back many years to the early 1990's, a time when I found myself at a crossroads in my life. A friend had recommended her for a reading, and I was so blown away by the reading that I committed to intensive weekly therapy in which Geri guided me through a process of self discovery in the unique way that only she can inspire. At the end of that time, I found my life deeply transformed and empowered to not only dream big dreams, but to act upon them.
Geri has an amazing ability to connect with people on a deep level and in a way that is free of judgement, is clear, loving and totally giving. Her generosity of spirit is a rare thing in this world full of self centered, narcisstic people, and is one of the things I love most about her. Geri taught me how to "show up" for life and for people, and what it means to be fully present emotionally, being the best person I can be.
Geri was (and is)one of my most important spiritual teachers and mentors. Eventually, our relationship evolved beyond the professional to the personal, and to this day we are sisters of the heart. I consider myself blessed to have crossed paths with her those long years ago, and to have her still in my life.
Posted by: Dina | January 07, 2008 at 08:37 AM