Transpersonal Therapist, Psychologist, Business Consultant, Psychic
Geri De Stefano, Ph.D. has been a practicing psychic, teacher and business consultant for 30 years in the United States and Canada.
Born in 1947 in Los Angeles, California, she attended Mt. St. Mary’s College for three years then transferred to the University of California at Berkeley where she majored in Environmental Design. In 1976, she attended Paideia University in San Francisco and was awarded a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She then attended Hawthorne University in San Francisco for post-graduate work in Psychology and Para-psychology. She was awarded a Ph.D. in 1981.
Throughout the 30 years, in addition to having a private psychic and therapeutic practice, she has used her skills in the business world with corporations and private individuals. Through her unique approach, psychically and therapeutically, she has been able to assist people in business to develop clearer strategies, enhanced communication with employees, and to facilitate conflict resolution sessions and the development of clear chain of command organizational skills.
Additionally, she has worked with many authors, artists, actors and musicians to assist them in dealing with creative blocks and personal development of psychic skills to enhance creativity.
Over the years, many diverse people have utilized Geri’s skills: lawyers, doctors, social workers, corporate CEO’s, housewives, therapists and devotees of various spiritual groups."Learning to use your psychic abilities can potentially give you an "edge", but you must be open and willing to use your ability in practical ways, as in business, in order for it to have any real value in your life."
- To book an appointment, call Toll Free 1-877-266-7337 [604-649-5590] or email Geri at [email protected].
"Being psychic does not necessarily lead an individual to higher spiritual awareness or the ability to manifest amazing results in the lottery, but, increased psychic awareness can make your life function a little smoother and a lot less stressfully."
"Personal empowerment always seems to be the key to eventual breakthroughs and transformation. This applies especially in business where people, by and large, are bright, creative and motivated to succeed. Their sense of personal power gave them the initial impetus to "risk it all" and move forward with their dream. AND, everyone has periods of "breakdown": those times when their own personal issues get in the way of their ability to manifest.
This is where I come in. By providing an outside "overview" that is neutral and perceptive to the deeper forces at work, I can assist the client to see the situation differently - and clearly."
Practical Psychism - The Basic Premise
Everyone has some psychic capability. There is nothing spooky or kooky about being psychic. AND, it’s not something that just "psychics" do!
Simply put, most humans have five functioning senses that assist them in surviving in the world: sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. For each one of those physical senses, we have psychic "back-up" senses: clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are the three most common psychic senses that most people utilize, with the psychic sense of taste and smell in there as well. These psychic back-up senses are there to assist you in survival on a different and more enhanced level.
John B. had had many readings from me over the months that I was working with him. He was a harried Deputy Director of a mid-sized agency that provided mental health services to the community. He chronically complained of being "burned-out" and stressed by his job. As a result, it was really affecting his personal life and his wife of 11 years was ready to leave. He was really at the end of his rope, both personally and professionally. He mentioned that the agency was considering bringing in an outside consultant to help them all figure out what the problems were. The agency itself was on the brink of financial ruin and interpersonal "warfare"! However, the agency didn’t really have the necessary funding for a consultant and they were all feeling a bit hopeless.
I "volunteered" to come in and see what I could do. I proposed that I could come in as a staff "counselor", assess all the individuals and recommend some strategies for healing this agency. That is if everyone were willing. I would charge a nominal hourly fee and if the process worked they could pay me a bonus out of their next funding cycle.
Everyone except the Executive Director gladly agreed. In my sessions with John I had already pinpointed the Director as a main part of the problem. But I was prepared for this resistance. I simply told John to let the Director know that he couldn’t possibly lose by allowing me to meet with him one time to talk about the agencies difficulties. I assured him that it would be very non-threatening and if he didn’t like the proposal or me no harm done! Additionally, all the information would be considered highly confidential and wouldn’t leak out into the community. At least, not from me!
I met with the Director, and as a psychic, I was very sensitive to his position and his energy. Here was a man who was clearly on the edge of a nervous breakdown! He presented a very controlled and business-like demeanor, but underneath, the man was a seething rage-aholic. I was very sympathetic and listened intently to everything he had to say. Finally, after about an hour, he relaxed a bit and said, "You know, this is the first time in a long time that anyone’s just listened to me rant and rave without being defensive or trying to talk me out of anything!" (This proved to be a huge key for my working with the agency!)
Clearly, he was feeling a bit better and we struck a deal!
I met with the entire staff in individual sessions. These sessions were a combination of psychic readings and therapy sessions. In all, I interviewed 12 staff members, the Exec Director, secretary and the janitor!
What emerged a picture of the classic dysfunctional family system! Each person in the agency was operating, from their own personal family structure, exactly the same way that they had operated in their families of origin.
The Executive Director was "Dad". In his family of origin (referred to as FO.) he was the first born male, expected to succeed, raised by an alcoholic father and a low-self-esteem mom (very co-dependent). He was the first of five children and cast into the role of protector quite young. His opinions were not acknowledged and he was "tracked" for college and success early on. Although he was not an alcoholic he did have a problem with cocaine and marijuana.
The Deputy Director was the "invisible" second son in his F.O. He was allowed to do pretty much as he wanted, since his older brother took the heat for success and approval. His older brother resented him for "getting away" with stuff and not having to endure the family pressures. In the agency, he pretty much could do what he wanted but had no real authority to make decisions. He also had an alcoholic raging father. However his mother was a strong and educated women who divorced his father. The Exec Director "resented" his deputy saying that he didn’t have to be totally responsible and also resented his ability to get along with other staff members. (the main percentage of staff being women)
The Secretary was a first born child in a family with two younger brothers. Her parents were both active alcoholics and she was cast in the role of caregiver to the entire family early on. She was the peacemaker in her F.O and in the agency as well. Highly co-dependent, she worked long hours for little pay in the hopes of making it all better for the staff. She was stressed, angry but all with a cheerful face.
Down the line, staff-wise, I found a classic 4th child, that is the joker or the scapegoat. He was the only male staff member. In his F.O he was also the 4th born and held that position in the family as well. The scapegoat is the good-natured buffoon who’s always making light of the situation to ease tensions. They also take the "heat" for why things don’t operate efficiently. He was constantly being cited for not completing paperwork, showing up late (he always had a GREAT story)
After I figured out what was going on I sat everybody down and diagrammed the agency structure using the "dysfunctional family" model as an overlay. Even though these were mental health care professionals and they dealt with this model day in and day out, they were too close to the dynamic to see how this played out in their workspace. After I completed this presentation there was only stunned silence. Right on cue our 4th son joker quipped, "Sounds like a therapy issue to me!" which, of course, broke the tension. What was decided at that session was that the staff would meet with me, once a week and we would continue to work on these family dynamics.
The following recommendations were made, by me, and with everyone’s consent, were followed through.
* "Dad" needed to get into recovery! Everyone knew instinctively, that he had a substance abuse problem but were too afraid to confront it. The Exec Director was actually relieved at having his cover blown and went into month long treatment program. He was afraid to admit to his chemical dependence and his perception of reality was people wouldn’t hear or acknowledge him. As a result, he overcompensated in his communication process with subordinates by issuing "dictums" that could and would be challenged. He had no idea on how to "enroll" people in a task. As part of the program his family and agency staff members attended special groups at the recovery center deal with co-dependent issues and to support him after treatment.
* Staff members were encouraged to understand their F.O roles and how those played out at work. They started working on boundary issues and effective communication.
* Weekly meetings were often conflict/resolution enabling individuals to communicate issues safely and realize that they were not going to "die" if they had a fight with someone!
* The staff instituted daily meditation groups to assist them in dealing with stress and to enhance their intuitive perceptions.
Oh! The janitor! He turned out to be a most interesting character! He came in after hours to clean and straighten up and was the most perceptive of the group. He was retired law professor who decided that he just wanted to do something simple with his time after he retired. described the staff as "sweet kids who work too hard and are constantly sniping at one another! I asked him how he knew that and he said, "I keep finding those fool post-its, crumbled up all over the office at night with all kinds of directions on them. Like, you have to do this, don’t forget that, or screw you! And I keep finding all kinds of fast food litter. So they don’t have time to eat and they’re eating junk! They’re a whole lot like my brood of kids and grand-kids!" That gave me a clear insight into some of the dynamics going on.
I’m happy to report that after 6 months of working with this agency they were all able to turn it around, personally and professionally and better serve the community. And, I received a very nice bonus! This was over 10 years ago. The agency still thrives and even though there’s been changes in the personnel, many of the strategies they developed then are still in place today.
You might ask yourself was this a therapeutic or psychic approach to the problem? It was both. Being a psychic allowed me to get deeper into the presenting dynamic and provide a safe environment for people to solve the issues. I am a therapist, trained to assess presenting problems and to assist in developing strategies for treatment and healing.
One of my clients co-owned a bookstore. She and her partner had been longtime friends and had participated in the same spiritual practice. My client, R. was baffled by the seeming strained cash flow that occurred every month. They both worked long hours, participated in numerous book fairs and had a steady stream of loyal customers. In a reading I gave R. I tuned in on her partner and asked if the partner did the bookkeeping. Indeed she did. I then told R. that her partner was embezzling funds, not very much at one time but steadily and consistently. I also went into deep detail on why this was happening. Apparently, her partner’s husband was demanding that she bring home more money for all the hours spent away from him. Rather than telling R. directly what was going on she decided a more covert method of increasing her salary. It was not R’s way to confront her partner directly so over the next 6 months she gradually assumed more control of the business finances. Meanwhile, she was very encouraging of her partner’s planned move to another State to begin her own book business.
She was very sad to receive this information and initially wouldn’t believe it. But as she assumed more control she realized that my perception was accurate and took the steps she needed to correct it.
Geri DeStefano-Webre, Ph.D.
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
Toll-free 1-877-266-7337
TEL: 604-649-5590
FAX: 604-733-8135
Email: [email protected]
Salt Spring Island, B.C. Office: 250-537-1820