Dr. Geri offers Telephone, Life and Situation Readings; Spiritual Emergence Therapy; Psytherapy; and Evening Talks & Workshops
Geri De Stefano-Webre, Ph.D., sometimes humorously known as "Dr. Psychic" is a much loved and internationally respected transpersonal therapist and intuitive who has made a life-long commitment to empowering people to BE humour and joy in their quest for enlightenment. Dr. Geri has worked for the last 35 years combining traditional, Western Psychology with intuitive and spiritual disciplines to assist people in creating a life they love! Her approach to life's challenges is practical, grounded and direct.
Dr. Geri is a resident of Vancouver, Canada and lives with her delightful husband and abler soul, Alfred Lambremont Webre, International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space and author of "Exopolitics: Politics, Law and Government in the Universe." She has 35 years of experience as a gifted psychic and transpersonal therapist. She has worked in the United States and Canada in the fields of drug treatment, adoption, business consulting, psychic development training and spiritual emergence. In 2000-2001 she developed and facilitated an Art Therapy Program for children at the request of the Liard First Nation in the Yukon Territories of Canada.
1 hour Situation Read: Fee, $120 includes CD for your use.
This reading tackles the questions and challenges of your present time and provides useable, practical strategies for moving through and beyond those challenges.
2 hour Life Reading: Fee: $175 includes CD for your use.
This process provides you with an overview of various systems and programs held in the physical and subtle bodies. You will be given an analysis of the aura, chakra system, in utero patterning, early childhood patterns, programs and trauma, past life imprints, karmic agreements and the health of the physical body. This session will provide you with a template for further, personal work. Included in the Life Reading is the Situation Read. This reading is a pre-requisite for the Basic Psychic Development Class.
FEES: I have made it a policy to consider all students irregardless of their financial situation. I take on a percentage of students in each class who I scholarship or with whom I arrange a work exchange. As a student’s situation improves they will be requested to contribute financially enabling other students to receive a scholarship benefit. By the time the Fall Seminar is enrolled all students are required, and more to the point, have created their lives such that they have a stable, material ground of being. This is essential
Telephone Readings
Dr. Geri conducts confidential telephone readings with clients
anywhere in North America and the world. These can be Life Readings,
Situation readings, Business and Corporate Consultations and other
For information about a telephone reading with Dr. Geri,
please call Toll-Free 1-877-266-7337 (or call 604-649-5590) or email
Dr. Geri at [email protected]
Life Readings
A Two hour session
This reading is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the main energy systems in your body. This will give you a clear analysis of the patterns and programs held in the aura and chakras that have arisen out of past-lives, birth and early childhood programming. The reading also provides you with clear and practical strategies for clearing these blocks and programs. The session also includes an astrological look at currents transits. All readings are recorded on CD.
The Situation Reading
1 Hour
This is an in-depth session
providing clarity and insight into current issues: relationships,
career, health, business. Includes CD.
Spiritual Emergence
Some people, at some point in their lives,
have or will have an extraordinary or incomprehensible experience that
will lead to "transcendence" or "psychosis." How to unravel the "event"
and function towards the transcendent is the outcome of these sessions!
PsiTherapy©, the integration of psychic and psychological modalities in ongoing transpersonal therapy sessions.
Evening Talks & Workshops
"Make Me Psychic!" - An Evening on Psychic Development with Dr Geri. By request
"Our Future Self" - Weekend Transpersonal Workshops. By request.
The reading I had with Geri was one of the most educating readings I have ever had. She gave me insights into why I have some of the behaviors I have today and why I do some of the things I do in my interactions with others. It was very valuable in that I now know I can change some of those things if I choose to do so. She touched on some things only I know about myself; no other psychic has ever mentioned some of those things, and again, I can now make some changes if I choose.
I can’t wait to hear what she has to say next month; I know it will be interesting and exciting…… I highly recommend her not only for her gift but for her caring and wonderful personality; I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet her and have her share her gift of knowing with me. Anyone who wants to know more about themselves must have a reading with Geri! YC Portland, Ore
My reading with Geri was probably the best one I've ever had. The way she interpreted the Tarot made so much sense to me and just "felt right". I so much enjoyed meeting and talking with her - she has so much information of interest to share. VJ, San Anselmo, Calif
My experience with Geri was very positive. I have recommended her to many of my friends and they were very pleased. I found her to be clear, direct and accurate. She also provided great insights into issues I was dealing with. I would definitely choose to have another reading with Geri. She is one of the BEST!! SK San Francisco, Calif
Dr. Geri's services are very accessible. Please contact Dr. Geri Toll-Free at 1-877-266-7337 (or call 604-649-5590) or email Dr. Geri at [email protected]
Website: http://www.drpsychic.net
Thank you.
Courtesy: www.heartpath.com
I felt I was mentally ill, where I can not analyze my personality or what should I do I can not understand myself please help me by Dr.
Posted by: fuad tushi | October 13, 2010 at 02:55 AM