Dateline: Southern California, “the 70's”
I still considered myself a “baby psychic” in those days. Trained but untried! By some quirk of fate I had been invited to a holistic healing centre down south to present workshops and do psychic readings. Over the months, this burgeoned into a thriving practice. Every month I would leave San Francisco, every month I would work, every month. . .the same guy would call me on the phone requesting that I come to his office and give him a reading! It wasn't my policy and for some reason I didn't feel comfortable with the “vibe”.
He called for 6 months. It got to be a kind of joke: he would make the request; I'd decline. I'd hang up and wonder what his game was.
He finally asked me what I was afraid of. That did it! What WAS I
afraid of? What was the worst that could possibly happen? Right?
I would find out eventually.
His secretary picked me up and delivered me to a Downtown, corporate building. It was 6pm and not a soul on the street. Up a private elevator and out into an oak paneled corridor, standing there was a very nice looking, middle-aged gentleman, well suited to his skin and his surroundings.
I trance, get some very strange signals and even stranger bits of information, begin to read and realize, after about 20 minutes, that not only has he not moved a muscle, he isn't blinking. (is that even humanly possible?) I tell him that I'm not getting the whole picture, let me re-trance and look again. (What I'm really thinking is: this guy has a BIG secret. . . let's take a peek)
There's a technique that I learned for “looking” at people's secrets, not an exact science but it sometimes leads to the right “area” of withhold).
My body suddenly became quite numb, my heart rate accelerated off the scale. I was very afraid. I wondered how I would deliver this information or if I even could. My training included making an agreement that whatever the information, I would deliver it because that was the Will of the Higher Being. The client needs to hear this.
There's ANOTHER technique I learned that enables you to “box” your fear
so that emotion doesn't interfere with information delivery.
I continued. “Your energy system is truly remarkable. Every one of your
chakras is in perfect alignment, which speaks to a very advanced level
of training. However, one chakra, the heart, is off to the left and
seriously out of alignment. I can understand this, however, given your
true occupation of being a high-level assassin.
He finally blinked. He shared with me that he had trained in India for over ten years and that he WAS a high level hit man. He said that his purpose for getting readings was to check his psychic shields and that clearly, if I could get through to his real profession, they needed work. He also said that he had had hundreds of readings over the last 20 years and that I was the only other person on the planet who knew what he did for a living.
I was afraid. . .VERY afraid.
He paid me then offered me a ride home. I declined. He insisted and I knew that I didn't have much of a choice.
A ride, which should have taken 10 minutes, stretched into an hour of banter, questions. Do you have family? Where do you live? On and on. I knew he was carefully deliberating my fate. Do I let her go or disappear her?
Finally he pulled up in front of my house and as I got out he wanted to know if I would be willing to read him again. Even as I said yes I was psychically saying NO! Don't EVER call me again!
I sat for a long time, shaking and trying to get a hold of myself.
There's another technique I learned that day. Made it up on the spot!! I “dumped” any identifying information from my brain, his name, how he looked, the location of his office. . .all of it.
That was the last I saw of him. I've often wondered about him. He was a man who looked unremarkable in the extreme. Nothing memorable except for the energy imprint he left in my psyche for all time.
Geri DeStefano-Webre, Ph.D.
Dr. Geri's services are very accessible. Please contact Dr. Geri Toll-Free at 1-877-266-7337 (or call 604-649-5590) or email Dr. Geri at [email protected]