A public affairs program on Exopolitics, updating relations between our human civilization and other intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.
Guest: Jim Sparks, author of The Keepers
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Listen to audio archive now (MP3) - originally broadcast May 26, 2007
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Alfred Lambremont Webre has written, "Jim Spark’s THE KEEPERS is vetted by competent scholars like Dr. John Mack and Linda Moulton Howe, and reads like the anthropology field notes of a great discoverer. THE KEEPERS documents Spark’s unique recall of an Extraterrestrial civilization’s human genetic-farming and educational outreach (aka “Abduction”) programs, as well as Sparks first hand witnessing of time travel teleportation technology (originally meant to solve humanity’s urgent environmental problems) apparently transferred by the same ETs to the U.S. Government, which has misused it for military-political purposes. Speaking through THE KEEPERS, the ETs give us an important public policy message: Public disclosure and sharing in this vital ET technology can come about through a South Africa-style Truth Amnesty process covering the criminal acts accompanying the 60 year public embargo of this ET technology. THE KEEPERS is a work of importance to Exopolitics and to our human future."
The late Dr. John Mack has written on Jim Sparks experiences as described in April 1997:
"Jim Sparks found out he had been inducted into a kind of "alien boot camp," a school of training and testing that made heavy use of riddles, ambiguity, paradox and symbolization. The purpose of his school seems to be two-fold: to create a hybrid race as an "insurance policy" for the future and to awaken us to our mindless destructiveness, so that we may halt the devastation we are bringing to Earth.
He is unwavering in his conviction that we must heed the beings' warnings in order to stop the destruction of the environment and the death of the planet."
-Dr. John E. Mack John E. Mack Institute
The South African Amnesty, on the surface, appeared impressive, but the average person is still basically a slave to the power elite, which the oppressors represented. So what good was the amnesty other than making some people feel good for a while?
The hiding of advanced technology had everything to do with maintaining power and control over the populace. Claiming national security and that the people weren't ready for ET contact were simply ways of justifying the power grab.
Your proposal could be interpreted as buying amnesty with advanced technology? Amnesty will only work and be fair if those requesting amnesty face off with those whom they've tortured and their families. Otherwise, it's giving them a free pass and makes amnesty a farce.
If your reptilian ETs were even half as smart as you claim, surely they would have figured out long ago that the Elite were stringing them along regarding first contact; moreover, they would have known better than to present such an amnesty farce.
Posted by: g7enn | April 15, 2010 at 03:11 PM
Is it not just a little bit too coincidental that Iceland has this volcanic eruption just after they assert some soverighty and refuse to give money to central banks? It sounds like a HAARP atack to me. What does Lauren think about that?
HARRP must be able to be monitored by terrestrial based directional receiver/monitors of some sort to determine how the scalar waves are generated and directed, that should not be so difficult, is it not happening?
enjoyed your presentation at Camelot that got cut short. Would like to see the info on center of universe wavefrom that has to do with frequency time multiplication, I th9ink it was in a Mayan calendar article somewhere.
Posted by: joab kuninj | April 18, 2010 at 12:25 AM
Amnesty looks like a good idea, an insight even, but is it?
Ask yourself how could this EVER come about. In order to have an amnesty bill there has to be a stated logic and reason for it. If you state your reasons you are already confessing to the crimes from which you want protection. And you have to do that *before* the protection is in place. The consequence is that you will get fried. This logic is surely apprarent to those who need amnesty - hence they won't push for it. If they dont push fo4r it, who will? The victims? The dead-in-the-head sheeple who don't even know the issue exists? The readership of Jim Sparks book? Amnesty is not a good idea and it is no insight, it just has the momentary appearance of being so. I cannot see any way it can actually happen.
Posted by: adrian | October 15, 2010 at 08:25 AM
Perfect!..I love your article..Interesting!It's very informative very great post!*_*
Posted by: ghd IV Styler | November 28, 2010 at 11:28 PM