Sacred Encounters is the culmination of 13 years of research bringing together the psychology of close encounters, spiritual experience, and the ultimate human experience enlightenment.
Eastern mystics have sought enlightenment for millennia, enshrining it in ancient lineages. Yet few Westerners realize that these same gurus have long been communicating with so-called alien beings. Moreover, alien beings appear to be facilitating Unity consciousness on our planet. Startling evidence establishing this connection will be revealed relating to Sufi, Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
Already the current surge of "subtle realm" encounters has unveiled the hidden dimension that surrounds us " the realm of angels and aliens." Yet while UFOlogy fails to address the spiritual significance of such experiences, Sacred Encounters explores their human potential. Dr. Colli believes that those among us who sense the subtle realms herald a critical stage in human evolution. Subtle realm experiences are ushering in an era when close encounters, non-local communication and travel will be un-exceptional. Sacred Encounters prepares the modern world for our next evolutionary leap.
Sacred Encounters presents psychological research and case studies such as “Hayley,” who demonstrates the transition from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to interspecies communicator. Trace her developmental process as she learns to transform her terror. Discover the pivotal role so-called aliens are playing in the transformation of human consciousness � from those who are living it, firsthand.A conversation with Janet Colli, PhD.
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Part II: Duration 28 minutes
I can't seem to play part 2 of this interview. could someone look into this and let me know when it's back up?
Keep up the great EXOPOLITICAL work :)
Posted by: Rowan | June 22, 2006 at 10:59 AM
OK- it's working now.. disregard the previous post!
Very interesting interview. I'm really enjoying these!
Posted by: Rowan | June 22, 2006 at 11:04 AM
know in thyself and all one self-same soul; banish the dream that sunders part from whole.
Posted by: Billy Guilfoyle | June 23, 2006 at 01:28 AM