Living Platform for a New Earth Community -
Hello. I am Alfred Lambremont Webre. As many of you know, in 2014 I founded - Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram.
In 2014, I asked you to Support My Initiative to be an Earth's Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council, with a living platform in the areas of: (1) Truth & Disclosure; (2) New Energy, Teleportation & Time Travel; (3) Implementation of teleportation as a global, national, regional and local transportation system, (4) Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights, (5) Secure Online Direct Democracy at the local, regional, national, and global level, (6) Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility like air, water or electricity, (7) Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person on the planet, for life. (8) World Debt Forgiveness, (9) Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide, (10) Criminalization of the war industry, (11) Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims, including (12) Planning and implementing environmental war attacks including geo-engineering, weather warfare, HAARP, chemtrails, EMF and scalar weapons, Transhumanist robotization and genocide of humanity, famine, vaccines, GMO foods, DNA manipulation and more.
Since 2014, I have shared this Living Platform for a New Earth with my fellow humanity on the planet, and I have probable cause and reason to believe that on or about October 9, 2019 [Earth time], a membership of the regional Galactic Governance Council including the Pleiadians, the Alpha Centaurians, the Sirians, and others approved my position as Representative to the Council on behalf of Earth.
In January 2019 I experienced a strange prophetic-like dream in which a wise woman in my family home in Brownsville, Texas, USA was sharing instructions with me on how to run a campaign for US President in 2020, and following the external guidance of this dream on November 25, 2019 I announced a Candidacy for U.S. President in 2020, based on the Living Platform for a New Earth.
Now, as of December 8, 2019, I have come to realize, that the Living Platform for a New Earth is not limited to one nation on Earth out of 195 nations on Earth. Rather, the Living Platform for a New Earth is for planet New Earth and a renewed, Ascended Humanity as a whole outside of the framework of the system of nations, which itself is an archaic system imposed by external exopolitical forces to divide and conquer humanity and henceforth is impractical for planetary living and peaceful sustainability.
Therefore I have suspended any 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign, and am morphing all of its support and energy into the
Living Platform for a New Earth Community at:
Living Platform for a New Earth Community is open to networking and participation by any and all ethical Human Souls of Good Will genuinely and authentically committed to the principles enunciated in the Living Platform for a New Earth.
Open Online Meetings - Starting in 2020
Living Platform for a New Earth will hold Open Online meetings:
In English - Every Third Saturday of the Month, starting Saturday January 18, 2020 at 2pm Pacific time/5pm Eastern time/10pm UTC-GMT
In Spanish - Every Third Sunday of the Month, starting Sunday January 19, 2020 at 2pm Pacific time/5pm Eastern time/7pm Argentina time/10pm UTC-GMT
Online Location of Meeting: ExopoliticsTV:
Reservations: 90 Places can be reserved on a first-come first served basis for a parallel Zoom platform to the online Meeting at ExopoliticsTV. To reserve your Place at the Zoom platform for a specific Living Platform for a New Earth online meeting, please email [email protected] at least 10 days prior to the meeting
Thank you.
In Light and Life, Alfred
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Living Platform for a New Earth Community
Email: [email protected]
Skype: peaceinspace
Tel: +001-604-733-8134
CLICK HERE TO $DONATE to the support of Living Platform for a New Earth Community. No amount is too small. [Donations are not charity tax-deductible].
Living Platform for a New Earth Community
I am Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, a Futurist born on May 24, 1942 at the U.S. Naval station Hospital, Pensacola, Florida, USA. I am campaigning for the office of U.S. President in the November 3, 2020 election.
My 2020 Campaign seeks (1) to block Donald John Trump from our White House and the U.S. Presidency, as I have concluded Trump is the 666 AntiChrist predicted by Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation and will cause catastrophic harm to America and our Earth. Please click here to review the detailed reasons for my conclusions.
(2) As U.S. President, I will implement a Living Platform for a Renewed America and a New Earth. My platform includes implementation of:
Truth & Disclosure
New Energy, Teleportation & Time Travel
Teleportation as a global, national, regional and local transportation system
Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights
Secure Online Direct Democracy at the local, regional, national, and global level
Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility like air, water or electricity available for creative investment at public money utilities.
Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person on the planet, for life.
World Debt Forgiveness – Global forgiveness of all public and private debts – a world bankruptcy for a bankrupt system and an end to the debt – fiat money prison system.
Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide
Criminalization of the war industry
Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims
You can review each item of my Platform in greater detail by clicking here.
Who is Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal contributions have been (1) the year 2000 founding the science of Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 co-discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, and (3) promulgation of the Positive Future Equation though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth.
A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale & Univ of Texas), served as General Counsel of the NYC EPA, War Crimes Judge on the Kuala Lumpur and 9/11 War Crimes Tribunals, United Nations Outer Space & Peace representative, and directed the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute. Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM and Vancouver Coop Radio, co-produced the 1987 Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio program between Russia and the United States in history, and has been featured on CBC, CBS, CNN, TruTV, PressTV, and other networks.
For more information on our 2020 US Presidential Campaign, please contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Skype: peaceinspace
November 25, 2019
Alfred 2020: Block 666 AntiChrist Donald John Trump from our White House. Vote for a Living Platform for a Renewed America and a New Earth.