POWER ANIMAL: the snake
Situations that we will experience
(02 to 29 de may 2021)
- During this period of time, you will release karmic emotions.
- You will remove from your life, all those emotions that do not let you move forward (a partner that does not work, a job that does not make you happy, free people from your family who have left and whose grief has cost you to overcome; cancel money debts old; forgive some person or situation in your life; release emotions of selfishness, materialism, jealousy, possessiveness, attachments, that hold you back on your way).
- During this Moon, you will release mental patterns, behavior patterns and habits that make you ill, so that you can go towards your new energy vibration, fresher and renewed.
- That karmic release, you can experience it in everyday life, or in your dreams (while you sleep).
- The Power Animal associated with this Moon is the SERPENT. What you must learn from this animal is that it "sheds its skin" in order to grow.
- If the snake does not shed its skin, it will not develop and will become ill.
- The snake will teach you that you must leave behind your old skin, your old self, your dense energy; so that you can go towards the new; towards the materialization of your life mission; on the Moon 13.
- In these 28 days, the serpent will teach you that, if you want to materialize the mission of your soul, on moon 13, you must free yourself of all those emotions, which are an obstacle, in your personal growth.
- It is a moon, which radiates light, enlightenment, health, real service towards the environment (being of service to others).
- It is a period to externalize stagnant emotions, which you must already let go of.
- We will experience emotions, to release them.
- The emotional release of this moon: it involves taking off a heavy backpack, which will allow you to travel lighter (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually), towards Moon 13.
- Moon 11 is related to everything you have experienced on Moon 3 and 7.
- You will be filled with renewed emotions, which will allow you to fully experience the next Moon 12 (of the rabbit) !!
I wish you a happy and harmonious release of stagnant emotions. To achieve the flight of the soul, on Moon 13 (of the Tortoise).