"We are approaching the time of the conflict of The False Prophet versus the AntiChrist." Apocryphal quotation by Pope Francis
Pope Francis vs. Donald J. Trump is actually The False Prophet (Revelation 19-20) versus 666 The AntiChrist (Revelation 13)
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
PEACE PORTAL ARCH, WA - Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis with a hermeneutic consciousness as "The False Prophet", as defined in Revelation chapter 19, first reached out to expose Donald John Trump (whose gematria is 666) as the AntiChrist of Chapter 13 of Revelation on February 16, 2016, saying "Donald Trump is not Christian" for building walls and not bridges between people.
Chapter 19, verses 19-20 of Revelation state, referring to Pope Frances,"19. Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur."
Chapter 13, verses 11-18 of Revelation state, referring to Donald J. Trump, "The Beast out of the Earth
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.
12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.
14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
On February 18, 2016, Donald J. Trump, most probably with the covert consciousness of 666 the AntiChrist, responded to Pope Francis public rebuke from the U.S. Presidential campaign, where he was a candidate for U.S. President. Trump stated, "If the day that the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, the Pope would only wish that wish and pray that Donald Trump is U.S. President."
This conscious battle between two archetypal, prophecized world leaders is not acknowledged more publicly in open civil discourse and reported more widely in public media because of a powerful clandestine international network dedicated to hide this reality in plain sight.
On November 20, 2019, NewsInsideOut.com broadcast a hermeneutic, Exopolitical, and Soul analysis of Donald J. Trump that exposed Trump as the Revelation Chapter 13 666 AntiChrist.
A hermeneutic, Exopolitical, and Soul analysis of Donald J Trump - Gary Peter Carlson
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO with Alfred Lambremont Webre
Donald J. Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast
On October 7, 2019, the following compilation of Donald J. Trump Mark of the Beast appeared online:
Donald J. Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast
By: The HyperTexts
(Super thread)
Is Donald J. Trump the Beast of Revelation? Why does the number 666 keep turning up ― over & over again ― where Trump & his family are concerned, as documented extensively in this thread?
The Bible predicts that the Antichrist ("the man of sin") will claim to be God & thus the true King of Israel (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10).

Even if Trump is not THE ANTICHRIST, he may be one of many antichrists: "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." (1 John 2:18)

The Bible clearly warns us that we will know we are in the last days by the appearance of many Antichrists. And who has ever been less like Jesus Christ than Donald Trump? Furthermore, his connections to the number 666 are numerous, startling & disturbing.
Also, as explained in detail later in this thread the infamous Trump Tower meeting was arranged on June 6, 2016 = 6-6-6, as documented by emails between Donald Trump Jr. & Rob Goldstone (who was acting as an agent for the "Crown prosecutor of Russia").
Three days later, on June 9, 2016 = 6-9-6, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner & Paul Manafort had a backdoor meeting with Russian government agent Natalia Veselnitskaya, in which the evil deal was negotiated.
Trump then tweeted this about Vladimir Putin:
"A guy calls me a genius & they want me to renounce him? I’m not going to renounce him."
The Grand Havana Room is suite #39, & that is 3 times an inverted 6, or 666. The participants were Paul Manafort, Rick Gates & Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian military intelligence agent whose nickname was "Kostya, the guy from the GRU."
The three men met in secret & left by different doors. That meeting goes "very much to the heart of what the special counsel's office is investigating [i.e., collusion]," prosecutor Andrew Weissmann told a federal judge in a sealed statement.
It is also important to note that the Russian military intelligence agent Guccifer 2.0 had a code name created by combining Gucci & Lucifer. Gucci is the Trump Tower's largest tenant. Lucifer is the enemy of God & the Father of Lies.
The Mueller Report
"When Trump's self-appointed protector, Attorney General William Barr, refused to release the full Mueller Report to the American people & instead issued only a very brief four-page summation, an immediate question was: "How long is the real report?"
Trump the Animal Hater
"Just when we think Trump can't sink any lower, he does. He actually called it "phony" to walk a dog! And he's an equal opportunity animal hater, being the first president not to have pets of any kind.
Suffer the Children...
"What do you think Jesus would say about the Trump administration ripping thousands of children from their mothers' breasts?
From Trump's Own Lips
Trump loves to parade around, waving his Bible & preaching sermons to gullible Christians. But he is a mocker, not a believer, & he is convicted by his own words...
Trump's Betrayal of Israel
The Bible warns us that the Antichrist will pretend to "befriend" Israel, only to betray her.
Trump's New World Order
Trump is creating a New World Order that threatens Israel.
(ST: The New World Order will be complete upon the destruction of all religion, ending with Zionism vs. Islam.)
Beware the Ruler of this World
The Bible warns us to beware of the Ruler of this World.
Gog & Magog
How can Christians be surprised that Trump's connections to Russia & godless communism are proving to be all too real?
Ezekiel prophesied that the Sovereign Lord would set his face against the "prince of Rosh (Russia), Meshek (Moscow) & Tubal."
(ST: "Rosh" was added to the New Version Bibles, made after the KJV & headed by 2 occultists Westcott & Hort)
Trump enthusiastically supports Putin, which makes him part of the conspiracy against Israel.
(ST: They're all interconnected via Zionism, a mere Branch from the Tree of Knowledge)
To be a Christian is to do what Jesus would do. Would Jesus Christ abandon Israel, the Crimea, & Russian Christians to a murderous thug like Putin?
(ST: The only Israel Jesus cares about are the ones in Diaspora that are the Born Again Christians & the 144,000)
Getting back to the number 666...
On the day Trump allowed the Nunes memo to be published—in a blatant attempt to smear the FBI & destroy public confidence in the bureau's integrity—the stock market dropped 666 points.

Joseph Edward Davies was the third husband of Marjorie Merriweather Post, the socialite who built the Mar-a-Lago resort. The Davies family has considered suing Trump over the stolen coat of arms, according to BBC & New York Times articles.

On October 28, 2016 the FiveThirtyEight website had Trump with a 66.6 percent chance of winning the election in Utah, the citadel of Mormonism.
Blood in the Streets:
Mormon religion is Freemasonry.
The oil-rich nations surrounding Israel have a lot more money & influence than Israel. Trump had already reneged on his promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
(ST: Yet it happened)
The information above is confirmed by the website of the Kushner Companies, on the 666 Fifth Avenue link.
Jared Kushner has released plans for a new skyscraper at 666 Fifth Avenue. Designed by Zaha Hadid, the proposed tower has been described as a "giant penis" & a "giant crystal dildo."
The 666 building is home to Lucent (Lucifer) Technologies & its RFID microchip (the Mark of the Beast). Lucent has technologies called Inferno, Styx & Limbo.
As reported by

, the Trump family is also in the process of building a $666 million tower at One Journal Square. According to

& Jersey City Upfront, the height of the tower will be 666 feet.
The financing for the One Journal Square tower has been arranged through Santander Bank (Satan, no kidding!). You can easily confirm these details with Google searches.

On the same date, 6-6-6, a TruthDig article was titled "The Eve of Destruction." The Barry McGuire song "Eve of Destruction" begins "The eastern world it is exploding!" Trump vows to make the Middle East explode.
On June 6, 2016 = 666 = Donald Trump Jr. exchanged emails & phone calls with Rob Goldstone & Emin Agalarov,
The "dirt" would come from "the Crown prosecutor of Russia" who had met personally with Aras Agalarov to provide the "dirt."
Veselnitskaya would later describe herself as an "informant" to the office of the Russian prosecutor general, Yury Chaika.
This is also the time Roger Stone predicted that Trump would "destroy" Hillary Clinton.
Irakly "Ike" Kaveladze,
Anatoli Samachornov
Rinat Akhmetshin, a former Soviet counterintelligence officer suspected of "having ongoing ties to Russian Intelligence."
Hope Hicks, who had been with Trump Sr. when he dictated the false account, resigned immediately after testifying that she had told "white lies" for Trump Sr.
Sean Hannity has been called the American with the most influence over Donald Trump.
As Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, explained: "Make no mistake, the extreme right considers many people their threat, but it always, always, always comes back to the Jews."
Well, his father was arrested at a KKK rally & the KKK is also virulently anti-Jewish. And Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon, is an admirer of Satan & Lenin:
I'm a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, & that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, & destroy all of today's establishment. ― Stephen K. Bannon
Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. ― Stephen K. Bannon
"I have no reaction. The mayor's living on a cot, & I hope the President has a good day of golf."
This was the response of Russel Honoré, the retired general appointed by Bush to take over the federal response to Katrina in 2005.
Beastly Behavior?
And what about Donald Trump's creepy, incestuous-sounding comments about his daughter Ivanka?

The next year, 2004, Trump told Howard Stern that it was okay to call his daughter "a piece of ass."
Trump: "My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka."
Stern: "By the way, your daughter…"
Trump: "She's beautiful!"
Stern: "Can I say this? A piece of ass."
Trump: "Yeah."
The same year, Trump said: "Let me tell you one thing: Ivanka is a great, great beauty. Every guy in the country wants to go out with my daughter!"
Is this how a father embraces his daughter?
Yes, it would be terrible, because we all know what Trump does on his dates, as attested by porn stars & other women.

I like watchin' the puddles gather rain.
And all I can do is just pour some tea for two,
And speak my point of view but it's not sane.
It's not sane.

By: The HyperTexts
(Super thread)
Is Donald J. Trump the Beast of Revelation? Why does the number 666 keep turning up ― over & over again ― where Trump & his family are concerned, as documented extensively in this thread?
Its really not, perhaps the pope but def not trump.
Posted by: luke | 01 November 2020 at 16:14
It's not Trump.
Posted by: Beast | 05 May 2020 at 05:34