Sébastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality Webinar with Alfred Lambremont Webre
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PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – Sebastien Martin is a Canadian serial entrepreneur, born in France, who has built international health food brands for over a decade with offices in the USA, Canada, the UK and New Zealand.
In November of 2011, Sebastien had a close encounter of a 5th kind with a Stellar being living in a 5th dimensional reality in his living room and had communications with him and the rest of his Star family ever since, receiving frequent and powerful ‘downloads’ all aimed to raise our consciousness and change our vibration.
This one of a kind disturbing experience has forced Sebastien to resort to the services of a hypnotherapist to help him with the anxiety arising from life-changing encounter as well as prophetic visions he had as a child.
Detailed memories were extracted from these sessions, providing critical information about the Galactic Alliance agenda, split souls, human consciousness and much more.
More recent visits involving 11th-dimensional beings reinforced Sebastien’s beliefs to pursue this mission and share it with the public.
Please visit Sebastien Martin’s Facebook Page.
Since his initial interviews from a year ago, Sébastien has developed new faculties, working with organizations in the field of Remote Viewing, which led him to discover an agenda larger than he anticipated, involving the Men in Black, the Secret space program as well as an understanding of old technologies discovered on Earth, such as Stargates and portals. Due to his work, Sebastien has been the subject to intense psychic attacks between Canada and the USA.
Sebastien has now set up a platform to help Starseeds around the world but also offers a free platform to network all singled out specialty domains such as alternative medicine, alternative energy, UFO disclosure, consciousness work, etc. to make people realize that a new society or perhaps a new civilization could arise from all of these ideas.
Sebastien Martin’s Facebook Page
Official NSUHO Facebook Page
Sebastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality
Webinar with Alfred Lambremont Webre
Watch now on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/mTSlX
EXOPOLITICS.COM VERSION: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2018/05/s%C3%A9bastien-martin-my-multidimensional-experiences-why-i-am-helping-starseeds-how-i-discovered-that-a-new-civilization-cou.html
Recommended Reading
Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators
Watch now on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/hqwNC
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
[email protected]
Es sind Verbrecher (oft aus den USA) die stolz sind auf ihre Verbrechen.
Leute die wie in einem rassistischen und psychofaschistisch politischen und ultrabrutalen fundamentalistischem Wahn sind.
Sie haben das Gute aus dieser Welt gelöscht.
Jetzt geschehen nocheinmal Verbrechen.
Alle Bewohner des ganzen Universums werden darunter leiden. Hohe Erkenntnisse und gute göttliche Wesen wurden gelöscht.
Posted by: lemid | 18 May 2019 at 09:25
Als ich alte Weisheit versuchte merkte das da wirklich unter grauenhaften Umständen Menschen umkamen. Asiaten und Europäer die weise und intelligent waren.
Ich werde von so einem Mörder Abschaum verfolgt und misshandelt. Oder von einem Lord der diese Ausrottungen befohlen hat.
Auch Universal weit verschwanden wichtige Elemente und wichtige Werke des Guten.
Hört auf Menschen aus Asien zu misshandeln.
Diese Personen spielen brutale Spiele.
Auch wurden scheinbar mehrere bewohnte Planeten vernichtet.
Viele Verbrechen werden über das Denken und Hirne Anderer Unschuldiger Personen abgewickelt, Somit die Täter ihre Verbrechen verstecken.
Posted by: lemid | 18 May 2019 at 09:16