From Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Date July 22, 2017
Abrogate This! SIGN PETITION TO US PRESIDENT - End Greada Treaty & End Pedocriminal Matrix on Earth
Read Letter & Sign Petition
Here is the context.
(1) Kevin Annett and I were fellow talk show hosts at Vancouver Coop Radio for several years and my program MONDAY BROWNBAGGER ended at 1 pm and his program HIDDEN FROM HISTORY started at 1 pm so we would greet each other outside the studio.
(2) A Bilderberger staged a takeover of Coop Radio's FM frequencies, and all Truth-oriented programs were thrown off the air including mine and Kevin's.
(3) I started Exopolitics Radio & ExopoliticsTV and Kevin approached me to cover his ITCCS. Mel Ve, founder of CCN-TV later testified that Kevin told her in Holland that he did not respect me but was just using me to get to my media audience.
(4) As documented in my recent memoir JOURNEY [available at] I am a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse and was targeted at the age of 7 by a Pedocriminal ring in rural Cuba led by a member of the Danish underground that repeatedly raped me. As a child I attended a Benedictine boarding school where some monks were transferred for sexually abusing children. Therefore I have endeavoured (a) to provide media coverage to issues of pedocriminal abuse, and (b I have tended to go the extra mile in providing media coverage of Pedocriminal activity as an adult.
5) Kevin's witnesses of Pedocriminal activity in the Canadian Aboriginal residential schools provided genuine and accurate historical testimony of Pedocriminal predation there by Catholic Church staff.
Therefore our news agency WAS correct in broadcasting these testimonies of Aboriginal victims!
(6) Kevin was apparently not following through with rigorous Tribunal procedures with the Jurors he had named on his website and in his emails. Kevin was clever enough in covering this up that one would not know this unless one spoke directly to the Jurors.
(7) Two Jurors in Vancouver came forward and were courageous enough to go on the air and testify that the trials of Queen Elizabeth & Pope Benedict Ratzinger that Kevin had published on his website had never taken place.
(7) Kevin immediately threatened an ITCCS grand jury proceeding in front of my house, which I collectively rented with 3 families including a family with school-aged children, and accused me of being an agent of the Mafia. All this was a diversion.
(8) Therefore WAS correct in broadcasting Kevin's improper Tribunal proceedings as an official of the so-called ITCCS.
(9) The following is a review by the eminent jurist Judge Anita Von Reitz of the conduct of the coverage of Kevin and ITCCS. Judge von Reitz concludes that I handled the case properly, morally & legally.
(10) Correspondence with Judge Anna M. von Reitz re Kevin Annett & ITCCS
Turning Your News Inside Out
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD
Date: Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Kevin Annett
To: Anna von Reitz
Cc: Parmjit Nahil
February 25, 2017
Dear Judge von Reitz and Parmjit Hi! Thank you for writing. I hope I can do justice to the issue of Kevin Annett. I ran into Kevin about a month ago here in Vancouver, BC at a talk by former deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellyer, and Kevin turned his back on me at the entranceway, loudly proclaiming to the entering audience for effect: "I will never shake your hand." Rather dramatic, as Kevin likes to be.
I see that Judge von Reitz raises legal due process issues (which were dispositive for me), and Parmjit raises issues of an "interpersonal dispute", which may be part of a complex dynamic that may have included COINTELPRO interference with ITCCS and Kevin Annett himself. Both legal issues and possible COINTELPRO issues may be relevant to resolution.
Kevin Annett, whom I had first known since about 2002 as a fellow radio talk show host at Vancouver Coop Radio, approached me and asked me to be a Judge on the sometime around 2012. As at the time I was a Judge of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, involved in trying a series of cases against Tony Blair and George W. Bush and his cabinet for war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan & Guantanamo, I declined for lack of time [See].
Kevin then approached me to do public interest news video updates with him on ITCCS, which I did periodically 2012-2015. Toward the end of 2015, several streams of events converged:
- Kevin Annett began the trial of Pope Francis Bergoglio for alleged ritual child sacrifice as part of his Ninth Circle Papal induction ceremonies.
- A number of the female volunteers at ITCCS from differing parts of the planet [Australia, England, Canada] separately came to me to complain of sexual harassment toward them by Annett at the workplace.
- Two jurors named on the ITCCS website, Alex Hunter, the son of one of Canada’s most distinguished investigative journalists (himself murdered) and an Aboriginal elder who had been named as an ITCCS juror approached me at to testify that (1) no trials of Elizabeth Windsor or Pope Benedict XVI [Ratzinger] ever took place; (2) as Jurors they were never called to examine evidence, even though they were named on the ITCCS website as having sat as Jurors.
Excerpt from our article, “ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, accompanied by residential school survivor Wa7tsek of the Burrard First Nations Band, stated that Kevin Annett did not convene a Tribunal for a 2012 trial of Pope Ratzinger, UK Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Canadian Prime Minister Harper and others for child genocide and child trafficking of First Nations children in Canada.
“Kevin Annett never served any Jury Notices, Evidence, Instructions, or held a 2012 trial in which he (Alex Hunter) or his fellow Jurors participated, says ITCCS and International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) former ‘juror’ Alex Hunter.
“I found out about the so-called 2012 trial of the “Dirty Thirty” (UK Queen, Pope Ratzinger, Prime Minister Harper and others) from the verdicts that Kevin Annett was issuing via email and on the ITCCS website. Kevin Annett is a screen writer and we are characters in his fictional court, trials and verdicts.”
You can view the video statements of the two Jurors, Alex Hunter & Wa7tsek in the following article:
“BREAKING NEWS! ITCCS Juror: No 2012 trial held of UK Queen & Pope Ratzinger. “Trial” was a Kevin Annett fabrication”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Subsequent investigation as a result to direct eye witness testimony by numerous citizen supporters of ITCCS from a Facebook support group that I in good faith founded, by Mel Ve, director of CCN-TV, and cross-examination of Kevin Annett by myself, that:
- There was no formal International Tribunal into Crimes of Church & State, and that Kevin Annett himself was fraudulently creating fictitious Tribunal orders and procedures through bogus email accounts of a non-existing Tribunal Court Clerk under a pseudonym.
- There were no offices of the ITCCS in Brussels, and the address given by Annett for the Tribunal was in fact the Brussels offices of Interpol, which had to administrative connection to ITCCS.
- Female volunteers came forward to testify that there was sexual harassment of female ITCCS volunteers and administrative improprieties by Annett as director of ITCCS. In his defense, Kevin Annett claimed these women were police agents or COINTELPRO agents. By the evidence, Annett’s counterclaims are not credible.
Parmjit seemed particularly interested in the possibility of a reconciliation. In fact, Alanna Hartzok, a Democratic U.S. Congressional candidate in Pennsylvania did offer to mediate a resolution of this public dispute, an offer that I accepted and Annett refused. One must wonder why.
Here is an article summarizing the mediation attempt:
“US Democratic Congressional candidate Hartzok attempts mediation: Webre accepts, Annett rejects”
There are many positive aspects to Kevin Annett’s life work around the general issue of exposing the abuses of residential schools in Canada and global pedocriminal circles in churches, governments, corporations and elsewhere. Kevin Annett is also a controversial individual.
By his own admission Kevin Annett functionally committed judicial fraud in that he created the public impression that a Tribunal of Conscience existed in Brussels and Canada where in fact none existed.
Compared to the evils of organized global pedocriminal pedosexual rings, that may be miniscule.
However, in matters of law, especially Tribunals of Conscience where community trust and the operation of natural law go hand in hand, that discrepancy is no small matter in my opinion.
I hope my letter is of some help. Please let me know if I can help further.
I am always open to mediate a peace.
Best wishes, Alfred
Mobile 604-603-5422
Recent NewsInsideOut articles on Pizzagate:
Ole Dammegard exposes pedocriminal tunnel holding children at WVA Droop Mountain Museum
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaut: Expose Pizzagate & global pedocriminal pedosexual networks now!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[Copy attached]
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Anna von Reitz wrote:
Parmjit, I am absolutely sure that the Roman Catholic Church has perpetrated both vast good and vast evil. For generations the Pope has acted as both the leader of Christendom AND the leader of Satanic worship by occupying a double office and acting as the Pope on one hand and as the pagan Roman Pontiff on the other.
"No man can have two Masters...."
It is possible that Kevin Annett is well-intentioned and genuine---- possible, I will grant. I just don't see the hard evidence supporting his specific allegations. The evidence there is appears to be equally well-explained by the wildfires and plagues of communicable diseases that swept Western Canada during the same time period as the Residential School were operated. I don't understand why Kevin isn't pursuing all the churches that supposedly committed these same atrocities and ran Residential Schools. And, last, but not least---- I know Alfred Lambremont Webre (excuse me I forget the correct spelling of his name without it in front of me) to be an honest journalist--- so maybe start with him.
I have included Alfred's email contact address in the address line so that you can contact him directly yourself and ask him about his coverage of the fake juror story and related reports.
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Parmjit Nahil wrote:
It was so nice of you to respond to my plea regarding Kevin Annett. I was rapt about it and have taken time and the respect it deserves to see if I could come up with anything.
Knocking on doors of Kevin’s gatekeepers hasn’t so far elicited any responses so (an indirect) 2-way dialogue has not been possible.
I’ve been looking more closely at his stuff and cogitating, comparing what he is saying with stuff that I’ve read or seen evidence for from other sources. We both agree that the Catholic Church have a lot to answer for and I totally see where you are coming from as an impartial judge.
However my delving a bit deeper has only strengthened my view that Kevin is a genuine man I have no idea what went on with Alfred Webre, Kevin and the jurors. That is something only direct contact might, if we are lucky, give us a clue - although not necessarily:
I was the oldest of 3 siblings and when they fought, I could never see ‘who started it’. As a result my brother continued use the strategy where he would bash my sister and then look totally innocently at me. He knew the tactics that worked. He apologised to sis when he was in his forties. So I totally understand the thing about having a body of proof but I would wager that the Catholic Church is a mite more devious even than that 6 year old was.
So here are my thoughts and cogitations. I’m sure it’ll be all too familiar to you but in case anything sparks off a need for further delving, let me know
Thanks again
From: Anna von Reitz
Sent: 16 February 2017 20:27
To: Parmjit Nahil
Subject: Regarding Kevin Annett
Sorry it has taken a while to get through my email roster and reply to your plea regarding Kevin Annett and his work.
I became suspicious of Kevin and his motives when, about three years after he broke the story about genocide at Indian Residential Schools in Canada, he still hadn't come up with any hard evidence to back up all that he was saying and he inexplicably changed his attack from a logical complaint against ALL the various churches and groups that had allegedly participated in these atrocities to a single-minded concentration on the Roman Catholic Church.
Surely, my own complaints about and to the Roman Catholic Church stand as testimony to my own dissatisfaction with their operations, and particularly that of the office of the Roman Pontiff, so that nobody need wonder where I stand on criticizing the church which allows this kind of criminal activity to flourish in its bosom. Likewise, it goes without saying that if they could foster and create these other crimes of enslavement, press ganging, inland piracy and unlawful conversion, these same groups and parties within the Church who are using the Church as a store front and shield for their venal activities are surely capable of all the other crimes Kevin Annett claims as well.
However--- (1) Where is the hard evidence? (2) Why prosecute only one group among all those accused of the same crime? (3) Why the falsification of jury actions that occurred and was reported by the jurors themselves?
Thus far, all that Kevin's efforts have turned up (to my knowledge) is evidence that is questionable at best. Canada over the past 150 years has seen every kind of pandemic and natural disaster known to man.
Read the book Mrs. Mike written by an RCMP officer's wife toward the beginning of last century to get a flavor of what life in Western Canada was like. Entire towns and many native villages were wiped out by the scourges of wildfires, communicable diseases, and wildfires.
As a result, finding mass graves and charred bones is not necessarily hard evidence of any Satanic ritual practice, but is fully explained by the known and documented history of the places where Kevin Annett's researches have taken place.
As to my second question--- when I go after criminals for committing a crime, I treat them all the same, regardless of their appearance, nationality, religion or any other criteria beyond the fact that they committed the crime. That is, to me, an Anglican who murders a child is just as guilty and reprehensible as a Roman Catholic doing the same, and I prosecute both with equal ferocity. Why has Kevin fallen silent on the same atrocities supposedly committed by other churches that ran residential schools at the same time?
Finally, it came to my attention in various news reports and especially those of Canadian Alfred Lloyd Weber, who interviewed actual jurors associated with the ITCCS, who said that their names were used as jurors and associated with findings and orders that they never heard or considered.
In other words, the supposed jurors who handed down indictments and made other decisions, never even heard the evidence.
Their names were being used as rubber stamps to accomplish whatever Mr. Annett wanted and no actual Due Process or lawful consideration was being followed.
So, that--- for me--- was the icing on the cake.
For Law to mean anything, it has to follow Due Process. Due Process is, in fact, a major part of the Law---- like the body is part of a man, without which the rest fails in its earthly expression. Without full and fair and unprejudiced vetting of the facts and the lawful determination of the facts by a jury, there is nothing to base a judgment upon in the Common Law.
So both Due Process and an unprejudiced and competent jury are necessary for the Law to have force and meaning and for any judgment of any court to be lawful and enforceable.
And here I have jurors whose names have been attached to official findings and judgments of ITCCS saying that they never even heard the cases?
That can never pass muster with me.
I am a judge, not a witch-hunter, and though I know the Roman Catholic Church to be infested with a most virulent and hateful form of Satanism as a result of harboring both the office of the Pope and the office of the Roman Pontiff under one roof, I do not allow that knowledge to mislead me into vain suppositions or to a disrespect of Due Process owed.
Otherwise, we follow in the footsteps of the Inquisition and not of Christ and become both victims and perpetrators of the same evils that we despise.
(11) Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks - Read and reframe your mind as to the original source of Pedocriminal activity among humans on Earth and what we must do to deconstruct this plague from our midst Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks: Abrogate & renegotiate secret Greada, Tau-9 Treaties with pedocriminal ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs
PEACE PORTAL, WA – In an interview with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer on Off-Planet Radio, Alfred Lambremont Webre explores the Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks and presents a proposal to abrogate and renegotiate the Treaties entered into secretly by the US government with pedocriminal ET civilizations under the administrations of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and George HW Bush.
(11) N. B.: The following article is the work of several researchers.
Vancouver, British Columbia
July 16, 2017
Abrogate This!
Donald Trump's comfort level with abrogating international treaties makes him the perfect person to end the horror of child sex abuse and human trafficking that is haunting the globe.
After cancelling US participation in the TPP and the Paris Climate Change Protocols, our new President has an opportunity to terminate the pedocriminal networks that currently dominate many governmental and religious institutions.
Those familiar with the secret Greada Treaty of 1954 that President Eisenhower signed with the Draco reptilians and Orion Greys are probably also aware that it has been violated and abused by the ET participants who have used its provisions to create a world-wide network of pedocriminals embedded in the highest echelons of power.
This tragedy can be constrained and hopefully ended if President Trump keeps his repeated promises to deal with child sex trafficking and other abuses of children that he made during the campaign and recently.
Both the 1954 Greada Treaty and the Tau-9 Treaty signed by President George H.W. Bush have resulted in massive criminal violations by various ET groups in a scandal that saturates major governments, the media and the Catholic Church.
The recent Pedogate scandal highlighted this situation along with the continued spotlighting of abuse by priests, educators, coaches, and the entertainment industry.
To the extent that these treacherous misdeeds by ETs have flowed out of the abuse of these two treaties, we call upon President Trump to step up boldly and abrogate them.
Doing so now with the appropriate publicity and fanfare will not only help end the tragedy of child sex abuse, it will also serve as a major baby-step towards removing the ET Truth Embargo that has prevented Disclosure of their presence on Earth.
In a major victory for all humanity, we invite the President to "Abrogate This!" by terminating the treaties and simultaneously promulgating Disclosure.
This Petition will be delivered to President Donald J. Trump.
Abrogate This! End Greada Treaty & End Pedocriminal Matrix on Earth
Read Letter & Sign Petition
Alfred Lambremont Webre
July 22, 2017
Abrogate This! SIGN PETITION TO US PRESIDENT - End Greada Treaty & End Pedocriminal Matrix on Earth
Read Letter & Sign Petition