QUESTION by Alfred Lambremont Webre asks: "What is my interdimensional assessment of the reality, composition, objectives, and actions of the SPHERE BEING ALLIANCE?"
Sphere Being Alliance
ANSWER by Sandra Desorgher: Sandra aka Little White Wolf Rainbow tribe Medicine woman answer:
"Generally I allow the Guardian which is my higher self to guide my dreams. Before I was born the Guardian was there with me, teaching me and preparing me for this incarnation. I have faced death and sometimes been so unwell I have prayed for death in preparation for this time in Earth's ascension process. In this incarnation I have had thirteen near death experiences. Along the way I have raised a family, had two biological children and adopted a child diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder, she was declassified by Marcus Institute 10 years later at age 15. I have prepared a grant application to National Institute of Health for autism and diet related research in 1997 that made the final review and even though my team did not receive the funding the achievement is still notable.
I have been a speaker at the conference in Atlanta, Georgia with featured guests Bernard Rimland and Ivar Lovaas called the 'Conference of the Century' and before that The National Autism Society conference 1995 in North Carolina. Other smaller conferences in California, Arizona, Virginia, Pennsylvania. And, in other countries I have done research and conferences, seminars, workshops and panels: Sabah and Sarawak, Borneo, Selayang hospital, Malaysia and Sathaya Sai Ram special school in Mumbai, India.
I have found the yin and yang of the slave masters control of information to include these truths. Write a book about a topic such as autism spectrum and institutionalized individuals and in the Western World a publisher will not touch a book that gives 'raw information' otherwise known as the truth. So we went to South Africa and started a not for profit and published the books on autism ourselves. Thousands of books prepared for shipping and our few possessions. An opportunity for a huge conference organised by a doctor who previously worked for the CDC in the USA. He lived in Kenya and had a small center which we were going to expand to be called ARC 'Autism and Related Conditions' where we could train people to work with individuals who were traumatised, autism spectrum and so on.
We arrived in Kenya and were blocked from entry, the doctor was arrested at the airport when coming to get us and we had to leave Kenya without our books or possessions and being concerned that we had entered into an agreement with someone not to be trusted. This was not the case, it was not the doctor nor us who had done anything wrong. It is the IT, the artificial intelligence, the machine, the DEEP STATE is bigger than the USA and Europe. The all seeing eye had spotted another threat to the NWO agenda of vaccination poisoning and the relationship to autism and chronic autoimmune disorders.
At this same moment in time the NWO was rolling out the Agenda 21, chemtrail, silent superbug (see also Plum Island) dis-ease protocol. Disabling of people tens of thousands of people in New Zealand, South Africa, USA, Australia and Europe.
My body, my soul container is like a big chemistry set and I often think in math and chemistry. The information is then taken to the consciousness field and where it needs presentation it is provided. The information on autism and diet is available from the World Community Autism Program Website, if someone wants the pdf I think it is $5.00 and I will do a consultation which is $250.00 and takes me ten to twelve hours of typing. I read their information and then I trance and wake with their individual protocol. Sometimes I can see them in my dreamscape, remote viewing, I never questioned the source of the remote viewing ability – it has always been available to me. I did not even know this was unusual. If I work as an employee, which I have done many times in many countries. For example I have worked as Head of Psychology for Hoffman Foundation for Autism in the UK then I cannot do diet consultations unless it goes through my employer. If I work as a school Director or Principal then the contract is exclusive, I cannot do seminars, conferences, private consultations while working for an employer.
This is a dilemma which many of the experiencers face. How do we support ourselves and do the service to others work which our higher selves are demanding in this time of the great crossing? United We Stand (a chance)...Divided We F.A.I.L.
Maybe I was awakened to the face of my Guardian just for this moment, today. I have to think every day what is it that I can do today which is service to others.
Today I can answer your question Alfred now that I have rambled on about who I am so that your listeners may have an understanding that I have some degree of discernment and this comes from my higher self which is guided by a being which has humanities best interest as an objective, the earth's best result as an objective.
There are beings that can move between the 3rd and 4th dimensions including some Draconians. The Draconians require support to move between Earth and Moon, Earth and craft, Earth and Mars. The Draconians have the 'right' to be included in all recognized Alliances having to do with Earth as a result of the Antarctica treaty. The Draconians have a service to self which includes the plan to be the supreme power. The Draconians are happy with the Agenda 21 protocol, war, poverty, disease. However, the Draconians who possess humans, the Draconian -human hybrids are also suffering and some of the poisons such as Rozol is body lotion for their skin conditions.
Draconians are NOT hive beings and they are not telepathic but they do carry or have technology which is like a logo an isosceles triangle inside a circle which reads reptilian energy – mood, fear, anger, lust, panic at a distance of about 30 to 40 feet. The disc is woven into their clothes or worn like a patch, for those that are armed it is usually on part of their gear that touches the skin. These discs are manufactured for this purpose. The disc may have the skin cells of a particular person and these skin cells react in the disc the same way the persons skin reacts that the Draconian is monitoring otherwise known as feeding off of, vampirism in a disc.
Draco-Entrained Pleiadians
There are beings that can move between the 3rd and 5th dimensions and the primary group is the Pleiadians who have a duplicity. Some are superficially service to others but secretly service to the Orion Draconians. They also have a right to be included in all Alliances having to do with Earth since the initiation of the Antarctica treaty. The Pleiadians often appear as tall blonds but there are now many hybrids who can be maneuvered into a position of high level clearance as a Pleiadian when they may have the DNA of one of the more sinister groups contained within their genetic make-up. The ones that emit a white glow have greatly advanced technology, still produce offspring but have no respect for humanity.
The Greys, there are many types of 'Greys', the seal skinned robots appear as life forms, they are not. There is now technology developed on the moonbase, in secret, which can tell a life form by reading the periodic table emission from an entity which can be seen or seen via infrared or read through sound, color, light signals. This tool which is now portable can determine a grey robot from a Grey also called EBEns. The Greys manage the human enslavement and this includes non-Earth humans, bi-pedals such as the Mantis 3D beings.
An enslaved Mantis is highly prized when 'controlled' it can administer self manufactured toxins through hair, fingernail and other protrusions into 'victims' to create instant sleep , an anesthesia such as sarcophine. The Mantis is a hive being and highly telepathic, they can remote view at many levels and in multiple arenas simultaneously. They can lie. The PRIME DIRECTIVE is what we have called beings not from Earth being allowed into Earth quadrant since the Giants were driven off planet several thousand years ago. Not everyone plays by the rules of the game.
Many Venusians have returned and they also have highly advanced knowledge of technology but many have felt Earth humans are not ready for these technologies but once we were seeded with this knowledge and achieved flight, space travel, hydrogen bombs and nuclear power the Venusians have once again been arriving and attempting to work within the governments. The Venusians are human in appearance and have much higher use of the mind and consciousness connectedness and therefore can be described as highly advance and they have the Earth and humanities best interest. They travel from place to place in the same way that humans travel from place to place but they can project their minds into another density which is a kind of remote viewing.
Luna Blue Avian Energy Spheres & Blue Avian - Mantis Hybrids
On the moon there is a facility which has 9 levels and elevators which open on two sides. The top is shaped like two interlocked circles, a vesica piscis. There is a landing place and the ship opens then there is a walkway that is long and leads to the roof of the facility. The top level is then shaped like an eternity symbol or figure eight, this is the new off world UN center and conference room. I do not remember what it is called. The 5D Mantis beings and the Blue Avians are shape shifters. The Mantis can drop their size from 9 feet to less than a half an inch and become nearly invisible, the Blue Avians can manifest their intent as spheres, beautiful energy orbs and these orbs can be used to surround and transport the consciousness of other beings. The Blue Avians have also developed Mantis – Avian hybrids. The purpose – Messages from the Guardians. They consider themselves as our Guardians. Sometimes human experiments go terribly wrong and humans are born or taken early from the womb who otherwise would not survive on Earth, the doctors would allow them to die for their appearance is disturbing. These unusual children have been cared for off world, some on the moon and others in
The Blue Avians have also developed Mantis – Avian hybrids. The purpose – Messages from the Guardians. They consider themselves as our Guardians. Sometimes human experiments go terribly wrong and humans are born or taken early from the womb who otherwise would not survive on Earth, the doctors would allow them to die for their appearance is disturbing. These unusual children have been cared for off world, some on the moon and others in very large craft. There disfigurements have been reduced through advanced applications of DNA manipulation and some have already been returned to Earth, Agartha, Egyptian temple of Isis entry point in June of 2017.
Reference: Corey Goode & GAIA TV and Sphere Being Alliance [SBA]
I am not sure how many groups are considered as part of what is called by Corey Goode and GAIA television as "Blue Sphere Alliance". I have seen in the moonbase conference room as many as two dozen beings. The new technology which is portable and reads the periodic table composition of life forms and determines if a being is life form or robot was in use. This Sphere Being Alliance [SBA] may be a way of bringing the representatives of the off world life forms together for trying to determine which ones are technology and which ones are the actual life forms.
Arcturian Council, Guardians of the Earth
The Arcturian Council, Guardians of the Earth, are monitoring from EVERYWHERE. They will shine a light, drop a feather, awaken a sleeping old lady and heal a 10 year illness to shine that light. Whenever there is an organisation that is under the control of the Dark Force energy such as the DNC and a counter organisation is formed such as the peoples voice – Our Revolution and Our ReLOVution then the Dark Force takes over the face and finance of even that People's Slogan and forms the New DNC the Our Revolution.
In April [2017] when the Guardian clearly presented itself and showed me his face, full body and allowed me the full memory of my Near Death Experiences and his role in my journeys to recovery I ordered GAIA TV.
I began to watch David Wilcock from five years ago starting at the beginning. After about twelve episodes I looked at something new and it was an interview with Corey Goode and I was using my skills as a psychologist to read his body language and vocal sounds, eye movement and interaction with David. It appeared as highly rehearsed and scripted but Corey Goode appeared as telling the truth as he remembers it. Is it real or planted memory? I do not know. But, planted memory in this way, putting the truth in plain site and then owning it is a Hollywood' tactic.
Control, Divide and Conquer
Objectives would be as always Control, Divide and Conquer – create a divide and continue to splinter to the point that there is the exopolitics group and the David Wilcock Group and the Bill Ryan Group and the Jordan Sather Group (and grab hold of and control Jordan really fast because he is a star seed of very high potential. Own him or break him) and so on.
The Blue Avians are not one type, there are hybrid Avian Kantaurs and Mantis and Avian hybrids. The Avians are like Spock from Star Trek and they do not need gadgets to remote view, they are messengers to the higher realm and the inner realm. So, they knew this question would be asked and I was taken on a flight in my dreamscape with an Avian. I have been to see a Draconian who is being observed by a blue-eyed Avian and the Draconian writes about his experience that he is having in his dreams, what he sees, he keeps a diary of his dreams and I can see the writing clearly in my dreamscape.
Then I am taken on a ride, it feels like a helicopter that is moving so fast that it feels like I am in a star ship in a Star Wars movie and the vehicle is being maneuvered by an Avian who is taking the vehicle around and past the lava flow of a volcano. And, now that I have answered the question I am going to do a search to see if there is a volcano that is burping lava on Earth near to an arc or stargate. I am thankful for the safe return from that dreascape experience and to the Avian controlling the vehicle who was sending information about the status of a place in Agartha."
Sandra Desorgher, June 19, 2017
Sandra Desorgher is an author, interdimensional empath, and consultant who did this interdimensional reading in the public interest of Exopolitics. Sandra does personal healing, reading & consultations and can who can be reached at
QUESTION by Alfred Lambremont Webre: Sandra, in the course of reviewing the Sphere Being Alliance website of which Corey Goode is Spokesperson, I came across a false & misleading FAQ about me [Alfred Lambremont Webre] that Corey Goode had included in the FAQ. This FAQ projected a false position to me about a Dual Sun in our solar system, and then posited that false position as the reason "Webre was against Corey Goode", and presumably what Extraterrestrials of the Sphere Being Alliance thought of Alfred Lambremont Webre, based on my position against Corey Goode Dual. Not only were Corey's assumptions about my positions diametrically opposed to what they actually are regarding a positive future, Corey Goode's assumption
Corey Goode's assumptions in the FAQ about my positions on the Dual Sun are diametrically opposite to what my actual views are actually regarding our Dual Sun and a positive future for Earth, which paradoxically are quite close to the expressed views of the Sphere Being Alliance and Gorey Goode himself.
Corey Goode's erroneous views about me [Alfred Lambremont Webre] in the Sphere Being Alliance [SBA]have the erroneous effect of implying that I Alfred Lambremont Webre am not part of the Sphere Being Alliance. In fact, I have been a conscious, actiuve part of the Sphere Being Alliance since February 1973 when the same group of [SBA] Extraterrestrials abducted President Jimmy Carter, myself & Andrew D. Basiago during the period 1969-75 as these ETs abducted Carter, Webre & Basiago for the long term good of humankind on Earth. These ETs are most plausibly members of the Sphere Being Alliance or allied groups.
The reasons for the 1969-75 ET Abductions by the Sphere Being Alliance of President Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago (then a child participant in DARPA time travel Project Pegasus) include: (1) Facilitation of the election of Jimmy Carter as US President in 1976; (2) Coordination of Alfred Lambremont Webre as Director of the 1977 Jimmy Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study; (3) Facilitation of Andrew D. Basiago as eye-witness to Alfred Lambremont Webre's 1973+ abduction by the SBA ETs; (4) Coordination & facilitation of the campaign and election of Andrew D. Basiago as a future US President, as pre-identified by US secret time travel.
Please read & watch these testimonies for the full context for President Jimmy Carter, my [Alfred Lambremont Webre], and chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago's roles with the Sphere Being Alliance.
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: The UFO-ET Abductions of President Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago. ETs & Jimmy Carter: 1973 ET encounter & briefings with Jimmy Carter aboard UFO lead to 1977 Carter White House ET Study and future Andy Basiago US Presidency?
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: The UFO-ET Abductions of President Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago. ETs & Jimmy Carter: 1973 ET encounter & briefings with Jimmy Carter aboard UFO lead to 1977 Carter White House ET Study and future Andy Basiago US Presidency?
PEACE PORTAL ARCH, BLAINE, WA - May 30, 2017 - Former Stanford Research Institute (SRI) futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, director of the 1977 Jimmy Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, reveals that briefings future President Carter, US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, and Webre himself had aboard UFO spaceships lead to the 1976 Carter Presidency, creation of the 1977 White House ET Study that Webre directed, and a possible fiuture US Presidency of Andy Basiago, pre-identified by DARPA US time travel in 1971.
This FAQ by Corey Goode on the Sphere Being Alliance website is not at all what the Sphere Being Alliance knows my position on the Dual Sun is and the role I have played within the Sphere Being Alliance since I was first abducted by ETs of the Sphere Being Alliance in 1973, along with President Jimmy Carter, who had been abducted by the same ETs in 1969 "missing time" experiences, and Andy Basiago, who was abducted in 1975 and who witnessed images of my abduction provided by the ETs for purposes of eye witness testimony to surface humanity.
QUESTION: "I would like to ask about the Nibiru/Planet-X, aka a mini solar system, that is approaching our solar system and how it's going to affect our planet. Is this something we should be concerned about?"
COREY GOODE: “No, this is why some people like [Alfred Lambremont] Webre came out against me. I answered the questions about PlanetX on the Open Your Minds Radio interview that we are in a binary star system with a brown dwarf that does not enter our Sol System. It does have an effect on our star system but not like some have proposed. The climate changes are due to our Sol System moving into a high energetic (high density) area of our galaxy.”
True that in 1973, I wrote a GP Putnam's book The Age of Cataclysm hypothesizing the possibility of a global coastal event based on Earth sciences and parapsychology that was based on research available at that time.
By August 16-17, 1987, my perspective evolved to the positive timeline and I produced/hosted the NPR nationally broadcast Harmonic Convergence Radio program with Jose Arguelles anchored by Boulder CO's NPR, and helping open a consciousness 5D frequency portal for Unity Consciousness to 12-21-12.
[By contrast, GAIA TV was founded a year later by Jirka Rysavy, its CEO since 1988. From what I can attest, Jirka is in violation of GAIA TV's own Code of Ethics. Not to mention, Jirka Rysavy, sponsor of David Wilcock & Corey Goode's GAIA TV's program to date on the Sphere Being Alliance, remains in violation of GAIA TV's code of ethical, contractual, and legal behavior mandated by the opening of the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE EVOLVED MEDIA PORTAL on August 16-17, 1987 through the Boulder NPR program of ethical media tied to the opening of the Nith Wave and the end of the Kali Yuga and commencement of the Dwarpa Yuga and balance between Virtue and sin.]
Sphere Being Alliance supported my 1987 HARMONIC CONVERGENCE NPR national show & Oct. 1987 INSTANT OF COOPERATION, 1st live radio show between USA & USSR in history, in resistance to invading PPAI - Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence.
The Sphere Being Alliance has well known since the date of the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE RADIO program on National NPR on August 16-17, 1987 that my creative galactice soul efforts have been to reinforce the positive timeline, through the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and through the initiation of a new series of time portals on 12-21-12, all of which I have done on ground-breaking national and international media.
Positive Future
I founded a global network,
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equation
The Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
The Dual Sun Yuga Cycle
What is more, I have surfaced ancient research and knowledge on the Dual Sun Yuga cycle granted to me from Inner Earth sources that has not been fully taught on Surface Earth for 2500 years and that relates to the Dual Sul and a positive future for humankind. That research and knowledge is contained in 6 programs 3 of which appear here:
Part 1 - Secrets of our Dual Suns & of Enlightenment with “Remember Zen” Author Sheldon Moore
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Part 2 – Secrets of our Dual Suns & of Enlightenment with “Remember Zen” Author Sheldon Moore
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Part 3: How individual Ascension [Astronomical Enlightenment] can occur during lunar eclipses: Sheldon Moore, author of Remember Zen. Chart of Solar & Lunar Eclipses for the next 10 years
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Corey Goode is not expected to keep up with all of the leading edge work that I do, in the ssme way that I do not keep up with the leading edge information that the Sphere Being Alliance gives him about our Dual Sun.
For some reason Corey Goode demonizes me with false propaganda. One possibility is that Corey Goode may have been groomed consciously or unconsciously in MILABS or at GAIA TV to demonize me, as he is following the exact same strategy that COintelPRO has done since 1973, the year of my ET Abduction and the year I began mainstream radio and television Disclosure in the United States.
This demonization by negative and manipulatory ET, AI, and archonic forces of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago, all contactees and Abductees of the Sphere Being Alliance, has now been spread to the Exopolitics and UFO movement characterized by entities controlled or leveraged by Jirka Rysavy, 38% owner and controller of GAIA TV since 1988. Such entities include and are not limited: GAIA TV, CITD, Whole Life Expos, Stephen Bassett Paradigm Research Institute, Vatican, Pentagon, ONI, & CIA controlled Exopolitics & UFOlogy researchers.
Sandra - Thank you so much for your substantive and guiding responses above. Here are some follow-on questions if you can respond to these, I am happy to publish them here forthe information and enlightenment of our readers.
Follow-On Questions
Did Corey Goode create the above erroneous FAQ about Alfred Lambremont because Corey Goode was just misinformed about Alfred & his views on the Dual Sun & the Sphere Being Alliance? Or is Corey Goode intentional COintelPRO or influenced by COintelPRO at GAIA TV or elsewhere within his network of influence?
What is it going to take for Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Jirka Rysavy and % market share of Awakening humans following them to wake up & understand that the Sphere Being Alliance are watching them & we do not like what we are witnessing and want exploitation and oppression, particularly by Jirka Rysavy at GAIA TV to stop?
Alfred Lambremont Webre
June 20, 2017