2016 USA Presidential Election - Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Cites belief in Native American proverb “women hold up half the sky”
10. Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
9. Time travel pre-identified US President Andrew D. Basiago announces 2016 candidacy to millions of potential write-in voters on Coast to Coast AM
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
8. Obama pre-identified in 1971 as future U.S. President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
7. KABC: Alfred Lambremont Webre on AI timeline, San Bernardino false flag, Trump, 2016, Omniverse
6. CoasttoCoast: OMNIVERSE & Andy2016.com interview triggering Facebook banning Alfred Lambremont Webre [Commercial-free]
5. Panel: 2016 US Presidential Election, Tribulation, Jubilee & Fall of the Great Babylon – Are you on an AI catastrophic or organic positive timeline?
4. The USA 2016 President must restore the original US constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House
3. Positive Timeline may result in the election in 2016 of a Positive US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification:
2. 2016 Time Travel Chronicles: CIA Time Travel pre-identification is why I switched from running in the 2016 US Presidential race to watching the 2016 race by Alfred Lambremont Webre
1. Jonah Bolt: 60% of Americans want 2016 Collective Presidency Third Party Ticket – Free Energy, Free Water, Free Food & Free Education
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
On a Nov. 9 interview with Marc Passio, you mentioned a channeled informant from Cambodia who said that they were from the future (2025) and came back in time to warn us about Trump eventually coming to use mind control surveillance technology to crush his enemies. Could you please provide a link to the relevant information?
Thank you, Alfred, and it was especially good to hear from Marc again after his hiatus.
Posted by: Greg Hohnholt | 12 November 2016 at 20:10
All well and good. Important topics for all ages to discuss and understand. What if a senior on a tiny pension cannot afford the clearly reasonable costs of ExoUniversity?
Posted by: LVE | 23 July 2016 at 13:14
There is a new book out by a lawyer and teacher named Paul Brown called "Revelations at Bridgeport" which would be of GREAT interest to anyone with your background, Mr. Webre. I got the Kindle for a few bucks and it's on Amazon in paperback too. Your insights would be invaluable. ET's have an interest in the law on Earth and offer ideas and analysis of our present legal systems.
Posted by: Debra | 05 March 2016 at 22:01