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Greg Hohnholt

On a Nov. 9 interview with Marc Passio, you mentioned a channeled informant from Cambodia who said that they were from the future (2025) and came back in time to warn us about Trump eventually coming to use mind control surveillance technology to crush his enemies. Could you please provide a link to the relevant information?
Thank you, Alfred, and it was especially good to hear from Marc again after his hiatus.


All well and good. Important topics for all ages to discuss and understand. What if a senior on a tiny pension cannot afford the clearly reasonable costs of ExoUniversity?


There is a new book out by a lawyer and teacher named Paul Brown called "Revelations at Bridgeport" which would be of GREAT interest to anyone with your background, Mr. Webre. I got the Kindle for a few bucks and it's on Amazon in paperback too. Your insights would be invaluable. ET's have an interest in the law on Earth and offer ideas and analysis of our present legal systems.

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