VANCOUVER, BC - Targeted Inventor Rainetta Jones recounts her story as the true Inventor of the (1) Apple iPod (which revived a sagging Apple’s fortunes at the time it was released and then incorporated into Apple’s profit mainstay iPhone) and the true Inventor of the (2) Kindle, which Amazon has used to increasingly monopolize the eBook market.
With this Panel, the late Steve Jobs of Apple and Jeff Bezos of Amazon, former and current CEOs of companies using inventions stolen unlawfully from Rainetta Jones, join the ranks of another Intellectual Property theft racketeering syndicate operating within major corporate law firms and media giants, including BBC, ITV, Virgin Media, Channel 4, Scottish TV, as well as major networks in 146 nations around the world showing programs that were stolen by the syndicate from Concept Innovator Seven including the blockbuster and profit center “Dancing with Stars” on ABC-TV in the USA and CTV in Canada.
I - iPod & Kindle Inventor Rainetta Jones
Part 1-UK Concept Innovator Seven excoriates Steve Jobs, validates targeted inventor Rainetta Jones as original inventor of Apple iPod and Amazon Kindle
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Part 2-Major UN AI Gangstalking targeting against iPod & Kindle inventor Rainetta Jones detailed by Seven
II - A Multi-Part Exclusive Series with Concept Innovator Seven
This a series of interviews on SevenGate, the landmark exposé by UK creator Seven through her self-represented lawsuit against a world-wide high-level law, media, and government psyop syndicate to target creators, steal lucrative media properties, and fund domestic state terror with the surplus revenues.
Part 1 - SevenGate Lawsuit exposes syndicate stealing prime TV & funding 7/7 false flags
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Parts 2-6: VIDEO: Parts 2-6 – SevenGate: UK Queen+7/7+BBC+ITV+Virgin-TV+ABC-TV+Courts+MSM in 146 countries
Part 7 - SevenGate Update: Charlie Hebdo was unsuccessful SevenGate false flag to start WWIII-Next Steps
Part 8 - SevenGate: BBC, Virgin Media, ABC-TV, Major Media in 146+ countries continue MegaThefts of intellectual property, targeting, false flags against UK creator Charles Seven
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Part 9: Seven launches Soul Power Prayer Project to protect targeted creators and prosecute IP perps
Part 10: Seven launches Soul Power Prayer Project to protect targeted creators and prosecute IP perps
IP - Intellectual Property Theft (Seven & Rainetta) - Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Same goes for the Wakowski brothers stealing the Matrix from the original author.
Posted by: Kat L. | 01 November 2015 at 10:28
I find it slightly humorous that an article on intellectual property rights is using an image that was obviously ripped off from a poster I made for The Event Chronicle. haha You can see the original image here:
Posted by: The Event Chronicle | 21 September 2015 at 19:46