JANUARY 9, 2015
Michael - Hi! Thank you.
As you know, journalism, like law, is based on probable cause.
My public, journalistic statements about two persons of public importance, Credo Mutwa and Michael Tellinger, are based upon probable cause supplied by the following eye-witness evidence of Mel Ve and other.
To the contrary, it is Michael Tellinger who, because of this eye-witness evidence, owes the media and the public community some explanation.
In Light, Alfred Lambremont Webre
Turn Your News Inside Out
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD <[email protected]> wrote:
Michael - Hi! Thank you.
As you know, journalism, like law, is based on probable cause.
My public, journalistic statements about two persons of public importance, Credo Mutwa and Michael Tellinger, are based upon probable cause supplied by the following eye-witness evidence of Mel Ve and other.
To the contrary, it is Michael Tellinger who, because of this eye-witness evidence, owes the media and the public community some explanation.
In Light, Alfred Lambremont Webre
to: |
"Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD" <[email protected]> |
cc: |
Michael Tellinger <[email protected]>, |
date: |
Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 12:13 PM |
subject: |
Re: Public Smearing Campaign of Michael Tellinger & UBUNTU |
Hello All,
It is not my normal style to get involved in public dramas, as I have had my fair share of them to deal with in my career as a journalist, however, I am taking time out of my very busy schedule tonight to put into context some of what has come to pass. This is my official statement from my perspective in accordance with my first hand experience of ongoings relating to Michael Tellinger.
I first read Michael Tellinger’s book SLAVE SPECIES OF GOD in 2009 and have since read every other book that Michael Tellinger has published. My fascination with Tellinger lie in the fact that he is South Africa, much like myself. After reading SLAVE SPECIES, I contacted Michael Tellinger asking for a radio interview. WE made several appointments, and on two occasions, Michael just did not show for his radio interview, leaving me and the audience hanging. Then suddenly out of nowhere Michael emailed me and decided to join me on the radio that week, claiming a busy schedule and lack of internet access as his excuse for missing both shows. In all my time as a journalist, I have never had anybody do this to me, and I thought it was rather selfish to just leave a radio host hanging, TWICE… and then after I had given up wanting to speak to him, he decided that he wanted to come on the show. As I am passionately South African, and I will do almost anything to promote a South African Alternative researcher, I put this experience aside and agreed to have Michael Tellinger on my show after he missed two other live on air appointments, hoping that it was just genuinely down to poor communications.
It was shortly after this show that I realised that the reason why Michael had suddenly taken an interest in speaking to me, was because I had just done two interviews with David Icke, and Michael wanted to get his hands on David, or at least in contact with him. Whilst I was working with David from September to November 2009, whilst he was travelling around Europe, I discussed with David the possibility of organising a tour in South Africa in 2010. I clearly remember the conversation where Michael asked me to hook him up with David Icke. When I mentioned to Michael that David and I had made tentative plans for a speaking tour in South Africa for 2010, Michael immediately wanted to be a part of it and we went about the process or getting started on preparation plans. It was decided that Michael would handle the Johannesburg David Icke speaking event, and I would be responsible for the Cape Town event.
Even before I flew out to South Africa in February 2010 to organise the events, I became suspicious of the way in which Michael Tellinger did business. Tellinger planned to sell the tickets for the David Icke events for 450 South African Rands, and he hoped to sell a thousand tickets. If this had been the case, that would have totalled 450 000 that would have been made from ticket sales. Despite the vast sum of money stood to be made from this event, Michael only offered David a sum of 40 000 Rand, that is less than 10%, of the potential total takings of the event.
In order that I was able to go to South Africa to organise this event for David Icke, I had to sell my car. In fact, we had so little money, that my husband had to stay behind whilst I went off to South Africa, which was very hard for both of us, as I was gone for 6 months, which is the longest we have ever been apart.
Before I flew out to South Africa, David gave me the name of his very good friend, who also lives in my home town of Durban, an author by the name of Linda Smith.
I went to meet Linda, and I informed her that I was organising David Icke’s speaking tour, and told her of the arrangement I had made with Michael, that he should organise the Johannesburg event, and I would organise Cape Town.
Linda immediately began to put me in touch with several people, all of whom had very disturbing stories to tell me about Michael Tellinger.
I was put in touch with Virginia Mutwa, who told me that Michael had been collecting money on behalf of Credo Mutwa, and he has never paid them a penny.
I also spoke to a woman called Brenda Sullivan, who wrote a book called AFRICA THOUGH THE MISTS OF TIME. Brenda shared with me all the correspondence she had to back up her story of her experience with Michael Tellinger, who had apparently approached Brenda Sullivan to republish her before mentioned book. Professor Sullivan agreed to this and sent Michael a CD of her book, and all the original photographs. Michael then took the photos or interest from Professor Sullivan’s CD, published them in his own book without her permission, and without mentioning her in the credits. In 2010 Brenda Sullivan provided me with all the correspondence that she engaged in after discovering what Michael Tellinger had done. In one letter it clearly states that Professor Sullivan had to forcefully demand her CD to be returned, and had to take legal action to get Michael to remove all her photos from his book.
Upon discussing what we had learned about Michael Tellinger with David Icke, he decided cancel his speaking tour to South Africa, leaving me stranded there, and out of pocket by several thousand euros. David had promised to refund this money to me, but to date, I have never seen a penny of the 2000 pounds promised to me by David Icke for leaving me out of pocket by cancelling an event he asked me to organise, and for which, I had to fly across the world to accomplish.
David claimed that Credo had been good friend of his for many years, and he simply would not work with somebody who was defrauding his dear friend Credo.
To be honest, I totally understood why David did what he did, but the result was catastrophic for my own personal well-being, due to the fact that I was stranded in South Africa for 6 months without my husband. The money I thought I would get back from organising David’s event, money which I had invested by selling my car, never came back to me, not even after it had been promised to me in writing by David Icke. I had no money to get back to my husband in Holland, and as a result of being stranded, I had a major family fall out which has never corrected itself. It is very difficult trying to convince one’s very closed minded parents of the legitimacy of the conspiratorial world view, when everything around me was seemingly falling apart, and I had no control over it. Rather my family thought I was crazy, and eventually paid for a ticket for me to go back to my husband in Holland, just so they could get rid of me. The talk of church ritual abuse and alien life forms just became too much for them to deal with.
Whilst I was out in South Africa in 2010, I was planning to rendezvous with Bill Ryan to go interview Credo Mutwa. At the time, his relationship with Kerry Cassidy was very strained and they were going their separate ways. David Icke explained to Bill Ryan the issues with Michael Tellinger. When Bill Ryan came out to South Africa, I was unable to join him in Kuruman to meet Credo, but I got this email from him:
---------- Original Message ----------From: BILL RYAN
To: Mel Ve <[email protected]>
Date: August 24, 2010 at 10:29 PM
Subject: Credo and Michael Tellinger
'Hi, Mel
This morning when I arrived at Credo's place I found him sitting outsidewith Michael Tellinger's "Slave Species of God" in his hand. He was exercised and irritated, and started giving a critique of all Michael's work on Adam's Calendar - going through the images in the book and explaining how Michael had got many things all wrong and that he had no idea about African culture.
He went into quite some fascinating detail - and when I asked him if he'd spoken with Michael about this, he replied (this is a paraphrase from memory- I have this all on camera): "Tellinger doesn't want to listen to me - he only wants to use my name."
Whatever really happened or didn't happen, there's clearly an immense wealth of accurate information about Adam's Calendar that Credo possesses which Michael (for whatever reason) has not included in his book, going instead for interpretations which Credo insists are just plain wrong.
Credo was upset: "Someone has to correct this," he said over and over again.
As you know, I've never met Michael, been to Adam's Calendar, or even read that book - but I absolutely trust Credo on this. You have to be with himfor only 10 minutes to realize that he's a walking encyclopedia of African history, symbology, mythology and legend and cannot be swept aside.
Credo stated, in fairness, when Michael was right. The impression I got from Credo was that the book is 50% right and 50% wrong. For Credo, one of the few remaining guardians of traditional African history and mythology, thisis highly upsetting and almost a desecration of all that he feels he'strying to stand for.
These discrepancies are problematic and are hard to explain. But they’re real. I have this whole episode on camera…"
Love, Bill”
The concerns here are broken down into three main areas: 1) PLAGIARISM & INTELLECTUAL THEFT; 2) FINANCIAL THEFT 3) FRAUD & DECEPTION
There exists photographic evidence of Michael covered in books by Zecharia Sitchin, who’s work he largely plagerized for SLAVE SPECIES.
Michael stole photographs from Brenda Sullivan, obtaining them under false pretences and using them without permission and due credit being offered.
Michael used a Wits University Professor’s presentation in London and claimed it as his own.
Michael stole Johan Heine’s work on Adam’s Calendar, and claimed it as his own, wrote a book on it, and Johan Heine has never received a penny from book sales.
Michael has borrowed / scammed / stolen / withheld money off too many people to mention. As this story breaks they will all be coming out the woodwork to give their sides, as many of them have contacted me over the last 5 years.
The need to steal other people’s work is because Michael Tellinger is lazy. He does not do effective research. He does not know the very basics, and this ignorantly follows a course action that is not conducive to making a difference for the greater good, as he simply does not know how. He has not actually worked it out, rather seized on the ideas of others, recycled them into something that looks like his own ideas, and sold them off for more than they were worth.
And then there is Michael’s confusing foray into the world of politics
I reference my below article
Turn Your News Inside Out
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 11:57 AM, Michael Tellinger <[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you Alfred.
I fully support your efforts to help Credo in every way. I have been supporting him for many years, in many ways. But you are blissfully unaware of this.
Unfortunately, your statements on the video from 6 Jan 2015, clearly accuse me of stealing money from Credo, and withholding substantial amounts of royalties from Credo and Virginia. Those are blatant lies and fabrications by someone who is trying to cause me and the UBUNTU movement harm and discredit our integrity.
The fact that you broadcast these lies publicly, causing many thousands of your followers to believe it, is a complete distortion of your integrity and honour to investigate such allegations before you go public with them.
So I request that you publicly withdraw your statements and accusations against me and clear my name.
Anything less will be a blatant unprovoked attack on me and my integrity which is valued and respected by many around the world.
In pure truth
Michael of the family Tellinger
UBUNTU Party Founder
Born free - as living breathing human being
Email: [email protected]
Contact for UBUNTU Party is:
On 9 January 2015 at 21:09, Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD <[email protected]> wrote:
Michael Hi! My sole intent is an Emergency Appeal on behalf of Credo Mutwa - a fundraiser and Tribute to be broadcast live next week via CCN-TV
This is similar to the Emergency Appeal we did with Seven of SevenGate:
VIDEO: Parts 2-5 – SevenGate: UK Queen+7/7+BBC+ITV+Virgin-TV+ABC-TV+Courts+MSM in 120 countries ;-)
I have a deep connection to Credo ever since he predicted the 2010 BP Oil Spill.
Here is a link to my exposes on the BP OIL SPILL where Credo is included as part of the analysis
Our Emergency Appeal has nothing to do with UBUNTU or with Michael Tellinger
I am very proud of my work on behalf of Credo and have nothing to be ashamed of.
I remain grateful to you for opening the mystery of Adam's Calendar to me.
It's not always about you, Michael and not in this case either.
In Light,
Alfred ;-)
Turns your News Inside Out
On Jan 9, 2015, at 10:35, Michael Tellinger <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello Alfred
This email is in private and only to you.
I am not sure what your intent is in this reply email.
It is neither a retraction of your attack on me nor a confirmation. Please be more clear with your statement and I suggest that you do a video to make this clear for all. Your actions will carry a ripple effect for much time as you know.
I have been a great ally to Credo and his wife for many years now - very few, including you are are of this.
Your reckless comments are creating rifts between people for all the wrong reasons.
If you want to help Credo then do so. Please do not create bad energy around a highly conscious individual and those who have supported him for much longer than you have.
You should be ashamed of yourself Alfred.
In pure truth
Michael of the family Tellinger
UBUNTU Party Founder
Born free - as living breathing human being
Email: [email protected]
Contact for UBUNTU Party is:
On 9 January 2015 at 18:37, Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi! I can verify that it is the absolute truth one of the first things Mel Ve told me when we first met long before I met Mike van Niekerk was that Credo Mutwa had not been compensated for his share of DVD sales by Michael Tellinger.
That stuck in my mind because I have followed Credo since he predicted the 2010 BP OIL SPILL which I covered extensively. That was long before I ever met Michael Tellinger.
As a lawyer and Judge, I am concerned that Credo who is ill and his family are being deprived of their just revenue.
Accordingly, after consulting with Mel Ve, I scheduled a CCN interview with Credo Mutwa's wife to start an Emergency Appeal for Credo Mutwa to raise funds for him and his family planned Monday Jan 12, 2015.
This Emergency Appeal for Credo Mutwa is being carried out by CCN-TV in coordination with NewsInsideOut.com, our news agency.
This Emergency Appeal has NOTHING to do with Michael Tellinger or the UBUNTU Party and we respectfully request these parties to refrain from interfering in our planned EMERGENCY APPEAL FOR CREDO MUTWA.
In Light,
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Turns your News Inside Out
On Jan 9, 2015, at 05:58, Michael Tellinger <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Alfred Webre and friends
I write this email with great sadness in my heart because I do believe that we are friends and share a common passion for truth, integrity, uniting humanity in the face of severe division.
I am deeply saddened about the fact that you did not take the time to call me personally, since you have my personal cell phone number, or at least email me, to verify the slanderous attacks against me and UBUNTU - but instead you simply jumped right in and publicly promoted this false and libellous information that you received without verifying its legitimacy and accuracy.
Louise and I received several emails from UBUNTU members around the world bringing to our attention your remarks and comments about our integrity, accusing us of all kinds of things that are all lies and half truths - demanding that we declare our integrity and explain our actions.
This is obviously a huge shock to us as we pride ourselves of doing everything above board and displaying the highest level of honour and integrity in EVERYTHING we do. I was stunned when I watched your latest YouTube interview posted 6 Jan 2015, which confirmed your public attacks on me, implicating me and UBUNTU in all kinds of dirty activity.
For the record:
You were one of several hundred people who received emails from a man called Mike van Niekerk, who has developed a personal vendetta against me and started a public smearing and defamation campaign against me - claiming to destroy me and UBUNTU.
For your benefit and others, I put it on record to you and everyone else who may come across this information in cyberspace in future.
I state here in full honour and integrity that all the information distributed by this venomous individual is a compilation of malicious lies, half-truths and distorted facts to suit his personal agenda against me.
You Alfred, together with a number of well known people, have spent time with me at my home in Waterval Boven, we spent time going to the ruins, the museum and Adam's Calendar - you know the lay of the land and you have a good idea of who we are, where we live and what we do. I was therefore horrified to see that you simply took this unconfirmed attack on me and started spreading this slanderous information to those who follow your work and have a high regard for your own integrity.
I do expect you to do the right thing to dissolve this situation. Here are some simple facts about the attacks on me and Mike van Miekerk:
- Mike van Niekerk
is NOT the vice president of UBUNTU
as he claims -
if he was, his name would have been on the ballot in the elections in South Africa on the 7th of May 2014 - so this is very easy for anyone to verify and make quick determination that he is a liar.
- He has no current connection to UBUNTU in any way other than being my friend in the past.
- My relationship with Credo Mutwa is very healthy and many have tried to drive a wedge between us since 200
already. Kerry Cassidy was at the centre of this
attack back then and
can verify my integrity in this.
It can also be verified by Mel V, a South African journalist living in Holland, who has since apologised to me for causing me so much harm and stress by being one of the original distributors of those false allegations. In about 2009 - an anonymous caller told Credo that he had deposited a large sum of money for him - but he deposited it into my account apparently. He asked Credo if I had given the money to him - to which Credo obviously replied that he had not receive any money from me, via this anonymous caller. After I invited this criminal to expose himself and declare into which account he made the so-called deposit, he simply vanished, leaving a lot of debris in the wake. This allegation has long been cleared and you can read the full story on the Project Camelot website.
I am exhausted defending myself against this allegation.
- I respect and honour Credo for what he has contributed to humanity and I
I make my feelings known publicly all the time.
- I
do not owe Credo any money and I have not dishonoured any contracts with him whatsoever. This is just a continuation of previous attacks
and malicious lies
that have simpl
I do have an agreement with Credo for the sales of his DVD for whi
ch all the money has been paid to him.
ARREST: There is a warrant of arrest for Mike van Niekerk issued by the SAPS (South African Police Services) on the 22nd December 2014, which will be executed today because of his continued public smearing campaign and personal attacks against me and UBUNTU. A copy of this warrant of arrest is attached for all to see.
- Kevin Annett - I do not know much about Kevin Annett and I certainly have not made any public statements about my support for him. I have no knowledge about his legitimacy or any alleged transgression he may have committed or any claims against him by Alfred Webre
and others. I posted one video clip of Annett on my FB page - since the information in his video was interesting and could hold some benefit for the people of Canada.
That is my entire
connection to Kevin Annett.
In closing - I do recognise that I will be under severe energetic attack because of the work that we do with the UBUNTU movement and our personal lives. Many of you will resonate with this simple reality we face right now. So I ask all those that follow our work to be discerning and not to believe every gossip story you hear or read on the internet, or so-called evidence that is presented in support of some unverified activity.
Do your own homework, and research and be vigilant against architects of division - because that is the antithesis of what the UBUNTU Movement promotes. I trust that this response is sufficient to put all this stuff to rest and allow us to continue uniting people around the world.
In pure truth
and unity
Michael Tellinger
UBUNTU Party Founder
Born free - as living breathing human being
Email: [email protected]
Contact for UBUNTU Party is:
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Credo Mutwa is a national treasure and knowing the life style of the African people i am sure he does not need your money. He has already been taken advantage of his knowledge. He is a simple, humble, wise man ( like all wise human beings are) and not attached to any material things. He has all he needs.should he need something all he has to do is ask his community/government and he would get it
Posted by: casandra | 12 June 2016 at 08:52
Posted by: Ukunto | 11 February 2016 at 10:52
This is clearly one of those luciferian crap holes where they present their lies and you get to choose to fall off the birth of the new world choochoo train. I feel in my heart Michael Tellinger is a good man who is doing a good thing and there will be many attacks on him for it. My prayers to you and your organization and those who stand in solidarity with you Mr. Tellinger, you are doing a brave and beautiful thing and you make my heart sing with hope! May you be protected and supported and may the people who would be swayed think harder and use their intuition before making a decision because the attacks will only grow stronger as the Ubuntu Liberation Movement gains power. The Ubuntu movement will continue to grow because it is true and right and we see it and we are ready for it. The crap will fly but it doesn't have to stick!
Posted by: Ohyeah Right | 19 February 2015 at 03:59
Unity Consciousness is the consciousness that we all are ONE, as opposed to Duality Consciousness, whose paradigm meme is, "I win you lose". The Positive Future Equation (FQE) is premised on a positive timeline as awakening humanity lets go of duality consciousness and enters Unity consciousness in ascending frequencies of consciousness.
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 14 February 2015 at 12:08
"Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness" ... hum.... This sounds more like: Zionist Nazi NWO dream = Zionist Nazi Virtual World + Unitedly controlled cyber humans.
It's so clear that technology is destroying humanity health and freedom (for instance, just measure how much radiation we're getting from all our i-phones, lap tops, smart meters/tvs, microwaves, refrigerators, etc, not mentioning how much surveillance we're getting from all this consumerist-unnecessary-polluting-junk techs! ) and to think that it's going to be "positive" the more humanity depends on it is INSANE. Stop and Think: "Unity" is what every Facist Dictator ever wanted.... Diversity is the Key, Nature is Diversity and Freedom!
These freaks works on CONTROL, what's a better way to control than trough the unity of humanity and nature BY THEM? Wasn't "Globalisation" all about uniting? Now see what we're stuck with: UN, EU, USS... Would a completely unified world be any better (worse)?
Positive Future = Positive ACTION Right Now By THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE + Respect for Individual Consciousness & Divinity and Freedom in LOCAL ABUNDANCE United with NATURE -not by Corrupting/altering Humans and Nature to "perfect" them (in order to benefit/profit WHO?)
Alexandra's interviews are GREAT about what can you DO to have a positive future right now. She also interviews Annett and Tellinger and clarify so much about what's really going on online at galacticconection.com.
Listen to your Heart With your Brain and see the Truth: it might not be what you've expected. You need to ask yourself "who's working 4 who?" In order to find legitimacy and also blue prints in all of this.
P.S.: Although this equation might sounds like a good idea, remember that human history is full of examples of good intentions that backed ideologies/experiments/technologies/inventions that always ended up in the wrong hands to do harm... To believe that we would have "democracy" in a virtual world is if nothing else but naive. A few controlling many either in a moneyless or with "new" money is all but control again and is meant to fail. In the day when EACH of us control our ownselves because of ethical and moral reasons for the benefit of the whole (not for the benefit of the controllers) with no need of any external "goverment", then I believe that an utopian society might be possible on this Earth.
We can only Be One if, and only if, WE CAN BE FREE INDIVIDUALS in the first place. And that doesn't match with "Singularity" but, on the contrary, respect for DIVERSITY is the Key. That's why THEY are dominating Nations&Cultures, creating havoc between Religions, destroying legitimate Governments&Monarchies, extinguishing animals&plants, and stealing ancient technology to control us and to keep us ignorant. To Unify would only make it even easier for them to control, don't you get it?
Posted by: Real Truth | 13 February 2015 at 22:39
Hi Folks,
I am just an observer here that has followed Alfred and Michael for several years now. These guys are both part of the awakened group and it bothers me that a troll has come into their lives to discredit them.
I have followed them as well as Kevin Annette and believe they all serve the light of good and not the darkness that exist all around us. They all may have question marks in their past just as you and I have but the great awakening happened to afford everyone the chance to change and STAND together for a new world of Bright Light, Forgiveness and Individual freedom that Gaia has never seen before.
The cabal work directly for the Illuminati who through their home made God Lucifer want to rule everyone in a world of misty darkness comprised of lies. Remember the strategies of sports and armies where you infiltrate the enemy to divide and conquer.
I have seen this many years throughout my awakening to 9/11 and the truth that was hidden from the world. Just as Mick West runs Metabunk in an effort to discredit those who have seen planet X and know its coming It is obvious to me that their is a troll or chill here trying to pit each of you against one another in order to discredit all.M Van Niekerk should be investigated at the least but as I don't know this person keep an open mind.
I belong to many many groups and am seeing this divide and conquer scheme playing out with government plants everywhere lately. We were all awakened for a purpose and that was to STAND together and bring pure Light energy back to Gaia in order to ascend to a place where every child, woman and man can live in a place of peace and equality never seen here before. Don't allow what you know and trust in your heart to be distorted by a single infiltrator or event!
Great Love and Hope through the Divine Light now starting to pierce the Darkness.....let it shine! mike
Posted by: procomptor | 25 January 2015 at 19:10
To Robert Roy Smith. What a Wonderful post and advice! Your wisdom is a bright flashlight in this page!I agree with you 100%!! So true, Thank You!!
Posted by: Barthamam | 24 January 2015 at 19:01
To all you who wish to polarize and "take sides." DO NOT. This is nothing but individual suppositions based upon wrong and incomplete pictures leading to compounded miscommunications and misunderstandings.
VERY powerful mass mind-control technology is fully operational because the Cabal HAS LOST and it is a last ditch effort of desperation.
And -- as usual in such childish and counterproductive squabbles -- the Great False God $$$ is in the corner laughing like a hyena.
All this defensive finger pointing, posturing and he-said, she-said melodrama only exposes the "spiritual" pretenses of EVERYONE involved in so vigorously pursuing this incredibly selfish and ignorant game of division.
Just drop it and BE REAL people.
Do not automatically believe something simply because your favorite "authority figure guru" says it.
Follow your own spiritual discernment instead. And learn to separate out your own incomplete conclusions and suppositions.
Posted by: Robert Roy Smith | 24 January 2015 at 16:48
"...Maybe, just maybe, the "vanishing" of children&adults by man made UFOs, ...."
Posted by: BadActingNoMore | 21 January 2015 at 23:42
It's interesting how the "Governments" suddennly are pushing the extraterrestrials/moon/mars/other dimensions agenda praising those that "expose" these subjects... Sometimes it's a good strategy to make humanity bounce around "out there" instead of looking at there real deal "right here"! Maybe their goal is to lock what is left of humanity "out there" in the Moon/Mars/underground bases (together w/ other creatures, naturally extraterrestrials or simply human made robots and freaky genetic modified plants/animals including humans...) and then just enjoy the marvellous blue Planet Earth all by themselves... Have you ever thought of that? Maybe, just maybe, the "vanishing" of children&adults, the underground prisons/laboratories/human slaughtering, the US dirty criminal wars, all the environmental assaults&unreparable pollution with nuclear explosions/testings in the oceans/on land/in the air + nuclear energy technology, the Transhumanist Agenda, the hijacking of the Earth/Universe's Real History and archeology - concerning the giant human civilizations and advancements for instance, hence hijacking of human future, etc) are beeing perpetraded by nazis hidding on poles (and else where) underground bases from which they are manipulating it all behind the scenes... But, you know, no one is willing to talk a out it... Since it's safer&wi$er to blame it all on the bad E.T.s "out there". Wake up Sheeple, before it's too late (Agenda 21 sounds very, very nazi, hum?). Again, maybe, just maybe they never lost the second war and are running the show!!!! That's why the Sheeple need to start thinking again (I know, it's getting harder each day with the massive poisoning in the air/water/food + all the tv&net disinformation and Technocracy distraction&pollution - smart meter, smart phone, smart tv... Everything is getting smarter then the Sheeple ...) and turn back to Smart People and conquer Earth back to Real People, Real Human Beings, Real Nature & Food in order to judge&condemn these freaky psychopaths. That's why the People will have to rise (not the reich!) and make use of the Common Law themselves. Otherwise, well... no one needs to be a futurist to guess where it will all end up, saddly.
Posted by: BadActingOutThereNoMore | 21 January 2015 at 23:23
Seeing as the statement came from Credo himself. I'm not quite sure why you are accusing Alfred of a smear campaign. He simply gave Credo the opportunity to express himself.
The above correspondence does you no favours. You seem to think that by simply couching things in bland pseudo spiritual language, whilst simultaneously being threatening and not actually addressing what Credo said, people will just go along with whatever you say.
It is pretty clear that your ego is running the show.
Thank you for giving Credo a voice and setting up an account for him.
In these last days of the old paradigm anything that is out of integrity will be exposed. The alternative community is full of opportunists. Like Credo who was born with the ability to prophecise, I have developed abilities to 'see' the last few years. Many who put themselves forward as spiritual leaders are not in any shape to be in such a role. Credo is who he says he is. Others are not.
Posted by: space | 19 January 2015 at 20:51
Albert Einstein
The world is a very dangerous place. Not because bad people do bad things but because the rest of humanity does nothing.
Posted by: BadActingOutThere | 14 January 2015 at 03:36
"Why such a desperate campaign now? Because we have shown in practice that criminals in high office can be tried and convicted in common law courts; and that the authority of such rulers can thereby be nullified and replaced by we, the people, acting in our own name. That’s something no ruler can allow. But the why is even more specific.
The ITCCS discovered recently that the Vatican-Ndrangheta child trafficking network and its friends in the Canadian government – like Harper cabinet minister Denis Lebel – are making common cause with the Chinese government and its Triad criminal associates who control the pacific rim “human meat market”. And before the Chinese new year on February 19, top mob, church and government officials will be meeting in Vancouver to cement a deal.
The ITCCS was informed of this meeting on December 10. That was right at the same time that Alfred Webre suddenly began his public tirade against us to derail the ITCCS and its upcoming Grand Jury in Vancouver: an inquiry into these crimes that is scheduled to convene on January 15. But I’ll leave the details of all this to an upcoming ITCCS Communique." (www.kevinannett.com)
Posted by: Bad Acting Outt There | 14 January 2015 at 01:33
Kevin Annett has been facing the same sabotage that every Human Being brave enough to take action and responsability faces when reclaiming Justice here and now in Our World/Planet - not out there or in any other dimension with or without help of other beings/species from here or not...That's the distraction/deception/deceit!!! Sheeple WAKE UP! Human Beings have to acknowledge the crimes commited against humanity and do something about it themselves here and now. If the system is too corrupted to do Justice then we have to claim our Freedom and Rights and do it ourselves instead of just watch&wait&get distracted&just talk about it mantra... Is the Golden Age coming, really? So we don't need to do anything about because of the positive timeline, I see.... The world will get fixed by miracle or higher dimension help... Now I see, really. And it's clear who's WHO - you bet! :)
Posted by: Bad acting out there | 14 January 2015 at 00:11
There are a lot of facts against Michael Tellinger which he did not explain (Sullivan, Heine etc...)
I would not trust him.
He should send the money to Credo Mutwa, that he is withholding from him, this would be the only correct thing to do.
Posted by: Frigga Karl | 13 January 2015 at 23:03
Alfred, it is beginning to to look like you are an employee of the cabal.
Posted by: Fiber glut | 11 January 2015 at 22:32
You do realize that the person who calls herself "Mel Ve" has a history of smearing big names in the Alternative press? People like David Icke and Brian Gerrish? she shows up as supposedly important in Kevin Annett's organization and he gets èrashed, now it's Richael Tellinger's turn? Sounds fishy to me.
Posted by: Lois Hoffer | 11 January 2015 at 05:25