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Jules Zeeney

This subject is open and evolving around us. Is it policed properly? Knowledge and 'Forbidden knowledge' is separated in us by a spiritual regulator. Without spiritual regulators we would be a truly open society with many views comming forward. This fact is evident in a higher psychology that follows most of us. Our language is slang of sorts to the real meaning of our lives.
The fact that the police of our souls and spiritual lives have met a world ghost army in a killing fields scenario is threatening our lives who held spiritual controllers in us.
Now who determines the rules of life communications in this area?


I don't understand why some of the panelists appear uncertain why humans haven't evolved as expected. It seems, for the most part, it is due to the negative interference and manipulation from the outside and the so-called positive ETs not preventing such interference as truly good ETs would have (much as Tolec said). Hence, the ethical ETs haven't done their job. Why?

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