NN: What are your experiences of visiting the extraterrestrial spaceship?
SP: Which one? I’m just trying to access my memory bank to decide which one is appropriate for you and the readers... It’s got to be a mantid spacecraft because that’s where I have two associations and that’s with reptilian mantids...The whole craft is totally uncluttered, you don’t see furniture. No carpets and certainly no wallpaper.
There’s no lights in the ceiling; it’s just literally... and I use the word deliberately, beautiful, silver and there’s... I wouldn’t say there’s no corners, you do see some corners, but I would say there’s 99.9 per cent there’s no sharp angles. And there are chairs, but they appear as if they’ve been grown out of the craft, they are part of the craft. It’s not like you go to, I don’t know, a famous furniture shop and buy what you want and plonk it down.
These things appear to have morphed out of the craft. There’s no dust. The lighting seems to be equal in every part of the room. Everything is very factual, very organised.Nothing was untidy. The control panels don’t look anything like what we see even on, say, Star Trek – they don’t look anything like that. The control panels that these creatures use were not just physical touch, but they’re linked to their neural net; in other words any creature who has the right to command either in a spacecraft or a facility, that creature’s neural net and DNA will be encoded into the facility’s computer.
Every craft, every facility, has a sentient computer. Call it AI – but it’s much more than that. So the creature connects with the computer and the computer then directly connects with the different elements of the facility. For instance, if you were in a spacecraft and you want to do a very sharp turn, you don’t actually press a button or a long sequence of buttons – you just think.
And that is picked up by the interface computer and the craft then turns. It works by DNA because only DNA can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s quite complicated; and that’s why when Roswell’s spaceship crashed in 1947, the pilot of the craft, their head... well fibre-optic wires were actually connected into the brain because you have to make neural connections because you’ve got to think at that speed.
You can’t pilot a craft, anything like at the speed of light, and think ‘Oh I’ll just press this button now’ – because you’re dead, you’ll probably hit an asteroid.So, you have to be able to link straight into the neural net so that you can plan and think. It’s quite interesting, it’s quite exciting.
Important Disclosure Interview: UK Labour Councillor Simon Parkes On Being Brought Up By Aliens
Simon Parkes I have recently been watching and listening to the many things you have been informing the world about and I absolutely have a question I need to ask you. I have had personal experience with something which I find hard to describe but I feel it's something I need to ask you about.
I realize you have many followers and people asking you questions but please if you have a few minutes, contact me back.
It would really help.
Posted by: Robert Slaunwhite | 14 September 2018 at 08:06
Simone I have seen shadow beings too. I have has nightly visits by grey aliens.
Posted by: Mary | 17 January 2015 at 07:15