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Lucrecia Artalejo

You are part of our family. My father Enrique Artalejo is telling me that you might be the son of Juanita and the grandson of my dad's aunt Juana Fernández. You had 8 brothers...Should you wish to contact me, now you have my email...I got my PhD at Cornell Univ. and I taught 30 years Spanish and Latin American Cultures at NEIU at IL. I love history, and my brother Enrique Artalejo, President of Human Resources of America at Godiva loves to learn more about our family history...Now, I will try my best to read all your writings. Sincerely yours, Lucrecia

Luis Magno

My mother's maternal uncle and my grand-uncle Gobernador Abraham González y Casavantes was the principle organizer, on the ground, of the Mexican Revolution of 1910 lead by President Francisco Madero y González (1910-13).

Claudia Félidae

Hi Alfred!
Have been following your work for some time as well as Kevin Annet & all of Jean Haines' wonderful material. As you know, there are several groups worldwide establishing Common Law Courts - and unfortunately it is becoming hard to decide who is for real. Anyways, here is what I just discovered & thought you might be able to shed light on another form of
http://thealliancejournal.org/2014/07/16/the-knights-templar-and-the-truth-about-the-banking-cabal/ - The Judge’s Manual for Enforcement of Human Rights will soon be published by the Arbitration Court of International Justice together with the University Law Centre for Social Justice, both being autonomous subdivisions of the non-profit United Nations registered non-governmental organization (NGO) Institute for Sovereign International Security (ISIS). AND ALL DEEPLY CONNECTED TO Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon. On the surface all looks great (although I am no law expert)- it could also be a very compartmentalized organization (the doc. insinuate that Kevin's Common Law effort seriously not legitimate.
Also, one more group I came across International Tribunal for Natural Justice
This group would like to work/assist other Common Law enterprise.
Seeing you are an International Lawyer, would you be able to shed some light on these ventures? I particularly question the group affiliated with the Knights Templar.
Thank you so much in advance Alfred.
Warmest wishes,
Claudia Félidae
[email protected]

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