Mount Shasta Ascension Portal Conference, September 12-14, 2014
A Journey into Ascension, Healing & Exopolitics, Sacred Sites, Time Travel & ET Technologies, Shamanism & Planetary Liberation
Speakers: Rob Potter, Andrew D. Basiago, Tricia McCannon, Robert Perala, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Byron Belitsos, James Gilliland, Michael El Legion
1. Speaker Bios, Hotels & Important Conference Information, see link below
2. EVENTBRITE: Purchase Discount Tickets Here for Discount Code to help fund
For prices, please click "Participate as an individual"
Thank you! ;-)
Mount Shasta Ascension Portal Conference, September 12-14, 2014 (Click here for Speaker Bios, Hotels & Important Conference Information)
Dear Guest,
Thank you for deciding to join us all for this wonderful event please be aware this information below may change as we get closer to the event so please come back to this page here to see any changes. We will be sending you e-mail update notifications but please book mark this page as it is private and not visible on my website except through a link!
Welcome to The MT. Shasta Ascension Portal Conference!
We have a great conference planned and there are many important things you should know about attending this conference.
1) This conference is in a large room and the excursions will be on a Shasta mountain. Please be aware that each day if weather permits we will be going into nature. We ask that each day you be responsible and bring with you enough changes of clothes to allow for temperature changes. The Venue of the Ascended Master Healing Room is at 3000 feet elevation. We will be travelling to 9,500 for some excursions. The weather may change drastically in a short period of time please be prepared with jackets sweaters. You may even want to strip down to shorts and short sleeves if it is hot. Mother nature is unpredictable especially on a mountain so be prepared for changes. These excursions will be short and there will not be strenuous hikes so don’t worry. The longest excursion will be no more than 700 yards round trip on a manicured trail.
1a) We will let you know where we are going each day before we go on excursion and make suggestions of what to bring.
2) We may stay out later in the evenings so please bring Flashlights for excursions.
3) You may like to swim in lake or river so please bring bathing suits and towels.
4) We will ask you to be prepared to sit on the earth! You may wish to bring tarp’s, pillows blankets, clothes and shoes that may get dirty. This will be especially important for our Saturday night Fire/Music Circle Sky Watch/laser show! Bring your instruments and voice for the Saturday evening fire circle.
5) Always have plenty of water, hat, snacks and natural sunscreen with you.
6) Our excursions will be in spontaneously created car pools. We will leave exactly on schedule so please be ready at departure location and on time. We suggest you google map and pin drop the locations so you know exactly where we are going.
7) There may be large big black bears and panthers and possibly spiders and snakes ….Just kidding you will only see squirrels and chipmunks and maybe a deer or 3 so bring your cameras. Sorry I couldn’t resist!
8) We will NOT co-ordinate flights transportation or lodging though we may have promo codes for discounts at certain hotels for our group! We will have contacts for RV parking and Camping on the Mountain for those of you who might enjoy this.
9) We intend to have an on site breakfast and lunch. This option will be purchased separately if I find a vendor willing to set up a food section inside the venue. I will guarantee water, coffee, tea. honey creamers etc. all weekend long in the conference hall.
9a) We will have shuttles to alternative parking we cannot accomodate all cars on site. Please arrive early! shuttle site will be determined later and you will be notified via email.
10) The schedule may change as to presenter times. Our excursions are subject to mother natures whim but please know that mid sept. is usually perfect weather!
11) This conference is held on a business property owned by a dear friend and Light Worker who is close to ST Germain and he is very generous by allowing us to use this sacred space without deposit. You will be asked to confine your movements on the property to the Ascended Master Big Conference Quonset Hut and the bathroom! WE will ask you to park responsibly and be aware that on Friday the 12th especially that our venue is a place of business.
12) We will have a support team to guide us on our journey at the conference hall and on our excursions.
13) Any questions or concerns please call me Rob Potter at 530-918-8236 or e-mail me at [email protected]
At this time we are not providing food however I am hoping we will have on conference site continental breakfast and possibly lunches for $8-$10 each! No promises on this yet. You may bring your own food or eat at Shasta establishments or your motel rooms.
FRIDAY 8:00am
Breakfast/ on site maybe?
AND CHECK IN. Please come early the check in will take time! We hope to start promptly at
Mandatory Arrival Time!
Welcome Orientation during check in;
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Via Skype
Media Conference Room
9:30-10:30 am
Michael El Legion
Quonset Hut
Byron Belitsos
Depart from conference hall or your location to excursion site Panther Meadows/ end of Everett Memorial Hwy in lower parking lot (see map links below)
Leave parking lot to panther meadows for opening circle and activation presenters will speak
Get some sleep for goodness sakes its been a long day!
Please come early we will still check in some people for 2 day passes we hope to start promptly at
9:00am -10:30am
Robert Perala
Tricia McCannon
Rob Potter
Depart from conference hall or your location to excursion site castle lake parking lot (see map links below)
Leave parking lot to Castle Lake site for activation
Meet at conference site for caravan to secret fire music drum circle location dress warm have tarp’s pillows blankets instruments water flashlights etc ! Be on time or you will miss this nights event!
SUNDAY 8:00am:
Breakfast/ Maybe? CHECK IN.
Please come early we will start promptly at:
Andrew Basiago
James Gilliland
LUNCH on Mountain
Depart from conference to be on location to excursion site panther meadows by 3:30/ end of Everett Memorial Hwy in lower parking lot (see map links below)
These are the important links for Airports, Lodging Transportation and maps to locations we will need to know for conference.
The Closest Airport to Mt Shasta approx.1 hour drive from Mt Shasta Redding California Airport
Redding Airport Map
Redding Airport Transportation Page
Second Closest Airport to MT Shasta 1:45 minutes drive
Medford Oregon Airport
Medford Rental Cars
Medford Airport Map
Be aware there are 2 pages for this information with this link. I hope to have a discount promo code for some of these locations soon. Please do not book until you receive an e-mail from me telling you all that the conference is confirmed.
At this time we will need a minimum of 40 people to cover all expenses. I am confident we will make this conference a success but until we do please do not book flights or rooms for this conference.
Wonderful general Shasta information you should acquaint your self with is located here:
Friday and Sunday excursions location: Drive to Top of Everett Hwy parking lot : Excursion to Panther Meadows Mt Shasta Location
MT Shasta Everett Memorial Hwy
Location of Saturday Excursion
Castle Lake,-122.3814784&z=15&q=Castle+Lake+Rd&output=classic&dg=ntvb
Saturday Fire Music Drum Circle will remain secret until further notice!
Friday and Sunday excursions location: Drive to Top of Everett Hwy parking lot : Excursion to Panther Meadows Mt Shasta Location
MT Shasta Everett Memorial Hwy
Speakers List
At 22 Rob was invited to the desert by the Ascended “Master Hilarion” via Gabriel Green to meet a “Teacher”. The “Teacher” was one of the ET’s original earth military allies. He experienced his first physical contact with 3 witnesses present. Rob has spent much of his time studying the extra-terrestrials. He has met several ET’s in person. He has done many radio and newspaper interviews and travels around the world sharing the profound aspects of the ongoing process we know as” Interplanetary Cultural Exchange”. Rob loves sharing advanced healing and manifestation technologies utilizing light sound and color in conjunction with tesla coils, scalar waves, Quantum entanglement technologies, pyramidal arrays and sacred geometry crystal tachyon chambers. Rob is considered an expert in Pyramidology and the uses of crystals and Lasers for advanced quantum field healing. Rob is sharing the healing technology given to Fred Bell during his over 35 year of developing and making these devices. He was also inside The Kings Chamber in Egypt on Dec. 21st 2012. Rob was also recently also in Bosnia with JJ Hurtak and Dr Sam Osmanagich the discoverer of the world’s largest known pyramid. He spoke at the UFO convention in San Jose in November. Rob is currently working to help the Navaho and Hopi to receive pure water via his “Water is Life Project” a non-profit organization. His Radio show Victory Of the Light can be listened to here. Robs Presentation in Shasta Aug. 2014 EARTHS COSMIC HERITAGE AND SPIRITUAL DESTINYUsing Advanced ET Technologies for Healing our Planet and Ourselves Rob will be sharing the latest developments and plans for the liberation of planet from Inter dimensional Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters. Rob will share his Star Gate portal technology to help people actually develop and experience their own spiritual bodies or Merkabah conscious field. This “Promise Healing System” will actually help you understand quantum physics of how to integrate feeling and thought to accelerate the manifestation. This process of manifestation is sometimes called the secret and Rob will explain this in great detail. Rob may also speak about his personal physical contacts with different ET groups. He will answer all questions related to the individual and planetary Ascension process, as well as any questions about the “Event” Rob plans to share the science of Kriya yoga and the Rainbow Vortex Meditation. Robs will share revelations on The Galactic Federations views of earth and it history considered vital to a balanced perspective on the earth situation at this critical juncture our growth. Rob will explain how Stargate Portal technology designed to heal the planet. The sharing of understanding of the many different ET races, their historical interaction with earths Peoples and the ancient scriptures including the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Mayan calendar and the Vedas is a wonderful aspect of Rob’s work. The historical aspect of these many spiritual lineages of light is a revelation that can allow us to all work together. Robs presentations will clear up many of the hidden and dark agendas and how we can overcome these negative plans by invoking the light. Working with the GFL towards peaceful resistance and service to others are keys to the earth’s destiny liberation from tyranny. “ We the ground crew and light workers of the world must unite and play our part in the awakening of humanity. Our efforts can hasten the day of liberation and ease the earth through the process of birth into a new and exciting day for humanity. Love peace prosperity for all is part of this plan and we must begin to take part in this transition. Our good works and loving service is required in any way we feel called to serve.” Victory of the Light Warm regards Rob Potter |
Known as “The Mysteries Expert,” Ms. McCannon speaks on a variety of subjects from UFO’s and Ancient Civilizations to Angels and Extraterrestrials, Stargates and Ancient Prophecies to the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Trained as an initiate of many ancient streams of knowledge, including mystical Christianity, Native American wisdom, the Masters of the Far East, and the Goddess, she is also the Director of the Phoenix Fire Mystery School based in Atlanta, and has led hundreds of workshops worldwide. A Reverend in the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers, and a Bishop in the Madonna Ministries, her visually stunning workshops create a powerful synthesis of grounded and mystical wisdom. For the past two decades, she has been a Headliner at Conferences around the world. As a profoundly clear clairvoyant, she has given Soul Matrix readings for over 6000 people worldwide, tracing individuals from their place of origin through their many incarnations, into their present day lives in her continuing commitment to inner awakening, healing, and world unity. She will stay over in Mount Shasta for only two days to see clients for private sessions, and can be reached directly through her website at: Presentation: “SPIRITUAL ASCENSION CODES, EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION, AND THE AWAKENING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS” Many people today are still trying to understand what the true meaning was behind the long-awaited date of 2012? What are the shifts in consciousness that this important window of time is bringing to us? How are the prophecies of the Mayan Calendar linked to the larger cycles of human evolution spoken of by the Ancients? What is the Age of Aquarius really about, and how is it manifesting in our world today? How is our spiritual awakening affected by these great cycles of time, and what clues have the great Masters left us to identify how can we best prepare for it? How is this knowledge linked to the increase in Extraterrestrial visitations, the return of the planet Nibiru, and the many Earth Changes we are seeing in the world today? How is it connected to the Return of the Gods and the prophecies of the Last Days? And what is the actual science behind this Cosmic Clockwork that can propel us towards enlightenment and ascension? This powerful workshop is one you don’t want to miss! Today, as we stand at the precipice of a brave New Age many people what to know: “What does this world change mean? How does it affect me and how should I prepare?” The science behind the Change of the Ages embraces many diverse fields including astronomy, pole shifts, solar storms, astrophysics, and the hidden history of mankind. It also includes the discovery of the lost histories of Lemuria, Atlantis, our galactic Space Brothers, and the esoteric study and control of Earth’s magnetic fields. If you are interested in truly understanding this critical time in Earth’s history, we invite you to join us for this three day extraordinary event. This is the first foundational piece in understanding what is happening on our planet today, and the science behind the coming World Shifts. |
Andy has been identified as the first of two “planetary-level whistle blowers” predicted by the Web Bot, which analyzes the content of the World Wide Web to discern global trends. His Truth Campaign about time travel and life on Mars is based on direct, personal experience serving on two US defense projects. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, Andy was a child participant in Project Pegasus, which was the US time-space exploration program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defense-technical community. He was called back into government service in the early 1980’s, when he made numerous visits to Mars after being tapped to join the CIA’s Mars “jump room” program. For over a decade, Andy has investigated his secret project experiences on a quest to prove them and communicate them to others. Soon, he will publish a tell-all book that will reveal the true story of his awe-inspiring and terrifying experiences time traveling for the US government. Andrew D. Basiago was born on September 18, 1961 in Morristown, New Jersey, the youngest of five children, and grew up in Northern New Jersey and Southern California. Andy was identified in early childhood as an “Indigo” child with special abilities, including the ability to use his mind to levitate small objects and to perform telepathy by reading the minds of others. A past member of Mensa, the high IQ society, he holds five degrees, including a BA in History from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge. While an undergraduate at UCLA, Andy studied American history during the day while attending a night school in strategic intelligence administered by the Naval Postgraduate School. Upon graduating from UCLA in 1984, he became a journalist and protégé of editor Norman Cousins of the Saturday Review, who once compared him to Robert M. Hutchins and nominated him to be the editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Andy was inspired by a meeting with futurist Buckminster Fuller in 1981 to pursue a career in environmental affairs. After they met, Fuller wrote: “Andrew D. Basiago’s integrity augurs well for humanity’s continuance in (the) Universe.” He began his public career writing articles about urban affairs for Los Angeles newspapers, national periodicals, and the Cousteau Society journal Calypso Log. Andy studied environmental law at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, and then went on to design nature friendly urban plans for cities in California and study environmental law with Professor Malcolm Grant at Cambridge. His scholarly papers about “sustainability” have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals in Australia, Britain, and the United States. Andy was admitted to the Washington State Bar Association in 1996 and maintains a private practice in Washington. Recently, he edited several leading works related to humanity’s contact with extraterrestrial life. He was the editor of Alfred Lambremont Webre’s book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005), which uses as a case study human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars. He also edited The Fátima Trilogy by Dr. Joaquim Fernandes, Fina d’ Armada, and other scholars (Anomalist Books, 2007), a definitive history of the Fátima Incident of 1917 that explores its extraterrestrial aspects. Andrew D. Basiago is on a crusade as a lawyer and statesman to have the US government disclose its time travel secrets. Andy believes that lobbying the US government to declassify its secret teleportation capability, so that teleportation can be adopted globally as the leading form of civilian transport, is the most important environmental cause of our time. He is calling his truth campaign “Project Pegasus” after the secret US time travel program that he served in during his childhood as one of America’s early time-space explorers. Andy has enthralled listeners with his accounts of his time travel experiences in numerous television and radio interviews. His appearances on talk radio’s popular Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory have been hailed as major “disclosure events” and have been popular broadcasts in the history of that show. Andy has also described his time travel experiences in Project Pegasus during appearances on mainstream TV broadcasts in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. About his truth campaign as a participant in the US secret space program, he has stated: Imagine a world in which one could jump through Grand Central Teleport in New York City, travel through a tunnel in time-space, and emerge several seconds later at Union Teleport in Los Angeles. Such a world has been possible since 1967-68, when teleportation was first achieved by DARPA’s Project Pegasus, only to be suppressed ever since as a secret weapon. When my quest, Project Pegasus, succeeds, such a world will emerge, and human beings linked by teleportation around the globe will proclaim that the Time-Space Age has begun! In an effort to establish on Earth that the Mars he visited is inhabited, Andy has also earned distinction as a leading scholar in the Mars anomaly research community. His paper The Discovery of Life on Mars, published in 2008, was the first work to prove that Mars is an inhabited planet and also the first work ever published on Earth to contain images of humanoid beings on another planet. After publishing this landmark paper, Andy founded the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS), a group that is dedicated to researching, disclosing, and educating the public about life on Mars, revealing the US presence there, and developing the laws and policies that are needed to protect Mars from visitation, exploration, habitation, and colonization by human beings from Earth. He founded MARS in 2009 after discovering evidence of life in a photograph of the Red Planet beamed back to Earth by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. MARS continues to make breathtaking discoveries of ancient artifacts and biological beings on Mars. Andy’s efforts to prove his Mars findings and bring them to public light have been called “heroic.” Of his Mars anomaly research as the president and founder of MARS, Andy has written: “I am leading the campaign to achieve political recognition that Mars is inhabited because we must enact an international treaty to protect the ecology and civilization of Mars. We must remember that Mars does not belong to us. Mars belongs to the Martians. If we fail to recognize this, then we will fail our first major test of cosmic citizenship. I believe that the people of the Earth are ready for cosmic citizenship and I believe that they are ready for the truth!” In 2016, Andrew D. Basiago will be a candidate for President of the United States under the banner Andy 2016 – A Time for Truth. |
Alfred’s new book, The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations and from the intelligent civilizations of souls in the Interlife and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions in the Omniverse. Alfred is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School in international law and was a Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in Uruguay. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), and was a NGO delegate to the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference. Alfred is active with non-profit organizations concerned with peace, the environment, human rights and social justice, consciousness, and intelligent life in the Omniverse, including the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS). Alfred’s investigative journalism has been featured on CBS, CNN, TruTV, PressTV, and other mainstream TV networks, and has exposed an international war crimes racketeering organization using exotic technologies such as the HAARP aerosol/chemtrails weapons system for tectonic and weather warfare, mind control and other ecocidal and depopulation programs. Please visit Alfred is currently developing ExoUniversity, an educational entity ( whose goal is to provide web-based interactive continuing education, research, information, and policy regarding Exopolitics, PsiSciences and ExoSciences to individuals and institutions throughout the world. |
Byron Belitsos is an author, editor, journalist, and book publisher as well as an experienced political activist and practicing mystic. Byron has been politically active since 1969 in a variety of venues and contexts, and became an early pioneer in the deep politics movement, working closely with David Ray Griffin, Jim Marrs, Gordon Novel, Bill Pepper, Peter Dale Scott, Andy Basiago, and Catherine Austin Fitts. He was an inaugural member of the board of and produced “9/11 Truth Convergence,” one of the first 9/11 conferences. He is the founder and CEO of Origin Press, where he published (among many other award-winning books) Inside Job, by Jim Marrs, a bestseller that was one of the first significant books about 9/11. He is also a board member of the Democratic World Federalists, and was coauthor and publisher of the acclaimed book One World Democracy (Origin Press: 2005). He is the coauthor and publisher of A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine (Origin Press: 2009), which won a Nautilus Gold award. Belitsos is an expert on The Urantia Book, having published six books about it, including the acclaimed Center Within (1998), and most recently, “The Adventure of Being Human” (2012) and “Healing a Broken World” (2013). Conference Presentation: The Lucifer Rebellion and the End of the Planetary Quarantine Presenter: Byron Belitsos To fully understand today’s conspiracy politics, one must delve into the pre-Sumerian past of our planet. In these domains of deep history will be found the ancient story of the Lucifer Rebellion, as detected in Zeckariah Sitchin’s work and also as broached in the Bible and other scriptures—but which is explained in full in the Urantia Revelation. This primeval rebellion of the angels corrupted all subsequent history of our planet, and is the source of the Illuminati blood lines that have persisted ever since in positions of occult power. Belitsos’ presentation will give an overview of The Urantia Book’s rich story of the rebellion. He will explain how the fall of Lucifer and his minions led to the quarantine of our planet, and the prophetic events now occurring on our world now that the quarantine has been lifted. He will also present the import of the new transmissions that explain the celestial plan for planetary reclamation now under way, and how it promises a vast correction in our near-future history as well as the advent of avatars who will lead us into a new era of justice and peace. |
EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND THE DIVINE INTELLIGENCE Robert’s lecture explores the mysterious connection between the Divine Intelligence, and the discloser with Extraterrestrials. You will explore the interpersonal relationship we share with: Extraterrestrials, The Pleiadians, The Secrets of Life’s Continuum, The Origin of the Soul, Behavioral Science, The Dream State, Life Before Birth, and What Awaits Us on the Other Side… Much of his information comes from 30 years of research into the esoteric, in addition to the startling yet intelligent wisdom revealed to him by his nighttime visitors he calls, Extraterrestrial Emissaries. A large focus will be on why Extraterrestrials are here, and how Earth is being prepared to be birthed into a new expression. Find out what Robert and his support team from the other side have to say about the vast and sweeping changes in consciousness as we enter into the Golden Age of Enlightenment. The lecture includes a large amount of UFO photos from around the world, combined with a wonderful power point presentation. See:, |
Some of the Topics Michael will cover are: “Common Law Grand Juries & the Connection to the Galactic Councils, the ‘Cosmic Sting Operation’ by the Galactics & why this is temporarily delaying the RV/GCR, more Personal Insights into the Ending of the cabal’s reign on Earth & Events leading up to open First Contact.”
Dear Guest,
Please be aware that Alfred Lambremont Weber will only be appearing via Skype. We also must let you that we cannot control the weather. If it is impossible to make excursions alternative activities will be created. Also until we have enough sign-ups this conference is NOT garunteed so please do not purchase plane tickets until you recieve an E-mail from us or a phone call that we are confirmed. We anticipate a well attended conference but to be transparent we must let you know cancellation is a remote possibility.
Also we will not spend a penny of anyones money prior to confirmation and in the event of cancellation all fees will be promptly returned. There will be no refunds unless conference is cancelled however you may resell your ticket if you have an emergency and need to cancel. We may be able to help with this depending on time of cancellation.
Please do read all information and look for updates as we move forward. I am currently in process of trying to negotiate discounted room rates for our guests at several hotels. We will certainly post this information here and send out e-mails about room discounts to those of you who have signed up.
Most importantly get ready to have an amazing experience this mountain is a very special portal and I have personally seen many lives transformed by Mother Shastas benevolent radiations. We will all look forward to seeing you there.
Victory To The Light
Warm Regards
Rob Potter
QUESTIONS ? Call: 530-918-8236 or 949-878-8604 or e-mail [email protected]