Kevin Annett: Defendant Jesuit Superior General announces resignation; Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence
VANCOUVER, BC – Following a wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, and Kevin Annett, field secretary of the ITCCS.ORG, Jesuit Superior General Pashon, one of the chief defendants of the Brussels trial along with Pope Bergoglio (also a Jesuit), announced his resignation at the next Jesuit Council in 2016. In his ExopoliticsTV interview Kevin Annett revealed the Vatican infighting that is floating rumors of Pope Francis bad health and possible resignation to divert from the evidence of Satanic child sacrifice in the Papal 9th Circle rituals emerging from eye witnesses at the Brussels trial of Pope Jorge Bergoglio (Francis), the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Superior General of the Jesuits and others for child trafficking and child genocide. The trial, now in its 3rd session, is expected to continue for as long as a year.
ITCCS Statement on Jesuit Superior Resignation
ITCCS Breaking News - May 25, 2014 (GMT, Brussels)
Accused Child Killer resigns from top Vatican office:
Jesuit head Adolfo Pachon makes startling announcement as he stands trial in absentia for Crimes against Humanity
Amidst rumours that Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, may step down from his office because of his public prosecution for child trafficking and murder, one of his fellow defendants has just done so.
Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas Pachon announced suddenly this week that he will resign from his office at the next General Congress of the Jesuits.
Along with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Bergoglio and Pachon are primary defendants in an historic criminal lawsuit being conducted by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels that commenced on April 7, 2014. Several eyewitnesses who have given their deposition to the Court claim they witnessed Welby, Bergoglio and Pachon participate in child rape and sacrifice rituals connected to the notorious Jesuit-run Ninth Circle cult, during 2009 and 2010.
In a statement generally unreported by the world media, Pachon announced on May 20 that he was stepping down from his office without giving a reason.
The Italian TV news agency Rome Reports called Pachon's resignation “unusual ... for one of the leading prelates in the church”.
Pachon is the third top Vatican official to resign while in office after being prosecuted by the ICLCJ for crimes against humanity. Former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, abdicated on February 11, 2013, barely two weeks before the ICLCJ jury found him guilty of complicity in child trafficking and murder. Another primary defendant in the same case, Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, also resigned after the verdict.
ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett commented today from Canada,
“This is yet another huge admission of guilt by some of the most powerful men in the papacy. Obviously they are not untouchable, and their whole corrupt criminal syndicate is coming down. We should all take hope from this, and see that the law in the hands of the people can topple the worst tyrants.”
A recent interview with Kevin Annett about the ICLCJ trial and other news is posted at:
Further updates from the Court will follow.
Issued by The ICLCJ Directorate, 25 May, 2014 (GMT)
ExopoliticsTV Interview
In the course of the interview, Kevin Annett discussed the support of Belgian MP Laurent Louis for the ITCCS.ORG Brussels trial of the child trafficking and pedophile network principals in the Vatican and Anglican churches. He also discussed the ongoing Common Law Sheriff and Enforcement Officer training for ITCCS and the International Common Law Court of Justice and its expansion in the U.S. In Canada, Common Law Sheriffs are being trained and deployed to prevent a reported 9th Circle Child Sacrifice Ritual planned at the Montreal Cathedral for August 15, 2014.
Transcript of witness evidence
In his interview, Kevin Annett read from a sample transcript of evidence given in the Brussels trial that detailed connections and highly documented reports of child sacrifice, genocide and torture committed during the 1950s in programs that former Nazi German SS officers stationed at Canadian Armed forces bases in Calgary, AB and elsewhere in Canada. The former Nazi German SS officers, who had been supplied with new identities by the Canadian Armed forces as Canadian officers, were connected to the Knights of Darkness, an organization that Pope Ratzinger was a member of. Both the Government of Canada and Pope Ratzinger were defendants and found guilty of child genocide in trials before the International Common Law Court of Justice.
London, UK & Rome: Enforcement Action June 29 – July 2, 2014
Kevin Annett reiterated that during June 29 – July 2, 2014 a Common Law Court Enforcement Action will take place in London UK and Rome Italy.
Kevin Annett will be leading an ITCCS enforcement delegation accompanied by Common Law Sheriffs and supporters to the UK and to Rome, Italy to enforce Court arrest warrants against Elizabeth Windsor and against Pope Joseph Ratzinger and others already convicted by the Common Law Court of Justice for child genocide and other crimes against humanity. These enforcement actions will be broadcast via live media.
Individuals who live in the UK and in Rome and who want to support the Common Law Court of Justice actions by accompanying the ITCCS delegation and videoing the proceedings on their smartphones, etc. are encouraged to contact Kevin Annett at [email protected] or The Central Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels [email protected]
Kevin Annett: Defendant Jesuit Superior General announces resignation; Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence
The Lee Harvey Oswald connection; a conspiracy based upon facts that you can look up for yourselves: I saw something on the History channel the other day about the complete story of Lee Harvey Oswald’s last day or week alive regarding his “wedding ring.” This is when he shot President Kennedy.
There was one thing that stood out. The ring that he left in his old lady’s Russian tea cup. Well, it was his old lady’s mother’s tea cup (who was hooked up with someone from the Russian interior ministry, or something to that effect).
This ring had the Russian sickle and hammer stamped in it (left behind symbolically by Oswald). The Russian sickle and hammer is the equivalent of the Freemason square and compass.
The compass represents God’s intelligent design (the compass, measures angles, degrees, and an imperfect circle according to PI as far as I understand it).
The square represents Man’s architecture, because nature doesn’t build in right angles; as for straight lines, well you could argue that a crystal is a straight line, but built upon natural imperfections. Note: you can gain the proportion of a square from a compass according to Pythagorean’s theorem, because a straight line is 180 degrees, and a right angle is 90 degrees. The “G” is supposedly represents the Great Architect.
In order to have a proper order of operations, the word God should be above the compass, which is above the square. It is not according to “be your own god,” or “do whatever thou wilt.” This plan is specifically against the Catholic Church.
Now take the Russian sickle (agriculture, or God’s intelligent design) and hammer (industry, or Man’s industry) and you can see the connection. The reason why there is no “G” is because the governmental ideology of Russia is communist from the beginning; thus, no freemason structure according to the way the United States manifests the Great Architect’s plan in its “free” people.
The plan is a One World Order with mankind’s enslavement according to the Federal Reserve System here in America. Reportedly, every country in the world is on a One World Order type banking system, with the exception of Iran (Kaddafi was supposedly assassinated because he wanted to back his country’s economy with the country’s own gold). This is what “they” call their manifest destiny; that men are too stupid to run their own world, so they should be enslaved.
This is the thinking behind the Supreme Court’s ruling (here in America) regarding the R.F.I.D. chip, which is currently in the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare), which is a class II transponder system. It is an implantable medical device in the FDA database that is going to contain you records that are life sustaining (your medical records), and your records that are life supporting (your bank records). Note: this is why the A.C.A. was over a thousand pages long; to hide their plan regarding the R.F.I.D. chip, and this is why the current congress is only speaking of repealing Obamacare in part (today is 12/2/2014).
According to this R.F.I.D. chip (which is literally the “mark of the beast,” because it was first used to mark your pets as your property) it is part of the A.C.A. under the “commerce clause” of the United States Constitution (where the judicial branch does not have substantive powers to legislate; much like Obama and his immigration bullshit) as a tax. This is manifest destiny thinking!
This is because the Federal Reserve System is a Ponzi scheme utilized to bankrupt America, where the R.F.I.D. chip is based upon the Hollerith machines of Nazi Germany, and the fact that there is a number on the bottom of your birth certificate that is on the stock market (more manifest destiny thinking). Note: Obama’s stimulus package is a giant step towards bankrupting America due to inflation, where you received a one-time payment of 300 dollars, but your prices at the grocery store tripled permanently (so the State can indoctrinate you children to Obama instead of saying the Pledge of Allegiance to their country by having you work two jobs, with no benefits, for the same food; is this Marxist?). Note: Obamacare is also Obama’s second stimulus package.
You do know that Obama is a Marxist President in his ideology don’t you? You should, you elected him. Now back to Lee Harvey Oswald. According to sources, the Freemasons infiltrated Russia in 1917.
Now take this fact with Italics in the 1954 Douay (Catholic) bible (they are not supposed to be there look at the book of Jerimias; I think this book manifests this fact (that they are not supposed to be there, which is due to a lack of purpose). The England version of this Bible uses the word “shew bread” instead of “show bread (which is in the American version of the same year).” Why is Old English (the language) used in a modern Douay Bible?
Maybe it’s Ed Sullivan: “that a really big shew.” Maybe it’s Khrushchev banging his shoe on a podium before the U.N. stating “America we will bury you.” Maybe it’s the fact that Gorbachev won a Nobel Peace prize for dismantling his country. Maybe it’s the fact that Obama won a Nobel Peace prize for being elected President (for dismantling his country before it even happened; more manifest destiny thinking).
So, how does this tie in to Lee Harvey Oswald. Well according to the documentary that I saw, he met with the K.G.B. guy in charge of Assassinations back then, the week before he assassinated President Kennedy, where President Kennedy (in a press conference) told the world press to manifest any One World Order corruption. This is what is the Great Architect’s plan is. I am a “gangstaking” victim, but I paid attention to their attacks over the years. I went to college and learned their ways with the basis that “they” are 100 percent anti-God. This is due to their cruel methods; I am a Catholic.
On one more note: there was a prophecy by Saint Malachy that the “black” Pope would be assassinated with the Russian federation flag flying about the Vatican. Take this and apply this to the movie Stripes. “call me Psycho.” “You call me Francis and I’ll kill you.” I like how Psycho was shooting at that flock of birds with his M-16 don’t you. Maybe this is according to Saint Francis; the Patron Saint of Animals.
Posted by: Richie Mata | 02 December 2014 at 19:21