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Please help me understand one thing, I beg you. I am ok if you walk among us but the question is Do You Vote?


Interesting some years ago people would laugh out loud at anything to do with aliens, ufo's Government cover ups and the enslavement of humanity, 1984 and is because of their stupid denial, is the reason we are in trouble now, even today most of the older generations who should be awake, to me seem to be brain dead. It is those few left of the older generations, and younger who are awake and can see what is hidden behind the shadow governments of the world. Together all of us who are awake can help the change and turn this world in to what is should be. all races no matter what colour need to come together as people and not be driven by lies false religions.

Andrew Bransford Brown

Publicizing orders is the first step.

1. Standard protocol/format for electronic transactions. See Promise Language. Money is a ledger/database entry and everyone has a buy off point.

2. Data security. All has been breached. Simplicity is a requirement. See systemdotpersistence.blogspot.com

3. True Life Stories. A public company to sell government secrets to Hollywood. It covers secrecy issues.

Scott Love

World renown speaker LAURA EISENHOWER!

We are so blessed to have Laura Eisenhower, who is known around the world as a Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and Intuitive Astrologist, coming to share her gifts,visions, wisdom and experience with us at this years Three Days of Light Gathering.

She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower.

Find her profile on the the 3DL site here:

Laura will be one of over 3 dozen world renown workshops leads. Others include Dr. Dream (Mark Peebler), Tony Burroughs, Barbara Vitale, Saralise Azrael, Scott Love, Amanda Amethyst, and many others!
See the updated list here: www.3dlgathering.com/workshops

Get tickets here: www.3DLGathering.com/Tickets
Friends and Family of Laura Eisenhower can save 10% off ALL TICKETS by using the discount code: LauraEisenhower

The 4th Annual Three Days of Light Gathering (3DL4: LEVEL UP!)
August 28th-30th
In the beautiful, majestic Appalachia Mountains
Asheville, NC

"Our SOUL/STAR Family reunion!"



show us your source before we believe your rambling


She's not the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower or related to him in any way. Her real name is Laura Mahon. She's a disinformation agent who is trying to co-opt and divert attention away from the groundbreaking work of John Lash amongst other things. Do your own research, it's easy to see.
Does anyone have the ability to think critically anymore? If I said I was the great granddaughter of JFK would you believe me at face value just because I can tell some cool stories?


Sorry for the repost- I forgot to say, that I am dyslexic and you may see bad spelling and grammar problems, I am trying to fix it before I post.
This things are very easy to find out in Hellenic mythology.

Let me help u understand some.

Many people consider Kronos (Saturn or Sabbaoth in other religions or countries) is considered by foreign (not greek) literature, as the father of GODS.

That is not true, they manipulated it that way, so they can make people believe that Zeus is the leader of the 12 gods etc.

Let make things str8. Zeus is the god of the gods. It is in our very ancient books that they didnt make it to burn them or destroy. Kronos was the leader of the 12.

Zeus is an immortal child and all the 12 (they are not 12, but only 12 are known in our solar system)they are golden childs. We separate "gods" in ages.

Immortals, golden, silver, bronze, heroic and iron.

So we have the myth that Kronos took the leadership from Oyranus and in order not to loose his power, he start killing "his children". You all know that little story.

We have many generations on planet earth, the most ancient one that lives is the (O)yranos generation.

There is a reason why I add in a sentence the letter O, you will understand bellow.

Kronos was placed in our solar system with others to protect and maintain planet earth populations, animals and flora. Earth was a paradise once, a garden.

During a war in the universe, reptilians escaped. And here the myth of Perseus and Medusa comes in. Have you ever seen how medusa looks like? Medussa had 2 smaller sisters (sthenos and ebrialli), they escaped and they "fall" There is a reason I add these things into sentences. During their way down (the 2 smaller sisters of Medusa), they created the 8 sirens.

In order to glamour humans and earn time, so they can find a way out. A way out from where? From our solar system ofcourse.

The original names of the sirens are (white essence, beautiful mind, convincing mind, beautiful looks, etc, etc) It is the system we live on today! Media, religions, governments, etc. These are the sirens.

Nephilims is a misunderstood word, Gods in ancient Hellas means - THOSE WHO RUN FAST. And THE GOD means - The one who sees all, they one who is everywhere in the entire universe without the need of traveling fast. And that is Zeus.

They invaded earth 13.000 years ago and they left on earth a hybrid race, be able to act as a locust, to corrupt earth populations. This race is hybrid between reptiles and the rebels. There is a difference between rebels and reptilians. Reptilians are not rebels, rebels are the ones who rebelled against the universal government and allied with the enemies of the alliance. They act as intermediaries, between human races and the reptiles.

Earth is being invaded 13000 years ago and they left them to live in Poseidonia (with posidonians), today you know Poseidonia as Atlantis. They corrupted them, they started wars and you know a bit of the story, that greeks turned against and they made a huge war. Greeks won.

Then we have the reptilian "god" commander, who destroyed Atlantis and migrated the hybrid race elsewhere. He created the cataclysmic event.

We have 4 generations of humans on planet earth today.

Oyranus generation, (A)tlantians/Arians and this generation is the IRON generation. During Kronos leadership, it was the last generation of humans who got created and there is a reason, why all leaders all around the glove, are either A blood type with specific dna, or AB. The true black race, ancient tribes and ehtyopians, that come from Seirios and a surprise guest....that is not referred in any books.

The (B)ixi ones... Try to translate these... 0-A-B
Take an alternative and ancient relative reference about the Adam and EVA. ADAM ancients told us and we have it in our books means (Anatoli - Dysi - Arctos - Mesimbria) and that translates to East, West, North and South. EVA is the moon (the vessels of the reptiles/rebels) that is called in ancient as L EVA N (Levan). We also got the apple that is the corruption and the reptile... "Corruption in the 4 corners of planet earth, till the total destruction of human populations"
I let the rest to you to search.


This things are very to find out in Hellenic mythology.

Let me help u understand some.

Many people consider Kronos (Saturn or Sabbaoth in other religions or countries) is considered by foreign (not greek) literature, as the father of GODS.

That is not true, they manipulated it that way, so they can make people believe that Zeus is the leader of the 12 gods etc.

Let make things str8. Zeus is the god of the gods. It is in our very ancient books that they didnt make it to burn them or destroy. Kronos was the leader of the 12.

Zeus is an immortal child and all the 12 (they are not 12, but only 12 are known in our solar system)they are golden childs. We separate "gods" in ages.

Immortals, golden, silver, bronze, heroic and iron.

So we have the myth that Kronos took the leadership from Oyranus and in order not to loose his power, he start killing "his children". You all know that little story.

We have many generations on planet earth, the most ancient one that lives is the (O)yranos generation.

There is a reason why I add in a sentence the letter O, you will understand bellow.

Kronos was placed in our solar system with others to protect and maintain planet earth populations, animals and flora. Earth was a paradise once, a garden.

During a war in the universe, reptilians escaped. And here the myth of Perseus and Medusa comes in. Have you ever seen how medusa looks like? Medussa had 2 smaller sisters (sthenos and ebrialli), they escaped and they "fall" There is a reason I add these things into sentences. During their way down (the 2 smaller sisters of Medusa), they created the 8 sirens.

In order to glamour humans and earn time, so they can find a way out. A way out from where? From our solar system ofcourse.

The original names of the sirens are (white essence, beautiful mind, convincing mind, beautiful looks, etc, etc) It is the system we live on today! Media, religions, governments, etc. These are the sirens.

Nephilims is a misunderstood word, Gods in ancient Hellas means - THOSE WHO RUN FAST. And THE GOD means - The one who sees all, they one who is everywhere in the entire universe without the need of traveling fast. And that is Zeus.

They invaded earth 13.000 years ago and they left on earth a hybrid race, be able to act as a locust, to corrupt earth populations. This race is hybrid between reptiles and the rebels. There is a difference between rebels and reptilians. Reptilians are not rebels, rebels are the ones who rebelled against the universal government and allied with the enemies of the alliance. They act as intermediaries, between human races and the reptiles.

Earth is being invaded 13000 years ago and they left them to live in Poseidonia (with posidonians), today you know Poseidonia as Atlantis. They corrupted them, they started wars and you know a bit of the story, that greeks turned against and they made a huge war. Greeks won.

Then we have the reptilian "god" commander, who destroyed Atlantis and migrated the hybrid race elsewhere. He created the cataclysmic event.

We have 4 generations of humans on planet earth today.

Oyranus generation, (A)tlantians/Arians and this generation is the IRON generation. During Kronos leadership, it was the last generation of humans who got created and there is a reason, why all leaders all around the glove, are either A blood type with specific dna, or AB. The true black race, ancient tribes and ehtyopians, that come from Seirios and a surprise guest....that is not referred in any books.

The (B)ixi ones... Try to translate these... 0-A-B

Take an alternative and ancient relative reference about the Adam and EVA. ADAM ancients told us and we have it in our books means (Anatoli - Dysi - Arctos - Mesimbria) and that translates to East, West, North and South. EVA is the moon (the vessels of the reptiles/rebels) that is called in ancient as L EVA N (Levan). We also got the apple that is the corruption and the reptile... "Corruption in the 4 corners of planet earth, till the total destruction of human populations"
I let the rest to you to search.

dan winter

key is
the (nitrogen breathing, cyanogen exhaling, radioactivity activated, and water poisoned) blood chemistry of the draco / urn - which reveals how they become parasitic- and their weak spots:

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