Planetary Liberation NOW!
Author: Cobra Resistance
Target: The Awakened Population
We are all aware that there are forces within the banking establishment, military-industrial complex and also on the non-physical planes that do not wish humanity to be free. They have stolen our money. They have poisoned our food. They are trying to take away our freedom. They are trying to take away our happiness. We will not let them.
There are also benevolent forces originating beyond the surface of this planet, such as the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Agarthians and the Resistance Movement, willing to assist us in the planetary liberation process. They are willing to support the human population to bring justice back again and change the corrupt legal systems worldwide, create a fair and transparent new financial system, bring new and clean advanced technologies to humanity and reveal hidden information about the existence of extraterrestrial races and about the real history of mankind.
They are offering a co-creative partnership to humanity because they wish our planet to join a civilized galactic society. To make the next step in their public disclosure, they need a certain degree of agreement with their proposal for partnership from the surface population of this planet. This is the purpose of our petition. If you wish a full disclosure of these benevolent forces and full partnership with them, please sign this petition. When we reach our goal of 144,000 signatures, the benevolent forces of Light will take the next step in the disclosure process.
More references:
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Developments and Liberation Petition
VIDEO - COBRA: Mandela funeral a psyop. Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system
Planetary Liberation NOW!
Lost in translation:
"...The object of the conspiracy is to emasculate all Americans and many foreigners of their right to privacy in order to predict our behavior and make it easier to find among us those who are planning harm...."
Posted by: Jens Michlas | 16 December 2013 at 05:17
This is very nice and I support it as such. But this is the world we live in :
" ... The object of the conspiracy er emasculate all Americans and many foreigners of sin Right to privacy in order-to- predict our behavior and make it nemmere two find among us dem som er planning harm .... "
Judge Andrew Napolitano
So no thank you! Dont let them get all of dharmic so easily.
Therefore, to give the NSA in other words NWO one inventory list of people who believe in democracy and civilized society when they now collect information on who to intern as opposed to their dystopia is not a good idea .
I do not understand the intelligence behind this proposal.
We are daily poisoned by food , medicine, chemtrails , fluoride , media etc. . We walk around in a dazed poisoned state. The fact that some have the energy to speak out against the elite reflects the extraordinary skills.
This world must be freed and dharma is to be reintroduced and only then , such a question give meaning.
Not only the enlightened and intelligent have the right to demand a good and better world. The child and the wounded also has the right to a Dharmic world, although it can not express himself.
Only to respect the voice of the powerful is repulsive
Instead it maybe makes sense for those who know the importance to tell truth also to send out prayers out into the higher dimensions that the source must restore dharma - and it is now.
I have the feeling living in me that I experience expressed by the avatar Sathya Sai Baba who was saying always: “Samastha Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu” - May all the being in all the worlds be happy.
The is goal of source I believe.
Posted by: Jens Michlas | 16 December 2013 at 05:15