Part 2 - Peter Kling: Christ returns as an Extraterrestrial with the armies of the Multiverse to defeat the NWO?
VANCOUVER, BC – In the two-part ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, author and Hermeneuticist Peter Kling states sets out a possible world scenario for 2014 and subsequent several years based on hermeneutics, the interpretation of prophetic texts. In this part 2, Peter discusses the possible passage of Niburu, a periodic Planet X through the solar system and the return of Christ as an Extraterrestrial with the armies of the Multiverse to defeat the NWO.
Peter Kling's book "Letters to Earth: You can Survive Armageddon!" is available as a softcover and Kindle eBook at
Part 1 - Peter Kling: Mandela funeral cosmic rituals start NWO phase. Pope to lead NWO global electronic currency as King William crowned world king?
Part 2 - Peter Kling: Christ returns as an Extraterrestrial with the armies of the Multiverse to defeat the NWO?
I started calling earth a prison planet about 10 years ago. Where did Me Kling hear the term?
Also he is saying what the Jehovah's Witnesses said over 30 to 40 years ago regarding Revelations.
Is this propaganda? Because people are being tortured in their beds with EMF I AM ONE. BY my neighbors from 3 states. Killed my daughter.
Posted by: knox | 15 March 2015 at 20:52