ET Abductee - Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity
VANCOUVER, BC - In an Oct. 15, 2013 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV, a 33 year old male ET abductee using the moniker “George” to remain anonymous confirmed numerous repeated abductions and electromagnetic tortures that he ascribes to a predatory hyperdimensional species that have stated their intent is to ultimately displace humanity on planet Earth.
Michael Relfe Open letter to world military about predatory species
These assertions by the ET abductee “George” are congruent with an Open Letter by former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe dated Oct. 14, 2013 and sent to the military leaders of many prominent nations asserting that “Previous members of the military made a grave mistake when they hid the reality of aliens from the people of earth. That mistake has been continued. That mistake could endanger the future of humanity forever. It is time to remedy this situation before it is too late.
“This battle against predatory species cannot be won by military might and technology alone. By now you know that this scenario involves energies and technology beyond your wildest imagination. For example, how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy when the enemy possesses jump gates and mind control technologies so that any head of government can be abducted and mind controlled at any time? And how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy that can hide itself from your perception?
“These predatory species, their technology and those humans that voluntarily serve them, can only be defeated by harnessing the cumulative might of the metaphysical and spiritual powers, as well as the intelligence, of the people of earth.”[1]
Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe has authored The Mars Records, two books on the 20 years (1976-1996) he states he spent as part of the permanent armed force detail on a U.S. facility on Mars that was part of the security perimeter developed in ur solar system against the attempted occupation by the predatory hyperdimensional species
Torture by the hyperdimensional predators
In the interview, “George” indicates that he began to be abducted by the hyperdimensional species in early childhood, when the beings that entered his bedroom appeared as a species of grey ETs and sometimes as shadow beings. Later, in his mid-twenties, “George” experienced holographic projections in his mind, intense voice to skull projections, and electromagnetic torture. The predatory species has the capability to download an individual’s memory and create fear-based programs that are then holographically.
"Transhumanist" Black budget electronic torture
During the interview “George” discusses why he attributes the electromagnetic technologies of torture he experienced to a predatory hyperdimensional species when the technologies are similar to covert electromagnetic and scalar technologies employed by human military and intelligence agencies against human populations, especially in MILABS (Military abductions).[2] Also discussed was the scenario in which the dimensional predatory species has a cooperative relationship with the Transhumanist agenda’s covert electronic and scalar control agenda.
“Wedding-cake” type UFO
For the last two years, the predatory species increased the level of electromagnetic torture, “George” reported. In one episode, a large “wedding-cake” type UFO manifested near “George” and began to attack him with crippling electromagnetic rays with apparent intent to drive “George” to death. “George’s” physician has found nerve and spinal damage from this incident.
“George” stated during his interview that the predatory species has told him they intend to eliminate humans that are spiritual, non-conformist, question everything, and not “part of the system”.
Human Spiritual, soul, and intellectual power
Both “George” and Michael Relfe’s Open letter discuss the importance of humanity’s becoming aware of the presence and agenda of the predatory hyperdimensional species. Humanity’s collective spirit, soul and intellectual prowess, consciously applied, can defeat the predator.
Ethical hyperdimensional species
In the interview, "George" discusses the interaction between the predatory species and ethical hyperdimensional intelligent civilizations that also interact with humanity. There is documented evidence that ethical, hyperdimensional civilizations exist that are closely involved in the positive development of humanity. These include hyperdimensional civilizations of the Grey phenotype of which approximately 150 have been identified. [3]
[1] Michael Relfe, "Open Letter to Heads of the Military Regarding Defeating the Alien Presence", October 14, 2013,
The Mars Records,
[3] Alfred Lambremont Webre, "Mary Rodwell – ETs, Souls, The New Humans and a coming global Shift",
ET Abductee: "Transhumanist" hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity