Alfred Lambremont Webre
BC – This article is for those readers with eyes to see and ears to hear and a
desire to understand the methods the Satanic Illuminati media networks used in
conjunction with other New World Order operations to target specific Truth
movement workers. The article connects
dots, and the reader, as always, is free to perceive those dots as connected or
not connected.
This is experimental territory because the technology of
targeting employed in this hit is such that if the targeted person states that he or she is being targeted, then he or she is conventionally perceived as a paranoid
schizophrenic. Thus, technology is designed such that the target is in a double
bind. If he or she reveals the hit, he or she is discredited. At least that’s
how the Satanic Illuminati have set up their global psyops targeting system.
Case study of a major media Illuminati hit
One purpose of Satanic Illuminati major
media hits on targeted Truth movement workers lies in the realm of dark magic –
to attempt to take the positive spiritual and social energy generated by the
causes in which the worker is active and direct them to the negative. This can
be done by creating an anonymous smear website against the target on the
Internet and then enroll a cooperating Illuminati major media asset - like a Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart
Leibowitz, November 28, 1962) on The Daily Show - to load key cue words about
the smear into the collective mind through a “Capstone incantation” on their
major media program.
Major Illuminati assets like politicians can also be enrolled
into loading cue words about a targeted individual into the collective mind, in
which case the “Capstone incantation” may take place during say a U.S.
President’s State of the Nation address.
Comedy Central as an
Illuminati Psyops Central
There is ample evidence that Comedy Central’s
flagship program The Colbert Report has been used to target Truth workers attempting
disclosure around important new secret technologies now controlled by the
Illuminati, such as time travel and teleportation.
Colbert Report invited former U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago to do a
straightforward, policy-oriented interview that was to be focused on how
teleportation can provide a way for the United States to free itself from
dependence on foreign sources of oil, filmed the interview in Portland, Oregon
in June 2012, and then recently in post-production added a 1953 CIA Robertson
Panel-like "hit" on the CIA's Mars jump room program of the early
1980's that included not only Andrew D. Basiago, U.S. President Barack H.
Obama, and former DARPA director Regina E. Dugan, but Andy's fellow chrononauts
who have stepped forward as whistle blowers, William B. Stillings and Bernard
Jon Stewart’s “Capstone
incantation”: Oct. 23, 2013
In the opening segment of his Oct. 23, 2013 Daily Show, host
Jon Stewart [at 0.27] suddenly states a non-sequitur
reference to the upcoming 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination
[Nov. 22, 2013] that, on analysis, is an Illuminati “Capstone incantation”, stating emphatically:
Stewart: “But first, Fifty years ago in
Dallas an assassination that changed the country…”
While he is making the “Capstone Incantation”, Jon Stewart
looks away from the camera while a background image of “Wall Street” behind him
is a setup for the first legitimate segment of the program. Stewart mutters
that what he just said was “a joke” based on off-stage conversations.
there is no joke and no context for the Incantation. That is because there was
no Daily Show joke in those words and that “Capstone Incantation” was actually
part of a larger Illuminati hit, carried out through covert Illuminati assets
like Jon Stewart and anonymous Illuminati assets on the Internet and elsewhere.
JFK assassination 50th anniversary reference
The hypothesis of this article is that the JFK assassination
50th anniversary reference by Jon Stewart is actually an Illuminati
ritualistic incantation, targeted as part of an Illuminati network hit on a
specific target.
Jon Stewart: “But first, Fifty years ago in Dallas an assassination that changed
the country…”
This is an Illuminati “hit” incantation that is meant to be
part of an anonymous hit that took place on the Internet earlier that same day
Oct. 23, 2013. The anonymous website
took a comment on an ExopoliticsTV interview I had done in honor of the 50th
anniversary of the JFK assassination with expert Ole Dammegard and conflated
the comment into my being a “shape-shifting reptilian”.[2]
Shape-Shifting Reptilian
Caught On Video?
October 23, 2013 - Alternative, New World Order, Sci-Tech, Uncategorized -
Tagged: aliens, david icke, new world order, nwo, reptillian, shapeshifter,
strange, weird
Bizarre clip from a recent Alfred Webre video on Youtube. The clip seems to
show Alfred shape-shifting mid way through an interview with Ole Dammegard.
I had in fact already responded to a viewer’s question about
my life-long speech impediment a day earlier. Here is the dialogue from ExopoliticsTV
comments on Oct. 22, 2013 [Synchronistically, "International Stuttering Awareness Day"]:
- ·
BeHisLikeness 1 day ago: “What happened to Alfred at 42:12? Looks like he
had a seizure of some kind.”
- ·
Alfred Lambremont Webre 1 day ago: “It's
called a "stupor", and is a life-long stammering behavior. Alfred's
brain sees an entire sentence and attempts to say it all at once rather than
allowing his speech to flow naturally. Thank you for asking that question.”
- BeHisLikeness 23 hours ago: “No, thank you for answering my
question. It was rather disturbing in light of all the videos that are going
around about Reptilians... (please don't be offended)... Not that I am really
convinced of a Reptilian race... Again, thank you for answering this question
for me.”[3]
Under the hypothesis of this article, an Illuminati
cooperating asset had scanned this comment and transformed it into a smear
“hit” against its target on an anonymous website and on the same day (Oct 23,
2013), had enrolled an Illuminati major media asset (Jon Stewart) into
performing a “Capstone Incantation” against its target on that night’s Daily
This sounds crazy?
To a conventional point of view, this
line of reasoning sounds crazy. A classic paranoid schizophrenic diagnosis (I
have a graduate degree in psychological counseling) is that the diagnosed
individual reports that he or she is hearing segments on television about their
lives, or voices in their skull.
Well, that is how Satanic Illuminati
mind control technology is intentionally hidden and kept secret by its
controllers, behind mental health diagnosis so that if the targeted individual
comes forward, he or she can be labeled a paranoid schizophrenic. Voice to
skull mind control technology is now well documented.[4]
Similarly with the secret Satanic
Illuminati major media “hit” networks like the ones at Comedy Central with Jon
Stewart and Stephen Colbert. When
targeted individual come forward to report on Illuminati major media “hits”,
the expectation of the controllers is that the targeted individual would be
seen as “paranoid schizophrenic” or at least not credible.
What makes this
hypothesis credible?
In the absence of tangible evidence
connecting Jon Stewart’s non-contextual utterance about the 50th
anniversary of the JFK assassination on the Oct. 23, 2013 Daily Show to an
anonymous Internet “hit” on a targeted individual on the same day, what are the
grounds to believe there is a connection?
That is a question I asked myself late
into the wee hours of Thursday Oct. 24, 2013. Was this bizarre statement by Jon
Stewart, which I watched on my television at 11 PM Pacific Time in Vancouver,
BC, Canada, connected to the anonymous Internet hit I had just experienced
hours before around an interview I had completed with a world expert on the 50th
anniversary of the JFK assassination?
Initially I was skeptical, and finally
came to an affirmative conclusion after asking a neutral adviser the next day
who looked at the evidence and concluded that there were objective signs that
(1) Jon Stewart is a Satanic Illuminati operative, and (2) that he had
knowingly delivered his utterance about the 50th anniversary of the
JFK assassination on the Oct. 23, 2013 Daily Show as a “Capstone Incantation”
This does not mean that Jon Stewart
knows the details of the hit, only that he was provided the Capstone
Incantation and agreed to deliver it.
Remember, Jon Stewart earns $25-30 million a year and is commercial
television’s most highly paid host even as he is in basic cable, ahead of
Letterman and others in the major television networks.[5]
Why the hit on Alfred?
key question is: Why the hit on Alfred Lambremont Webre? The conventional mind
would ask: How can I conceivably say that the Satanic Illuminati would “waste
their time” to mobilize one of the Illuminati battle-ships (Jon Stewart-Daily
Show) on me? I am not a mainstream public figure. I do not hold public office.
I live outside of the United States. I lead a simple lifestyle.
This has been happening since 1973
One clue to why Alfred is that these
sorts of “hits” by the secret Satanic Illuminati major media networks have been
happening to me for 40 years, since 1973. I intend to report on them
extensively in an upcoming book.
CNN's Piers Morgan does an Illuminati hit on Alfred
On April 4, 2011, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre was defamed publicly as an “idiot” and a “crackpot” by CNN’s “foppish” and “pompous” anchor Piers Stefan O’Meara (whose stage name is “Piers Morgan”) on Piers Morgan Tonight during Mr. Morgan’s interview of the former Minnesota Governor and professional wrestler James George Janos (whose stage name is “JesseVentura.”) Piers Morgan is anothe Illuminati major media asset who participates in Capstone Incantations for Illuminati networks.
At issue was the fact that I had called U.S. President Barack H. Obama a lifelong CIA “asset” during my interview with “Jesse Ventura” on a segment about the Gulf oil spill on his TruTV show Conspiracy Theory. In the CNN interview, “Piers Morgan” first cuts to a scene on the Ninth Ward levee in New Orleans, where I am seen calling Mr. Obama a CIA asset as I stand with “Jesse Ventura” starting at about 30 minutes into this segment of this episode of Gov. Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory:
My statements about Mr. Obama’s background as an asset of the CIA, appearing at approximately 32 minutes into Piers Morgan’s interview with “Jesse Ventura,” were played numerous times over the air by CNN and can be viewed here:
In the remainder of the CNN segment, “Piers Morgan” then states the epithets of “idiot” and “crackpot” at me for having stated that Mr. Obama is a lifelong CIA “asset.”
After filming the Conspiracy Theory segment in New Orleans, Michael Braverman, Gov. Ventura’s producer, told an associate of mine “the Governor is very pleased with Alfred Webre’s interview. We hardly had to edit Alfred at all.”
Time Travel Pre-identification
clue lies in secret time travel technology, which that U.S. government has had
since 1971, the year it began its unlawful and unconstitutional time travel
surveillance of Alfred Lambremont Webre.
In June 2014, my Yale University Class
of 1964 will celebrate its 50th anniversary. As part of the 50th
anniversary, each of us graduates was asked to prepare a 500-word statement of
his life since graduation.
Here is my 500-word statement to Yale. It may give you some clues as to why the
Satanic Illuminati are continuing their major media “Capstone Incantations” on
me. And yes, you are welcome to support these activities at [email protected]. Thank you.
Lambremont Webre, 64, 67L
the eve of our 50th reunion I find myself a Futurist. My 2005 book,
“Exopolitics: Politics, Government and
Law in the Universe” ( 2005) and its earlier online
versions are credited with founding Exopolitics, the science of relations among
intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. A Cambridge educated participant
in the secret U.S. government time travel and teleportation Project Pegasus,
former U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, reported publicly he physically saw
my 2005 book “Exopolitics” in 1971 after the CIA used advanced time travel
technology to time travel teleport my book from 2005 back in time to 1971.
1971 I was General Counsel of New York City’s Environmental Protection
Administration. I was invited then to give an environmental talk to fifty
officials whom I would learn after 2005 were CIA and Department of Defense
officials who had been briefed on my future book “Exopolitics” and knew I would
become the future developer of the Exopolitics and Dimensional Ecology models
of the multiverse. This intelligence mattered to the CIA because in 1977 while
a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute, I became the director of the Jimmy
Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study.
As a
legacy I am developing the 10+ Policies for a Positive Future. These are some
of key policies for a future sustainable, free, and thriving multi-dimensional
world. Will you support me in this effort and assist in my work toward these
10+ Policies for a Positive Future:
1. Extraterrestrial disclosure - A full public disclosure of the presence of intelligent
civilizations in Earth’s environment and a global referendum as to whether and
on what conditions humanity should enter into relations with organized
Omniverse society, including a world-sponsored Mars Protection Treaty.
2. Criminalization of war and the war industry
3. Criminal prosecution and conviction of members of war
crimes racketeering organizations and restorative justice for war crimes
4. Implementation of teleportation as a global, national,
regional and local transportation system. Implementation of new
non-polluting “free” energy systems for
powering cities, homes, vehicles, and our civilization.
5. Recognition of the rights of animals to be protected from
murder, slaughter, torture, and cruel and inhumane treatment
6. Worldwide debt forgiveness for countries and individuals
7. Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility
like air, water or electricity available for creative investment at public
money utilities
8. Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health
care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person
on the planet, for life
9. Virtual direct democracy – Direct citizen voting at the
local, regional, national and international level.
10. Disestablishment of monarchies and religions worldwide –
Separation of state, religion, and bloodline families.
11. More – Please feel free to suggest more key
If you are interested, you can find a full version of these
policies at and
you can email me at [email protected].
Light and Cosmic Love, Alfred ;-)
492 words
[1] “The Colbert Report's Unethical And Opportunistic Post-Production Edit Of Their Interview Of Andrew D. Basiago”
Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Webre with Host Roxy Lopez, "The Colbert Report",
Alfred Lambremont Webre,
“Stupor", a stammering speech disability, is spun as ‘reptilian’
shape-shifting on increasingly venomous Internet”,
Comments, “CIA Operation 40 and JFK, RFK, John Lennon assassinations,
Watergate, 9/11: Expert Ole Dammegard”,
[6] Alfred Lambremont Webre, "Hidden story behind Jesse Ventura & Piers Morgan’s CNN clash over Obama CIA ties",
Jon Stewart carries out Satanic Illuminati hit on Daily Show?: October 23, 2013