NZ Astronomer debunks Marshall Masters: There is no brown dwarf star (“Planet X”) in our solar system
New Zealand astronomer David Greg deconstructs claim that photo taken from airliner on flight from El Salvador to Peru is Brown Dwarf star system
Alleged Brown Dwarf star system image shown to be camera flares
Planet X” researcher Marshall Masters and team’s claims are refuted beyond a reasonable doubt
Astronomer states Comet ISON is a normal comet, with no anticipated “catastrophic effects”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, BC – In an in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, New Zealand astronomer David Greg has refuted beyond a reasonable doubt the claims made by “Planet X” researcher Marshall Masters and his team that the Brown Dwarf star system is in our inner solar system and on a trajectory for a cataclysmic flyby of Earth in the 2015-16 timeframe.
Based on his research shown in the interview, Mr. Greg states, “There is no brown dwarf star in our solar system.” Mr. Greg continues, “The nearest known brown dwarf is 6.5 light years away, further away than our nearest ‘other’ star most commonly know as ‘Alpha Centauri’ (Rigel Kentaurus), which is 4.3 light years away. If a brown dwarf were within our solar system, it would certainly reflect visible light from the Sun and would be at least as easily visible in the sky as Saturn or Mars. If it were within our inner solar system (within the orbit of Mars), it would be unmistakable. Again, brown dwarfs are only ‘invisible’ to us in visible light because of their vast distance away from our Sun.”
David Greg concludes, “From my analysis of Jorge Urena’s photos in Marshall Master’s video, I can conclude without any doubt that the “orbs” of light in the photo at 1829 hours can not possibly be Venus and Jupiter, as they are too close to the Sun and the position of Mercury is wrong. I am satisfied that Jorge Urena did in fact photograph the planetary conjunction at 2000 hours, but Marshall Masters’ ‘Planet X’ object” is not a real object, it is just a type of lens flare.”
David Greg has provided a written summary of his analysis in the ExopoliticsTV interview as follows
Summary Statement by Astronomer David Greg
I have carefully analyzed the photos taken by Jorge Urena, in Marshall Masters’ video “Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis".
Marshall Masters' video "Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis"
(By "Your Own World Books" / Marshall Masters)
There are two key images presented in Marshall Masters’ video, the photo taken at 2000 hours of a planetary conjunction, and a second photo, taken earlier at 1829 hours, which supposedly shows “Planet X” (a brown dwarf).
The photo of the planetary conjunction taken by Jorge Urena from an aircraft at 37,000 feet between El Salvador and Lima, Peru at 2000 hours is used as “proof” to verify the earlier images, in particular the image at 1829 hrs, which Marshall Masters claims is “The first visible light non-governmental observation of the Planet X System Brown Dwarf sun”
I examined all of these images carefully and checked the positions of the planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, relative to the Sun, using StarryNight Pro 6 astronomy software – the same astronomy software used by Marshall Masters in his video.
Although Jorge Urena’s photo taken at 2000 hours certainly does appear to be the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, the other images presented do not match the planets’ actual positions and are nothing more than lens flare and/or internal lens reflections typical of iPhone type cameras, but in this case, likely caused by reflections and refraction of the bright sunlight though the double layer Perspex windows in the aircraft cabin.
In the genuine image of the planetary conjunction (2000 hrs.), overlaid in StarryNight Pro, we can see that there is approximately 1.25 degrees of angular separation between Venus and Jupiter, and there is approx. 15.75 degrees angular separation between Venus and the Sun. However, using the distance between the two orbs of light in the photo at 1829 hrs, we can see that the distance from Venus to the Sun is far too short. Since the known angular separation between Jupiter and Venus was about 1.25 degrees, we can estimate the angular separation between Venus and the Sun (in the photo at 1829) as being approximately 2.5 degrees, however we know that the Sun was much further away than that, at about 15.75 degrees angular separation. So the photo at 1829 hours cannot possibly show Venus and Jupiter.
Further, if we check the actual positions of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in StarryNight Pro, we see that “Mercury” was not in the correct position in the photo at 1829. Mercury should have been some distance to the right of where Masters indicated it to be. This is further proof that the “orbs” of light in the critical image (1829 hrs.) cannot possibly be Jupiter and Venus as claimed by Masters.
Solar Halo
Another consideration is the solar halo that we see in several of the photos. A solar halo is 22 degrees from the Sun. This is due to the angle of refraction of the sunlight as it passes through the hexagonal shaped ice crystals in the cold upper atmosphere. This gives us another useful tool to judge the “distance” or angular separation between the two orbs of light and the Sun. Since the radius of the solar halo is 22 degrees from the Sun, we can see that the orbs of light are only a few degrees away from the Sun, instead of about 15.75 degrees - as they should be if they were in fact Jupiter and Venus.
Although it is possible to take photos of Venus during the daytime, it is not possible to do this when Venus is next to the Sun. There is no way that Jorge Urena would have been able to photograph Mercury, Venus, Jupiter AND the Sun in the same image. The photo taken at 2000 hours was taken when the Sun had set and was by then several degrees below the horizon. By this time, there would be no difficulty taking a clear image of the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter with a reasonable quality camera and especially at such an altitude (37,000 feet or 11.2 km).
The orbs of light in image 1829 are caused by the bright sunlight being reflected and refracted by the double layer Perspex aircraft cabin windows. As mentioned above, this phenomenon is common with iPhone type cameras and similar. Many photos and videos which supposedly show a “second Sun” or “Nibiru / Planet X” have been taken with such devices, however when checked using a simple technique I call the “finger test”, they are always shown to be internal lens reflections (different to ordinary lens flares, which tend to move around as the camera is moved). The method is to place ones’ finger directly between the Sun and the camera lens. If the “object” suddenly disappears, it is obviously a reflection and not a real object. The second test is to place ones’ finger directly between the apparent “object” and the camera lens. If the “object” then appears to be superimposed over the photographer’s finger, then again it is clearly a lens reflection and not a real object.
The "finger test" which demonstrates how to test if an apparent object next to the Sun is a real object or just an internal lens reflection / lens flare:
1. "NIBIRU 2013" by tatooinetrooper:
2. "Nibiru Debunked" by DanDareJump94:
3. "Nibiru Exposed" by Roelof van der Zwaag
and this final video explains what actually causes internal lens reflections in cameras (skip ahead to 5 minutes if you are impatient):
4. "Two Suns Demystified Forever in HD" by LCARS43278:
The Gamma Test incorrectly used by Marshall Masters
The “gamma” test used by Marshall Masters in his video is completely incorrect as he is using the gamma levels to indicate heat, when it has nothing to do with heat and everything to do with brightness and contrast. Using the other photos taken by Jorge Urena, we can easily demonstrate that even obvious lens flares and the leading edge of the aircraft’s wing (brightly illuminated by the Sun), still show up brightly when the gamma level is reduced to almost zero. The leading edge of the wing would in fact be very cold at 37,000 feet altitude.
Marshall Masters used his “gamma test” to suggest that his mystery object next to the Sun was in fact hotter than Venus (and Jupiter) as it was still very bright at a gamma level of “zero”. Venus is in fact the hottest planet in our solar system, even hotter than Mercury, which is closest to the Sun. Unlike Venus, Mercury has no atmosphere to trap the heat. Marshall Masters “gamma test” would have us believe that his mystery object (Planet X) is hotter than Venus – even though he claims it is twice the distance from the Sun as Jupiter. This is a ridiculous suggestion.
Common Myth About Brown Dwarfs
I would like to dispel a common myth about brown dwarfs. There is a common misconception that brown dwarfs can only been imaged in infrared spectrum and not in visible light. This is certainly true for brown dwarfs that our outside our solar system, as they are too far away from our Sun to reflect visible light. The nearest known brown dwarf is 6.5 light years away, further away than our nearest “other” star most commonly know as “Alpha Centauri” (Rigel Kentaurus), which is 4.3 light years away. If a brown dwarf were within our solar system, it would certainly reflect visible light from the Sun and would be at least as easily visible in the sky as Saturn or Mars. If it were within our inner solar system (within the orbit of Mars), it would be unmistakable. Again, brown dwarfs are only ‘invisible’ to us in visible light because of their vast distance away from our Sun.
If there were a brown dwarf, larger than Jupiter (as claimed by Marshall Masters) within our solar system, it would perturb the orbits of the other planets. As any astronomer with an automatic “goto” telescope will attest, the planets are right where they should be.
Visibility of celestial objects below the ecliptic
The question of the visibility of objects “below the ecliptic” has often been raised. I live in New Zealand, in the Southern Hemisphere and can see all the way below the ecliptic, all the way down to the South Ecliptic Pole. People in the Northern Hemisphere can also see well below the ecliptic (such as the stars in the constellation Orion). If a brown dwarf were below the ecliptic (and within our solar system), it would still be clearly visible from most of the planet.
From my analysis of Jorge Urena’s photos in Marshall Master’s video, I can conclude without any doubt that the “orbs” of light in the photo at 1829 hours can not possibly be Venus and Jupiter, as they are too close to the Sun and the position of Mercury is wrong. I am satisfied that Jorge Urena did in fact photograph the planetary conjunction at 2000 hours, but Marshall Masters’ “Planet X” object” is not a real object, it is just a type of lens flare.
References & Links
Marshall Masters' video "Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis"
(By "Your Own World Books" / Marshall Masters)
Finger Test - The "finger test" which demonstrates how to test if an apparent object next to the Sun is a real object or just an internal lens reflection / lens flare:
"NIBIRU 2013" by tatooinetrooper:
"Nibiru Debunked" by DanDareJump94:
"Nibiru Exposed" by Roelof van der Zwaag
and this final video explains what actually causes internal lens reflections in cameras (skip ahead to 5 minutes if you are impatient):
"Two Suns Demystified Forever in HD" by LCARS43278:
Solar Halos - 22-degree solar halos and 'sun dogs' explained:
Comet ISON Astronomy Live (messierhunter) explains parallax in the Comet ISON images:
Astronomy Live (messierhunter) YouTube Channel:
Dave Greg's Facebook discussion page:
"Voices Of Reason To Explain X - VORTEX"
Dave Greg's YouTube Channel "dazzathecameraman":
Dave Greg's personal Facebook profile:
Cosmophobia Facebook Page:
Cosmophobia webpage:
NZ Astronomer debunks Marshall Masters: There is no brown dwarf star (“Planet X”) in our solar system
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
شركة عزل فوم بالخبر
It seems unlikely it was mechanical so unlikely it can be prevented again but it would be nice to know. Also we need to feel that should the same thing befall us or our families that such things will happen.
Posted by: شركة عزل فوم بالدمام | 08 July 2020 at 09:09