By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, BC – The stereotypical catastrophobia meme surrounding a flyby of Planet X/Nibiru, a reported Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun, is that of the “Destroyer”, of a global coastal event accompanied by tidal waves destroying all coastal cities, massive solar storms triggering a pole shift, and a mega-die-off of the human race on the surface of the planet, while the monarchical, financial, political, and military-intelligence complex survives in deep underground military bases (DUMBS).
1.25 million Planet X/Nibiru flybys
Yet what if an upcoming flyby of Planet X/Nibiru that newly released data is suggesting will start in 2016 is in fact a catalyst for positive change, rather than a “Destroyer”?
One estimate is that Planet X/Nibiru has orbited into our inner solar system more than 1.25 million times in the course of the 4.6 billion year history of our sun. Earth is in a binary solar system centered around our sun (Sol) and a Brown Dwarf star that orbits our sun in a 3600 year elliptical orbit that is at an angle to the ecliptic.
Historically, Planet X/Nibiru has had a different impact on Earth during each of its more than 1.25 million flybys in our solar system.
Hard astronomical data now predict Planet X/Nibiru flyby for 2016
Recent hard astronomical data assembled by researcher Marshall Masters now predict a possible coming Planet X/Nibiru flyby for 2016.[1]
Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis
“Kill Zone” analysis?
Planet X researcher Marshall Masters concludes:
“Late 2013 to early 2014: The brown dwarf will be in a superior conjunction (opposite side of the sun inside Earth's orbit.) Around this time, the brown dwarf will be passing through the ecliptic into the Northern skies. This is when it will begin having more severe interactions with our Sun. We'll see solar storms and a big increase in volcanism and seismicity.
“2015 to 2016: We'll see Bluebonnet (the outermost orbital we've tracked from the Turrialba volcano feed, with hundreds of images.) Shortly after that, the Brown Dwarf will move around to our side of the sun to it's point of perihelion (closest distance to the Sun) to the Greatest-western elongation (our side of the sun, inside our orbit to our right.) At this time, the brown dwarf will enter the kill zone.
“Early Kill Zone: The Kill Zone is that part of the brown dwarf's orbit from perihelion to the ecliptic (the plane of our solar system.) This will be when we see solar storms of Biblical proportions.
“Late Kill Zone: The Planet X system will exit our system through the Western-quadrature (our side of the side, exiting behind Earth's orbit) as it crosses the ecliptic from the Northern skies into the Southern skies. This is when the pole shift will be most likely as this is when the brown dwarf will lock on to our lithosphere (crust and the portion of the upper mantle) and where it's tidal gravity forces cause the pole shift.
“Post Kill Zone: Overall, this whole flyby could take as long as a decade from now to when we begin to see the first signs of blue skies once again.” [2]
Planet X/Nibiru may not be the killer in the “Kill Zone”
This Planet X/Nibiru prediction may be correct as to the timing of a 2016 Planet X/Nibiru flyby.
However, the same prediction assumes that Planet X/Nibiru will automatically be accompanied by “solar storms of Biblical proportions” and a pole shift. [3]
It may be that in a forthcoming 2016 flyby, any substantial destructive impact on Earth and human society resulting from Planet X/Nibiru will not be attributable to astronomical, solar, or geological and seismic factors triggered by Planet X/Nibiru, but rather to how humanity itself reacts to a Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun in the solar system.
Our exploitative political and financial hierarchies could attempt to manufacture a “Kill Zone” by manipulating a 2016 Planet X/Nibiru flyby to create state mass terror and world war, as well as natural catastrophe induced by environmental weapons of mass destruction such as the HAARP/Chemtrails weapons system.
How humanity as a whole copes with and reacts to this "artificial Kill Zone" is a key to our future.
Will we react in collective Fear or in collective Love?
Humanity experience Planet X/Nibiru as a catalyst for positive change
Humanity has the opportunity to experience a 2016 Planet X/Nibiru flyby as a conscious catalyst for positive change.
As I wrote in my 1974 book about Planet X/Nibiru, THE AGE OF CATACLYSM, a Planet X/Nibiru flyby “will involve the creation of new cities, the mass migration of populations across national borders, the cooperative production of food for the species in the few areas untouched by the upheavals, an explosion ins science and in technology, logistical problems of a dimension beyond our wildest imaginings, It will bring perforce a return to wisdom and trust by man and be accompanied by a profound resolution in the human process and in the individual mind.
“The period is a prelude to an era of world peace, and to the unleashing of a level of creativity, cooperation, and happiness without precedent in human history. How man is to arrive at this era is largely within his hands. He is now coming into the knowledge, which will enable him to ride out the upheavals, and to resettle and reorganize in an intelligent fashion. This understanding – coming paradoxically in an age of rising emphasis on the limitations of reason – may, if heeded, become the new ark perching us securely on the dark waters of millennial flood.”[4]
[1] Marshall Masters, “Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis,” July 28, 2013,
[2] Marshall Masters, “Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis,” July 28, 2013,
[3] Marshall Masters, “Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis,” July 28, 2013,
[4] Alfred Lambremont Webre and Phillip H. Liss, PhD, ‘The Age of Cataclysm”, (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1974); (New York: Berkeley Medallion, 1975); (Capricorn Books, 1975); (Tokyo: Ugaku Sha, 1975)
E-Book download of Berkeley Medallion version [Free]:
Planet X/Nibiru may be catalyst for positive change, 2016-23
Lol!! I love this topic, it's better then a Sci if movie, if the flyby is real it could not come at a better time!
Posted by: gus | 06 May 2016 at 03:03
Fuck you, you are nothing but a liar, muslims dont believe in your shit.
Posted by: [email protected] | 14 April 2016 at 06:03
So tom just curious what brought you to this link today? I remember just learning about this last year, and its just now starting to make a little bit more headway with some popular magazines, including Maxim. I know Fox New's can be sketchy on some of their reports put they too just recently posted an article on "PLANET X" thats at least one national new corporation that is interested in this. This is why I ask you what made you respond to this?
Posted by: Kirt Dare Lacey | 08 April 2016 at 06:02
Knock off the crap, Planet X , nibiru does not exist! There is no brown dwarf star in our solar system! Nibiru is actually a name given to Jupiter in ancient times.
Posted by: Tom | 05 March 2016 at 15:42
Prepare your Afterlife exit route too:
1:Google Simon Parkes death trap
2:Google Tricked By The Light
3:Google Robert Morning Sky death trap
4:Google Pleiadians don't go to the light
5:Google Val Valerian death trap
6:Google Cameron Day why i am no longer a Light Worker
7:Google Rich West soul trap
8.Google Alex Collier soul trap
9.Google Wes Penre soul trap
Posted by: Moss | 02 February 2016 at 13:54
What meds are you on, Joshua????
Posted by: Frances Morris | 28 December 2014 at 14:58
Am I the water bearer?
Posted by: David | 06 November 2014 at 16:33
Oh, and I was not chosen because I was a good person, I was chosen, because I have faith that even I could be redeemed, and there was not even a single seed of murder within my heart. Yahweh called me his "Man of Peace" and many other names, some which seemed blasphemous to me and I refused to do His work if it did not end with Peace.
Therefore, I bring you the Four Directions of the Age of Aquarius, a new covenant.
Hehe, a sneaky peek... I gotta be careful, the Waterbearer has not yet met me, though the 810 came to the 616 at one time, I am sure I saw him here...
Posted by: Joshua | 05 November 2014 at 19:39
Nobody believes me, but I am the one they sent ahead of time. Yahweh taught me who I am, and when I did some research, I was amazed that these things are true. It doesn't matter, I will be raised up by the Hebrews, in California soon, though I am still waiting for them to provide for me, as they do.
The Jews will call me Messiach
The Christians will call me the Son of Christ, the 2nd Son of David
The Muslims will call me Isa, and the Second Son of the Spider
But I am telling you, I am just a man, a plan, a canal, panama
The Great Reverse Engineer of the World
Posted by: Joshua | 05 November 2014 at 19:35
If human beings life expectancy is only 70-80 years and we are talking about billions years life for every planets, galaxies, stars, light-years, travel in space. lets propagate life in all planets in all galaxies to cope up with human existence in our universe also for billion years. How i wish to be reincarnated for another million years to find out if life DNA still survive.
Posted by: Benjamin Pinzon | 20 June 2014 at 03:39
Nibiru is real awaiting our planet and humanity a near cathastropic event, besides d careless use of nuclear weaponry.So, we need to explore newly discovered habitable planets for human beings to live in. I mean we must seed life to preserve our DNA to other galaxies. we speak off billion galaxy, stars, planets, light years n ages but human life span average 70-80yrs. WHAT!
Posted by: Benjamin Pinzon | 20 June 2014 at 03:22
this is true real change will be at our perspective of reality life will change forever 2016 january
Posted by: Radek Szalankiewicz | 21 May 2014 at 08:39
Alfred, you were RIGHT regarding the Courtney Brown RV study for June 1st 2013 disaster scenario. It was a holographic creation of some malevolent greys twisted to amplify the scene/situation for the viewers. When I saw a picture of Sydney with fog over the harbor bridge, I knew instantly, the vision was changed to allow for catastrophic interpretation. Yes, we tend to fall for that trick!. But your awareness prior brought many insights into holographic tampering.
As for Nibiru, there will be NO actual negative effects whatsoever, all spins of syops have been used up!. I have always known that!. I do welcome the actual viewing of a flyby. The "KillZone" meme has been cooked up by Ed Dames and it should really die off, our focus on humans need greater effort as that is the biggest problem we have.
Appreciate your work and honesty. Best Regards.
Posted by: FteoOpty64 | 31 August 2013 at 06:17