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Nice Good Post https://www.mumbaionebeauties.com/


If i can find out who's doing this in Dallas Texas I won't need any help killing them


Remote neural monitoring satellite harassment terrorism and human experimentation of Brazil

My name is Marisa am a victim of human minds trafficking ring operating in southers Brazil, i have an intracranial implant an i'm being tortured. I need help to save my life means to break free of this harassment. Criminals step into the human brain 24hs the connection an come from several People at the same time, reading the visual córtex through the computer brain interface using mobile phone masts and satellite. The mental grocery prison of life, torture or brain radar signature.There is a software created and based on neurosciense of the brain and humam mind that is being used to torture People. This weapons uses Neuroeletronicas brain frequency of 3hz to 50hz distance to torture victim by sending intracranial voices plague victims who be come human guinea pigs in the hands of entire gangs that are usurping these bodies victims need to try a faraday cage p try to get rid of this harassment.

Please help me blocking remote neural monitoring

[email protected]

OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity

Organized Gang Stalking /Cyberstalking, Chennai, India.

Sorry i forgot to give the link in my previous post


OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity

Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking in Chennai, India starts as Cyberstalking.
Satellites most of this surveillance and harassments are dont through Satellites, i have had the physical symptoms even when i was driving on highways at hundred miles an hour or on flights thousands of feet above ground.........only a satellite based platform can deliver this attack.
Please visit my YouTube Channel 'OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity' to see videos of my harassment and do visit the PLAYLISTS Section to see Playlist Dr John Hall's Interviews (16 interviews)
Organized Stalking Chennai City

Account Deleted

I'm surprised the Vatican wasn't in on the pyramid of power here.

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