NOTE: Alfred Lambremont Webre is not appearing at the Citizen's Hearing in Washington, DC in April 2013. The reason why can be seen here:
The below document the history of the Citizen's Hearing starting in 2003, for the public record.
« January 2013 | Main | March 2013 »
NOTE: Alfred Lambremont Webre is not appearing at the Citizen's Hearing in Washington, DC in April 2013. The reason why can be seen here:
The below document the history of the Citizen's Hearing starting in 2003, for the public record.
27 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Dr. Courtney Brown - Russia meteor & asteroid 2012 DA14 may constitute 2013 "global coastal event" remote viewed in another timeline
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
In this important February 16, 2013 update, Dr. Courtney Brown, director of the Farsight Institute discusses his interim findings on the June 1, 2008- June 1, 2013 Global Climate Change Remote-Viewing Study Multiple Realities, Timelines, and Events.
In this video update, Dr. Brown concludes that 15 February 2013 meteor event over Russia, the largest since the Tunguska event, coupled with the close approach of the roughly 50 metre asteroid 2012 DA14 thar occurred about 15 hours later may constitute the meteor or asteroid event referenced in the Farsight Institute study, which predicted a global coastal event destroying most coastal cities on the planet in June 2013. Dr. Brown states he does no expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 based on the Farsight study. Dr. Brown refers to the holographic nature of reality and to the his remote viewers having possibly viewed a global coastal event happening in June 2013 on Earth in some other timeline or holographic version of Earth or parallel universe.
Some have speculated that Planet X would be responsible for the June 2013 global coastal event predicted by the Farsight Institute study. Dr. Brown's interim update appears to suggest that Dr. Brown does not expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 and that the Farsight Institute report states that no global coastal event caused by Planet X can be expected through June 1, 2013.
A 1971 U.S. Department of Defense DARPA chronovisor time travel probe to the year 2013 found the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC under 100 feet of brackish water.
The 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013 is uncertain as well, according to Andrew D. Basiago, the former U.S. chrononaut who participated in that probe. According to Mr. Basiago, “Because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the ‘multi-verse,’ this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line.” All time travel to the past by child participants had been halted in the early 1970s because “each time a child time traveled to the past, she/he found a different result”. This, Mr. Basiago said, could be indicative of alternative and differing timelines.
See Also:
PLANET X UPDATE: Is Earth on a positive timeline, 2013-2020?
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Dr. Courtney Brown's February 16, 2013 interim update on the Farsight Institute report and Andrew D. Basiago's conclusions regarding DARPA's 1971 chronovisor probe of 2013 appear both to conclude that the respective catastrophic timelines viewed in each study are not the actual (non-catastrophic) timelines that Earth is actually experienceing in 2013.
19 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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Published on Feb 18, 2013
Jim McCanney Is Breaking This Story
Open For Planet Earth... can you say 'hero'? I can... it's time for
our planet to collectively think 'outside the box'.... that's where the
truth often now is. This material is more relevant than ever.
disabled comments, because some people are
scared/angry/bitter/jaded/stuck in illusion, and taking this out on
me.... as if attacking the messenger will make this info, not true. I'm
simply sharing Jim's concern that our planet be informed... if this info
scares you, or if you question it, then so be it, question
everything... I don't need to be involved if that's YOUR learning
experience.... it's not mine.... I'm at peace with this info... the date
represents when I posted it. Here's the link to original mp3....
now if this info bothers you, go talk about it on your own channel...
see if anyone cares to prove something to you because you wine and bitch
like a scared child who doesn't get their way....over there. Thank you
to those who share concern and take action to raise the consciousness of
our planet for this and the many other pressing issues.
17, 2013 BREAKING NIBIRU/PLANET X NEWS - Mini Solar System Entering
Ours, Says Astrophysicist Jim McCanney (Connected With Australian
Learmonth Observatory)
More Nibiru Planet X Research
See Also:
PLANET X UPDATE: Is Earth on a positive timeline, 2013-2020?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
19 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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MICHAEL VARA: Planet X captured from Webcams at Neumayer Station III? - YouTube
Published on Feb 18, 2013
"This is actual footage from Webcams
at Neumayer Station III. I captured this with in the last 24hrs directly
from their website and you can check it out to as long as they keep it
up at
always had doubt about this until I could see actual proof and I am
betting this is the proof I been looking for. I know it is not doctored
because I captured it myself.
Become a member of my website & be informed."
See Also:
PLANET X UPDATE: Is Earth on a positive timeline, 2013-2020?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
19 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Is it possible to use conciousness to adapt to radiation?
Websites:Irradia Couple (Ziria & Radium)
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expresses by Irradia are not the views of
Subsequent to a live interactive video 4-hour preinterview with the Irradia couple and Russian scientists Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. and 4 hour ExopoliticsTV interview with the Irradia couple and translator Paul, ExopoliticsTV was notified of possible Russian secret intelligence involvement with the Irradia couple. Upon further input from our radiation experts, ExopoliticsTV is issuing a Caveat that portions of the Irradia interview may contain disinformation and/or information wittingly or unwittingly tainted by Russian secret intelligence handlers, including information regarding the consumption of radioactive materials. We urge extreme discernment in listening to this interview.
1. FROM A FRIEND: "Regarding the Irradia couple. We interacted with them quite intensely for 3 weeks, taking them at their word on all fronts. Ziria said she wanted to come to America and we set about helping her. Unfortunately, what resulted was not pretty. Their story is not quite true. Ziria is not from the Ukraine. They are plants for the Russian secret police and they are quite negative in their orientation. I can give you more information on this but suffice to say - they lied consistently to us and when we did not take their bait, proceeded to inflict substantial negative psychic attack. I have blocked them from my FB and am disturbed to see they are being promoted on your page. In truth and peace"
2. ALFRED: Hi! I am shocked to learn this. How can I find out more of the details of your experience. It does appear that Radium is scheduled to be interned in a psychiatric hospital in March 2013. I am about to interview Victoria and Lidia, both scientists from Moscow, who had interacted with me and Irradia for about 4 hours on interactive video. I will ask them about your assertions during the interview. Here are their credentials.
I have known Victoria and Lidia for several years and they are not secret police. Thank you for the heads up.
3. FRIEND: "I believe Victoria and Lidia are as you say, but we have confirmed with US intelligence on the ground in the country and here that Ziria is being used and fed information. Our experience with her was very upsetting on multiple levels. We really took her on her word and tried to help her and she consistently lied and later when she realized that we were breaking contact, began a destructive attack on us."
4. UPDATE - FRIEND: "We got this message an hour ago from the operations person who has been dealing with this: with respect to Ziria. That is NOT her Husband.
She is * NOT MARRIED *
Got this an hour ago. I.e. she and her "husband" are two GRU officers and this has been a dog and pony show from the start."
Thank you.
February 15, 2013
Continue reading "Is it possible to use conciousness to adapt to radiation?" »
14 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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FIGURE I – NASA/SOHO. Sun. Giant Triangular Stargate for UFOs, July 4, 2012
Is Earth on a positive timeline, 2013-2020?
How extraterrestrial civilizations may be shielding Earth from catastrophic damage by solar storms
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Two independent science-based probes provide some, although not definitive, evidence to support a possible catastrophic timeline for Earth in 2013 and the near term future.
A 1971 U.S. Department of Defense DARPA chronovisor time travel probe to the year 2013 found the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC under 100 feet of brackish water.
In a 2010 Farsight Institute remote viewing probe of June 2013 using the largest number of military-trained remote viewers in history, 39% of the military-trained remove viewers found a global coastal event and devastated coastal cities and populations, with the U.S. Capitol (directly across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court) being devastated and by deep water, congruent with the 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013.
A positive time lineNeither of these two studies is definitive, however. The results of the 2010 Farsight Institute probe of June 2013 are skewed between a 2013 “catastrophic” timeline and a 2013 “non-catastrophic” timeline. Statistically, 39 percent of the remote viewing reports achieved a disaster score of “3” (Catastrophic), while 29% of the remote viewing reports achieved a disaster score of “0” (Non-catastrophic). In my opinion, if the Farsight Institute remote viewing study is valid, it is statistically almost as much a certainty that a non-catastrophic (positive) future envisioned by 29% of the remote viewers will occur in 2012-13 as that the catastrophic timeline envisioned by 39% of remote viewers will occur.
The 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013 is uncertain as well, according to Andrew D. Basiago, the former U.S. chrononaut who participated in that probe. According to Mr. Basiago, “Because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the ‘multi-verse,’ this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line.” All time travel to the past by child participants had been halted in the early 1970s because “each time a child time traveled to the past, she/he found a different result”. This, Mr. Basiago said, could be indicative of alternative and differing timelines.
Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS)
One response of the U.S. government to the 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013 was to order the building of approximately 174 deep underground military bases. Donald H. Rumsfeld was defense attaché to Project Pegasus and a member of the Nixon cabinet. Rumsfeld, had knowledge of 1971 chronovisor probe to 2013. U.S. Executive authority under U.S. President Richard M. Nixon or his successors can then have plausibly relied upon the DARPA Project Pegasus chronovisor “2013 Washington DC catastrophic timeline” information in making an executive decision of the U.S. government to proceed with the development of a network of deep underground military bases (DUMBs) that now reportedly may number up to 174 DUMBs. There are also reported elite underground bases in Norway and other locations worldwide.
If, as Mr. Basiago points out, “this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line,” then the entire network of DUMB underground bases and socially repressive anomaly infrastructure used by the U.S. government and elites to implement this predicted 2013 “catastrophic timeline” would backfire against the governments and elites.
Theoretical causes of a global coastal event: Our dual Sun? Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy?
Two theories are emerging for the global coastal event predicted by the 1971 DARPA and 2010 Farsight Institute probes of the year 2013. One theory is that a catastrophic global coastal event could be caused by an inner solar system flyby of our dual Sun. Another theory is that our solar system is part of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy, which is being consumed by the Milky Way galaxy. Celestial bodies from the incoming Milky Way galaxy entering the inner solar system could cause the predicted catastrophic global coastal event.
Theory I: Nemesis, our dual Sun
Astronomers estimate that over half of all star systems in our Galaxy have multiple stars, that binary star systems are the norm, and that single star systems are a special case. A March 11, 2010 article in Astrobiology Magazine presented a probable case for the existence of our dual Sun, a brown dwarf called "Nemesis" or "Nibiru/Planet X". The article titled: “Getting WISE About Nemesis”, stated: “A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction. Nicknamed “Nemesis” or “The Death Star,” this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter.”[1]
On February 11, 2013, researcher Marshall Masters reported the results of a study of an object of interest as seen from the Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica, that may have characteristics of the posited twin star to our Sun. That report can be viewed here:
Theory II: The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy
A report in the Astrophysical Journal “demonstrates how the debris from the Sagittarius galaxy, which is 10,000 times smaller in total mass than the Milky Way, is getting consumed by the latter.”[2]
Global warming on Earth and in the solar system is thought now to be the product of the Milky Way galaxy consuming our Sagittarius galaxy. “Scientists postulate that as the Sun and its attendant satellites, including Earth, get consumed by the Milky Way, the higher energy levels in this much larger galaxy will cause the Sun to burn hotter, and to emit higher energy. This, scientists say, is one reason temperatures have been rising steadily in all plants in our solar system. As the consumption of Sagittarius by the Milky Way continues, further changes are being spotted, and monitored, in our own planetary system: Dark spots appearing, and growing, on Pluto; auroras being reported on Saturn; the polar shifts in Uranus and Neptune; the doubling of the intensity of the magnetic field on Jupiter.”
Celestial bodies now being spotted at the edge of our solar system may in fact be from the incoming Milky Way galaxy. Rodney Gomes, a noted astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, presented his recently completed computer models suggesting the existence of the distant planet at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Timberline Lodge, Ore., May 2012. According to Gomes research, “A planet four times the size of Earth may be skirting the edges of the solar system beyond Pluto. Too distant to be easily spotted by Earth-based telescopes, the unseen planet could be gravitationally tugging on small icy objects past Neptune, helping explain the mystery of those objects' peculiar orbits.” This planet may be part of the Milky Way galaxy, and from a solar system that is approaching ours.
Worst-case scenario
In a worse case scenario, during a fly-by in the inner solar system, Nemesis, or a similar incoming celestial body from the Milky Way galaxy, could approach within 2.85 AU of our Sun (about 265 million miles), creating huge solar flares and solar storms that in turn create a global coastal event of our planet, devastating coastal human settlements and populations. as foreseen in the 1971 DARPA chronovisor and 2010 Farsight Institute remote viewing probes.
How extraterrestrials may be shielding Earth against solar storms
One hypothesis that is that planet-sized Extraterrestrial/Ultra-dimensional UFO craft photographed around the sun are actually installing shielding mechanisms to shield the solar system and Earth from the solar flares and storms that Nemesis or an incoming celestial body may cause.
Interdimensional portals on our Sun
Figure I is a NASA SOHO photograph, dated July 4, 2012, showing triangular interdimensional portals or stargates on the Sun through which large inter dimensional UFO craft enter into our solar system and reportedly begin shielding operations on our Sun. Physicist Nassim Haramein holds our Sun is a singularity or interdimensional portal into our solar system for UFOs from civilizations from other dimensions in the multiverse.
Ancient Mayan artifacts showing UFOs shielding Earth, triangular portal on Sun.
There is historical, exopolitical precedent for such a precautionary action by ethical extraterrestrials concerned about vulnerable human civilizations exposed to violent solar storms. Ancient artifacts released by the Mexican government in 2012 show extraterrestrials doing just this in past cycles.
The artifact in Figure II shows Extraterrestrial craft deflecting a celestial object near the sun. The artifact in Figure III shows the triangular portals or stargates on the Sun and extraterrestrial craft. Scientists Klaus Dona & Nassim Haramein have vetted the artifacts in Figures I, II, and III publicly.
FIGURE II – Mayan artifact showing Extraterrestrial craft deflecting celestial object/shielding Earth.
FIGURE III – Mayan artifact showing triangular stargates on the Sun and extraterrestrial UFOs.
Earth: A Catastrophic or positive future, 2013-2020?
Both the 1971 DARPA chronovisor and the 2010 Farsight Institute remote viewing probes of 2013 depict a catastrophic global coastal event, and at the same time are not definitive studies. Either or both probes can be reporting catastrophic timelines that do not materialize as the "actual" timeline in 2013 or future years.
Scientific opinion about the existence of our dual Sun or an incoming celestial body is highly divided. A number of prominent scientists investigating these issues have reportedly met mysterious deaths, and there is evidence of a government coverup in this area. Thus hard data as to the existence and itinerary in the outer solar system of a dual Sun or other incoming celestial object is difficult to locate, with possible the exception of the February 11, 2013 report of an object of interest from the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rica.
There is hard data evidencing 174 deep underground military bases that have been constructed, apparently on the basis of the 1971 DARPA probe to 2013 and other data at an estimated cost of $2-3 trillion in black budget funds. The existence of these 174 DUMB military bases demonstrates that the U.S. national security state has made an unprecedented investment in preparing to survive a flyby of a dual Sun or other incoming celestial bodies.
These DUMBS may well live up to their acronym (i.e. “DUMB”) and be useless relics of elite and military paranoia, even if the threat from a dual Sun or incoming celestial bodies is real. The evidence the Mexican government released in 2012 show that advanced ethical extraterrestrial civilizations shielded Earth from the more damaging effects of our dual Sun in the distant past, as NASA SOHO photographs show they may be doing in the present.
Is Earth on a catastrophic or positive timeline 2013-2020?
On balance, the evidence shows, more probably than not, that humanity is on a positive timeline, 2012-2020 and beyond, thanks in part, perhaps, to the demonstrated interventions of ethical extraterrestrial civilizations shielding Earth from the effects of solar storms.
What our positive future can look like, 2013-2020
Humanity can co-create a positive future under the helpful umbrella of these ethical extraterrestrials in five key areas. These areas are:
I - Transformation of Human Consciousness - Humanity can consolidate a new human consciousness of open interaction with multi-dimensional civilizations; Develop new healthy forms of world public order; and Build new human settlements around interaction with multi-dimensional civilizations.
II - New Energy Transformation - Humanity can achieve disclosure and public application of secret quantum access technologies, such as teleportation and time travel, and anti-gravitic and zero point energies.
III - Transformation from War Economy to Sustainable Economy – Humanity can achieve a sustainable economy and rational public order, including: Abolition of hereditary rule; Global virtual democracies; Universal disarmament; Abolition of the U.S. Federal Reserve & private central banks; Abolition of fiat currencies; Forgiveness of public and private debt (as fruit of illegitimate banking cartel); Deconstruction of international banking cartels; Limit on bloodline wealth/power accumulation (No more $100-250 Trillion families); Guaranteed wealth & income for all humans (Every human can be a billionaire with proper re-distribution of wealth on planet Earth).
IV - Official Disclosure of Earth Policy toward Mars – Humanity can officially acknowledge intelligent life on its nearest planetary neighbor Mars and enter into an Earth-Mars Protection Treaty.
V - Extraterrestrial Civilizations Liaison - Humanity can develop trans-planetary grass roots, and a transparent international organization for lasting planetary interface with the galactic and universe community in a post-shift environment.
[1] “Getting WISE About Nemesis” by Leslie Mullen, Astrobiology Magazine, March 11, 2010.
[2] “Earth part of a galaxy which is being consumed by the Milky Way”,
12 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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| | News Articles & Classes, February 2013 - ExoSciences, PsiSciences, Exopolitics
Examiner articles & News releases
Located at
EXAMINER: ExoUniversity 2013 faculty: World-class authors, researchers and experiencers
EXAMINER: ExoUniversity to go massive with open online ET studies courses?
Hidden history, ET studies, and Exosciences highlight course offerings for 2013
Classes & Faculty, February, 2013
Title of Course: “Energy Medicine: Transitioning today’s current medical practices – An approach towards self healing”
Faculty: Dr. Joseph Marra DNP
description: Energy Medicine is a course that prepares the student to
understand and master the fundamentals of energy healing, and includes
development of practical skills in energy healing.
Class 1 Introduction into the realm of energy healing
Title of Course: “Exobiology – The Science of Universal Life”
Faculty: William Brown, PhD
Course description:
“From the macro to
the nano – a study linking the cosmological with the nanobiological –
the extraterrestrial with the terrestrial.”
Class 1 – The Living Universe
Title of Seminar: “Jump Room 101: US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago discusses the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the 1980’s”
Faculty: Andrew D. Basiago, JD, MPhil (Cantab)
Seminar description:
US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago discusses the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the 1980’s.
Title of Seminar: “Jump Room 101 - Part I"
Title of Seminar: “Jump Room 101 - Part II"
Title of Course: “Gaia~Sophia and Our Hidden History”
Faculty: Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Course description: This course explores the Myths of Creation, ET
races, the Divine Feminine in our world today, Sacred Union, Aeons,
Archons and the Multi-dimensional Cosmos, to understand our origins, our
potential and where these energies have been suppressed, distorted or
Class 1 ~ Introduction to Gaia~Sophia and Our Hidden History
Title of Course: “An Introduction to Time Travel with an Emphasis on Teleportation”
Faculty: Andrew D. Basiago, JD, MPhil (Cantab), Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
description: Andrew D. Basiago, lawyer, writer, and statesman, was one
of America’s early time-space explorers and is an emerging figure in the
Truth Movement.
Time Travel, Teleportaton & The Future
A Brief History of Time Travel - Part I
A Brief History of Time Travel - Part II
Title of Course: “EXOPOLITICS: The Extra-Terrestrial/Political Perspective”
Faculty: James Nichols
description: This course will offer a broad historical and theological
view of the UFO phenomenon to demonstrate how profoundly
extra-terrestrial presence has influenced the human condition on planet
Class 1. The German Flying Saucer Mystery
Title of Course: “EXOPOLITICS: The Science of Relations Among Intelligent Civilizations in the Multiverse”
Faculty: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Texbook: Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe available at the Campus Bookstore.
Course description:
is a social science that addresses relations among intelligent
civilizations in the multi-verse (the ‘multi-verse’, is defined as the
sum of all parallel ‘universes’, and dimensions, including the
dimensions of the Inter-Life, Spiritual Dimensions and Source/G*D).
This course integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial
civilizations and intelligent civilizations of souls in the Inter-life
and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of
intelligence in the dimensions in the multi-verse.
Class 1: The Dimensional Ecology of the Multiverse
ExoSciences, PsiSciences, Exopolitics
08 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Mehran Keshe: World Peace can be a byproduct of Keshe Technology
SIGN THE WORLD PEACE TREATY Online:Inventor Mehran Keshe discusses his transformational technology, world peace treaty and forthcoming world peace conference process
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Mehran Keshe, the Iranian-born new energy inventor, discusses his transformational technology, world peace treaty and forthcoming world peace conference process in a wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre
Transformational technologyIn his interview, Mr. Keshe notes that world peace among nations can actually be actually a byproduct of his advanced technology. Keshe technology, which is based on electromagnetic fields, reportedly can be used for a diversity of applications, from inexpensive and rapid intergalactic and interplanetary space travel, inexpensive and rapid air and automobile travel on Earth, medical cure applications, food applications such as creating water and food from air.
World and individual peace process
The Keshe Foundation has developed a one-paragraph World Peace Treaty it is asking all world leaders to sign, both as individuals and as heads of state of their respective nations. Mr. Keshe is also asking that “all citizens of the world” sign the World Peace Treaty as a shift in commitment and consciousness to abandon war as a human activity on Earth.
To this end, Mr. Keshe is organizing a World Peace Conference process, to commence March 21, 2013. The starting venue of this process may be Italy, as Mr. Keshe describes the support the World Peace Treaty is receiving among members of the Italian Parliament in his ExopoliticsTV interview.
As part of the continuing process, Mr. Keshe invites all citizens of the world to sign the World Peace Treaty on April 21, 2013. Mr. Keshe urges those who wish to more actively support the process to take copies of the Treaty to foreign embassies and urge their governments to adopt the World Peace Treaty.
Mr. Keshe states in his ExopoliticsTV interview that the Obama White House has a copy of the World Peace Treaty, as does the government of Iran.
World Peace Treaty
You can download the World Peace Treaty and other documents at:
03 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Mehran Keshe: World Peace can be a byproduct of Keshe Technology
Now that humanity is preparing to travel in space just as we travel around this planet, and humanity is getting ready to join the universal community and to venture into the spans of the universe, humanity needs to find peace in its home first.
Thank you for signing the WORLD PEACE TREATY as an individual. Please share the WORLD PEACE TREATY with family, friends and networks. If you are so inclined you can also print out the WORLD PEACE TREATY and take it to your City Council, your provincial and state legislators, and your national leaders/ambassadors to sign (both personally and on behalf of their jurisdictions).
"I/We as citizens of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay down all tools of aggression and war. I/We shall never think about getting involved in or inciting war or developing or using any tools of war on this planet or in space, and to this I/We all agree and swear with my/our (delete as appropriate) nation, territory, council, religion, city, body/bodies and souls(s)."
02 February 2013 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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