THE NEWS Live: Obama/Soetoro, Time-Travel, & the US Supreme Court
THE NEWS Live for Jan. 11, 2013 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
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THE NEWS Live for Jan. 11: Obama/Soetoro, Time-Travel, & the US Supreme Court
1. OBAMA/SOETORO UPDATE: The US Supreme Court has set Orly Taitz case on Obama/Soetoro's forged birth certificate and multiple social security numbers for Feb 15. 2013 for conference for certiorari. The decision was announced Jan 9, 2013. Some research indicates the US Supreme Court may be going to go after Obama/Soetoro and that his "protection" on this issue may be ending. One the other hand the Court has denied 3 previous certoriari petitions. On this issue.
Breaking news! Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts schedules a case by Attorney Taitz regarding Obama’s forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court
Posted on | January 9, 2013 |
Press release!
Law offices of Orly Taitz
"Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Roberts scheduled a case by attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Barack Hussein Obama’s use of forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court. The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.
"Please, keep in mind, Richard Nixon was reelected and sworn in, but later was forced to resign as a result of Watergate. over 30 high ranking officials of Nixon administration including Attorney General of the United States and White House counsel were indicted, convicted and went to prison. Obama Forgery gate is a hundred times bigger then Watergate. More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number"
No. 12A606
Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants
Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State
Docketed: December 13, 2012
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California
Case Nos.: (S207078)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 11 2012 Application (12A606) for a stay, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 13 2012 Application (12A606) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 26 2012 Application (12A606) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
Jan 9 2013 Application (12A606) referred to the Court.
The case addresses “whether Obama used forged government documents and fake identification in order to get elected as commander-in-chief. Edward Noonan, et al., contend that if Obama had been ineligible to run in 2008, other Democratic candidates should have replaced him on the presidential ballot. Additionally, electoral votes from states such as California that went towards Obama should have been deemed null and void.”
SOURCE: Supreme Court to hear case on Obama's alleged forged documents (Photos)
1. CONFERENCE: "At the end of a week in which the Court has heard oral arguments, the Justices hold a conference to discuss the cases and vote on any new petitions of certiorari. The Justices discuss the points of law at issue in the cases. No clerks are permitted to be present, which would make it exceedingly difficult for a justice without a firm grasp of the matters at hand to participate.[13] At this conference, each justice - in order from most to least senior - states the basis on which he or she would decide the case, and a preliminary vote is taken." "The granting of a writ does not necessarily mean that the Supreme Court disagrees with the decision of the lower court. Granting a writ of certiorari means merely that at least four of the justices have determined that the circumstances described in the petition are sufficient to warrant review by the Court. Conversely, the Supreme Court's denial of a petition for a writ of certiorari is sometimes misunderstood to mean that the Supreme Court approves the decision of the lower court. Such a denial "imports no expression of opinion upon the merits of the case, as the bar has been told many times'"
This is fourth time the US Supreme Court has reviewed this issue in conference for certiorari:
“The lower federal court dismissed the complaint as "unworthy of further discussion". Soon after, Berg filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court which was denied by Justice David Souter in Nov. 2008. A second petition was denied by Justice Anthony Kennedy.
“A third petition was referred to the Supreme Court by Justice Antonin Scalia. However, the high court rejected the writ of certiorari on Jan. 12, 2009, just eight days away from Obama's first inauguration as the nation's 44th chief executive.”
SOURCE: Supreme Court to hear case on Obama's alleged forged documents (Photos)
READER Chris Lannon " could go either way right? a) Case has no merit. Shut up, go home and if you speak of this again we'll paddle your behind. European cabal gains upper hand. b) He's taken out. Bush faction victory? Or victory for the "people"? I think that depends on subsequent events"
READER Maureen Cragg "This is a faction-fight within the Federalist (globalist-Zionist) system. There's no calling a winner at this time."
4. ExopoliticsTV has shown good cause that Obama/Soetoro's birth certificate is a forgery:
Investigative reporter: Newly released Obama birth certificate is a forensic forgery
1971 - A key nexus point in the Soetoro/Obama deception occurs in 1971, when
“Barack Hussein Obama” is pre-identified via DARPA time travel as 44th U.S
President, sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009. Stanley Ann Dunham is directed by CIA
handlers to arrange paternity agreement with Barack Obama Sr. in Honolulu.
1980 – Barry Soetoro and Stanley Ann Dunham participate in secret CIA jump room
training program with Andrew D. Basiago and William Brett Stillings. Stanley Ann
Dunham reveals Barry Soetoro’s identity as a future U.S. president to Andy.
1982 – Under CIA instructions, Soetoro/Obama changes assumed name Barak
Mounir Ubayd to Barack Hussein Obama in Skookumchuk, B.C. on Oct. 14, 1982.
Soetoro/Obama meets Andrew D. Basiago in Los Angeles and introduces self as
“Barack Hussein Obama”, while friend identifies him as future U.S. president.
Soetoro/Obama is from a 3rd generation CIA family.
Soetoro/Obama participated in 1980-83 secret CIA U.S. Mars jump room program.
Soetoro/Obama is a covert CIA infiltrator-informant against black activist and possibly Islamist groups.
Soetoro/Obama was pre-identified as future U.S. president by secret U.S. time travel program, and briefed as a future U.S. President as early as 1971 (age 10).
Soetoro/Obama appears to be supported by a global New World Order agenda, misusing quantum access technologies to impose a NWO dystopia.
All Soetoro/Obama birth certificates appear to be forgeries/anomalous.
No DNA evidence has established Soetoro/Obama’s paternity.
There has never been official name change from Barry Soetoro to Barack Obama (Soetoros’ divorce filed in August, 1980, summer of secret U.S. Mars training).
Sealing of official documentation about Barry Soetoro/Barack H. Obama.
Obama Sr. 1971 Visit to Honolulu – “Paternity Deal” – Same year as DARPA Project Pegasus Presidential pre-identification briefings
1. Barry Soetoro not reaffirm US citizenship on return in 1971 to HI; had no US Certification of Citizenship. Reentered the United States with his Hawaiian COLB. No legal name change from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.
2. Obama Sr. 1971 visit HI one month - Christmas visit: provide provenance for Barry Soetoro in return for a financial payoff. The COLB designates him as Barack Hussein Obama II. "II" is named "FOR" someone else, not a JR. Business arrangement.
3. "Dunham's import Neil Abercrombie's buddy, Obama Sr., the only black guy they know other than Frank Marshall Davis. This is the only reason Senior would have been in Hawaii visiting his former "family" for a month to six weeks."
Barack Obama, Sr. and Soetoro/Obama at Honolulu airport, Christmas 1971
Birth certificate release by White House on April 27, 2011 – Forgery
Expert analysis Douglas Vogt Bellevue, WA:
1. Curved and non-curved type - Scanned in greyscale and binary.
2. There is a white haloing around all the type on the form - Two types of images
3. The Obama Certificate is loaded with both binary and greyscale letters
4. The Sequential Number is a fraud - Soetoro/Obama 8/4/61 (8/4/61) 10641; Nordyke twins (8/5/61) 10637 and 10638; Virginia Sunahara (6/4/61) 11080 - Multiple parties; Chose date of baby who died for forgery.
Expert analysis Douglas Vogt Bellevue, WA:
5. Two different colors in Form box 22 and 20-Date Accepted by Reg. General
6. The official seal is not part of the Certificate of Live Birth
7. The hand stamped certification from the current registrar is a forged stamped notice
8. Multiple layers in the PDF file from the White House - "File created on April 27, 2011 and downloaded from the White House web site was modified on April 28, 2011 at 9:58 AM, the day after the news conference. The whole White House story that the President had his Seattle-based lawyer fly to Hawaii and pick up a signed and stamped paper Certificate of Live Birth and fly directly to Washington DC, is obviously not the document the public has been shown. In other words the whole story is not true." No OCR processing.
Stanley Ann Dunham U.S. Passport Application
1. Drops Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah from her 1967 passport application because of WARNING:
"I have not (and no other person included or to be included in the passport or documentation has), since acquiring United States citizenship, been naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state; taken an oath or made an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state; entered or served in the armed forces... "
2. Citizen of Indonesia – “What can be extrapolated from this is that Obama was, in fact, adopted by Lolo Soetoro, making Obama a citizen of Indonesia, a fact supported by the the Fransiscus Assisi school registration document that identifies Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen and his religion was identified as Islam.”
Images: (Top) Passport Application, striking out son's name; (bottom) Prohibition against including nationalized persons.
No DNA evidence identifying Soetoro/Obama paternity
Phenotype not valid establishing paternity - genetic factors cause many children not to physically resemble their parents.
Alternative paternity theories for Soetoro/Obama
Stephen Pidgeon, Esq. (Washington, State);
1. Many witnesses to SAD presence in Oahu Sept 1960-Feb. 1961
2. March 1961 - August 1962 - - No witnesses to Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD) presence on Oahu. SAD returns to Oahu in August 1962 from U of WA.
3. No Hawaii physicians, nurses or midwives have any recollection of Soetoro/Obama birth.
4. WA State - Actual vault birth certificate of Soetoro/Obama is probably housed in Washington State under a name no one would recognize.
Name Change Document – B.C. Oct. 14, 1982 raised sealed copy of the name change document numbered 1973-203489"
5. Canadian Birth – “The Dunhams want to get their daughter, Stanley Ann, away from the Kenyan, so they shipped the pregnant Stanley Ann off to Aunt Eleanor in Blaine Washington -- a little more than 100 miles from Seattle. When she goes into labor, they have to run to White Rock to the nearest maternity hospital. Madelyn Dunham finds out that the child is born in Canada, and immediately files a "born at Home" birth application to secure American Citizenship for her grandson.”
6. March 1961 - August 1962 - - No witnesses to Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD) presence on Oahu – Consistent with Washington State.
1. Seattle, WA - "Barack Obama may have been born in Seattle, Washington (1961). Birth name may be Barak Mounir Ubayd or certificate may be Malcolm Dunham – Stephen Pidgeon.
2. Mercer Island, WA – Stanley Ann Dunham – Seen on Mercer Island, WA just after giving birth, diapers.
3. Malcolm X Paternity - Percy Sutton/Stanley Ann Dunham/Barack Obama Sr.-Hussein Onyango Obama (c. 1895-1979).
4. Martha Trowbridge - Malcolm X and Miss Jo Ann Newman. Born Bari Malik Shabazz. October 28, 1959. Problems: Two Obamas Soetoro/Shabazz; Joe Ann Newman is not Stanley Ann Dunham
Malcolm X (note strong chin like Soetoro/Obama)
7. March 1961 - August 1962 - - No witnesses to Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD) presence on Oahu – Consistent with the improbable Kenyan birth.
1. Kenyan Birth certificate is forgery – Based on Australian model and using a notation for Kenya that did not exist at the time.
2. Grandmother Sarah – Stated in interrupted phone interview that Soetoro/Obama was born on Aug 4, 1961 in Hawaii.
3. Stanley Ann Dunham – Could have brought baby back to Washington State on her U.S. passport (destroyed in 1965).
4. Barack H. Obama Sr. – Can be Soetoro/Obama father with a Washington state birth in 1961.
Forged Kenya birth certificate for Barack H. Obama II
12. Sealing of Soetoro/Obama records
Executive order 13489, January 21, 2009
1. Adoption records - Hawaii Dept. of Health records sealed - adoption by Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia.
2. Kindergarten records - Noelani Elementary School (HI) 1966-67 Record sealed
3. Punahou School records - 1971 - 79. Scholarship. Records sealed
4. Occidental College, Los Angeles 1979 - Scholarship. Records sealed. Quash lawsuit to reveal. Went to Pakistan and Indonesia.
5. Columbia University - Transfer in 1981; Records sealed. Fox News contacted 400 classmates and no one remember.
6. Harvard Law School - Records sealed. Admission by Percy Sutton and Khalil Abdullah Tariq alMansour, "one of the world's wealthiest men"
7. Univ. of Chicago Law School Prof. - Records sealed. Obama publish no articles and refuse tenure
Photo: Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Soetoro, Maya Soetoro, Barry Soetoro (Soetoros Divorce filed August 20, 1980, while secret 1980 training class still in session with Soetoro, Dugan, Basiago)
8. Dreams from My Father - Jack Cashill: Author is William “Bill” Ayers of Weather Underground
9. Medical Records - Records sealed. Six paragraph note from Physician.
10. Chicago Law Practice - 1993-2004, Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland (Tony Rezco) Records sealed.
11. Illinois State Senator Records - 1997-2004 Records sealed
12. Social Security Number irregularities - Records sealed.
13. Selective Service Number irregularities - Records sealed.
14. State Dept. and Passport travel records - Records sealed. 1968 - Stanley Ann Dunham file to remove son from Passport - Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah
Photo: William “Bill” Ayers of Weather Underground, 27 Aug. 1968, FBI dropped charges for bombings 1969-72, including Pentagon
13. Soetoro/Obama is from a 3rd generation CIA family - Wayne Madsen, former NSA
BARACK H. OBAMA SR. - Soetoro/Obama Father Meme
1. CIA: "1958-59 Tom Mboya (Kenya) - CIA cooperator, selected Obama Sr. for scholarship to Univ. Hawaii.
2. Obama Sr. met at HI airport by Stanley Armour Dunham, father of Stanley Ann Dunham. Two US Navy personnel -Hickam Air Force Base, CIA’s role in the Airlift Africa projects.
3. Obama, Sr. stay at CIA/Asia Foundation, The East-West Center guesthouse in Hawaii
4. "Obama, Sr. was a friend of Mboya, CIA asset. Obama, Sr. testified at 1969 trial of Mboya alleged assassin.
5. Obama, Sr. died in a 1982 car crash. Same year (1982) as Soetoro/Obama became BH Obama is in the secret Mars program, and as Stanley Ann Dunham divorces Lolo Soetoro in Aug. 1982. Is this a suspicious car crash? As SAD spouses are disentangled in 1980 (Mars training) and 1982 (BC Name change)?
14. Soetoro/Obama is from a 3rd generation CIA family
STANLEY ARMOUR DUNHAM - Soetoro/Obama maternal grandfather
1.”Photo of Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr., indicates that the “furniture salesman” in Hawaii was, in fact, working with a CIA-funded project to rapidly educate aspiring in African. "
2. “Armour Dunham worked in the 1950s for the CIA in the Middle East. An FBI file on Armour Dunham existed was destroyed on May 1, 1997. Pre-1968 passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, were destroyed by the State Department.
3.”Photo - Dunhams may have been assigned by the CIA to Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s. A photograph of Stanley Ann Dunham wearing school uniform with the insignia of “NdJ,” which stands for the College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, a private Jesuit Catholic French language school in Beirut, Lebanon.”
MADELYN DUNHAM - Soetoro/Obama maternal grandmother
"Madelyn Dunham raised Soetoro/Obama (1971). First female vice president at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. CIA front entities used the bank. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts used to make CIA money laundering.
"Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong (BBRDW) funding covert CIA programs Asia, BBRDW’s principals John C. “Jack” Kindschi, CIA station chief in Honolulu. Bank of Hawaii would handle much of BBRDW’s covert financial transactions.”
3. Suspicious death - November 2 or 3, 2008 (the day before election day for the sympathy vote). According to sources employed in the coroner's office Madelyn Dunham died on October 21, 2008 and was cremated on Friday October 24, 2008. Obama: “No photos or video.”
LOLO SOETORO - Soetoro/Obama stepfather
1. "Ann Dunham met Soetoro at CIA/East-West Center (Hawaii). In 1965, Dunham met and married Soetoro. Center dir. U.S. ambassador to Indonesia."
2. ”Col. Lolo Soetoro to Indonesia on July 20, 1965, for CIA’s coup against Sukarno. 1 million dead. SAD Indonesia 1967.
STANLEY ANN DUNHAM - Soetoro/Obama mother
1. "Dunham (SAD) taught English for USAID, major cover for CIA activities in Indonesia, SE Asia, Laos, South Vietnam, and Thailand. The USAID program AKA Lembaga Pendidikan Pembinaan Manajemen."
2. "Dunham Soetoro worked for Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan."
STANLEY ANN DUNHAM - Soetoro/Obama mother
3. ”1970s-80s, Dunham - Micro-loan projects for Ford Foundation, the CIA-linked East-West Center, and USAID in Indonesia. CIA linked Dr. Gordon Donald, Jr. directed USAID Dunham project, also in Lahore, Pakistan, where Dunham spent 5 years in the Hilton Intl Hotel working on for the Asian Development Bank.
4. CIA Jakarta alumnus Robert F. Grealy, director for Asia-Pacific for J P Morgan Chase. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s father, Peter Geithner, was the Ford Foundation’s Asia grant-selector who funneled the money to Ann Dunham’s Indonesian projects."
5. "CIA Black Projects and Hawaii - "While SAD was in Pakistan, Soetoro/Obama visited SAD in 1980 and 1981. Obama visited Karachi, Lahore, and Hyderabad, India during his south Asia visits. It was during the time period that the CIA was beefing up its anti-Soviet operations in Afghanistan from Pakistan.”
15. Soetoro/Obama participated in 1980-83 secret U.S. Mars program
1. Summer 1980 - Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings attended 3 week Mars teleportation seminar by Major Ed Dames, U.S. Army, held at The College of the Siskiyous, a small college near Mt. Shasta in California.
2. Ten outstanding teenagers were enrolled in the Mars training program. Basiago and Stillings; Barack Obama, who was then using the name “Barry Soetoro,”; Regina Dugan, Obama appointed 19th director of DARPA in 2009; William McCool, future NASA Astronaut.
3. Up 7 parents of the ten students, all with ties to the CIA, audited the class. Raymond F. Basiago, chief technical liaison between Parsons and the CIA on Tesla-based teleportation; Thomas Stillings, an operations analyst for the Lockheed Corporation who had served with the Office of Naval Intelligence; and Mr. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who carried out assignments for the CIA in Kenya and Indonesia.
16. Soetoro/Obama is a covert infiltrator-informant against black activist and possibly Islamist groups
1. 1983-84 BIC - "After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, Barack Obama went to work for a firm called Business International Corporation (BIC), a firm that was linked to economic intelligence gathering for the CIA. For one year, Obama worked as a researcher in BIC's financial services division where he wrote for two BIC publications, Financing Foreign Operations and Business International Money Report, a weekly newsletter.."
2. CIA Family - "President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.”
3. May 18, 2010 - Soetoro/Obama - Guilty of 17 counts. Tribunal, The Honorable Bob Unger presiding, convened by Pastor James David Manning of the ATLAH World Missionary Church, protected by an order of the N.Y. Supreme Court.
4. Report - GUILTY on all counts (including Election Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Disclosure of State Secrets, and Sedition) – against a former Columbia University President and its Board of Trustees, and Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro
5. Obama was never a student at Columbia:
• Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer, in a lengthy news report wherein their investigators interviewed over 400 Columbia graduates from the class of 1983 – none of whom ever heard or knew of Obama;
• ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Science Major/Political Science, Columbia U. class of 1982 – “never heard of or knew of Obama”;
• Wall Street Journal (Sept 11, 2008) reported that Obama was never at Columbia University;
6. Obama was never a student at Columbia:
• Wayne Allyn Root (the Libertarian Party’s 2008 vice presidential nominee who also attended Columbia at the same time as Barack Obama) “I don’t know a single person at Columbia that knows him, and they all know me. I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia.”;
• Two investigators researched the Columbia University yearbooks (1981-1985), and found the following:
• No pictures or mention of the names Obama, Soetoro, or Dunham;
• Obama’s ‘alleged’ Political Science class of 1983 had 43 students – only 2 of whom were black, and those two looked nothing like Barack Obama (pictures in detail and in color);
• Pastor Manning himself – who was in studies at the Union Theological Seminary, an across-the-street sister-institution to Columbia, and a member of the Columbia University Student Union in 1981, 82, and 83 – “never heard of or saw a fellow black student named Obama or Soetoro or Dunham”;
7. Was recruited by the C.I.A. while at Occidental College in CA in 1979 – as a Foreign-Student non-U.S. citizen, Arabic-speaking, Muslim, to work with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan & Pakistan – to help drive the Russians out of Afghanistan;
8. Traveled often during the early 1980’s to Karachi, Pakistan under a Kenyan Passport, to visit often with his mother (of modest means), where she lived in a 5 Star hotel for 5 years, while working for the Asian Development Bank (a proven ‘front’ for George Bush Sr’s C.I.A.);
9. Used anywhere from 20 to 120+ Social Security numbers of persons both living or dead, that detailed investigative reporting by 2 Private Investigators proved had been associated with the names Obama, Soetoro, or Dunham. (NOTE: both Obama’s mother and grandmother worked as bankers for years – with easy access to thousands of SS Numbers and Passport Numbers.)
17. Soetoro/Obama was pre-identified as future U.S. president by secret U.S. time travel program
Pre-identification - During Project Pegasus, Andrew D. Basiago reports having personal knowledge of a secret program whereby future U.S. Presidents are identified via time travel, are informed of their destiny, and are prepared for the presidency, some of them 20 years in advance.
U.S. Presidents - Mr. Basiago states he has personal knowledge that Presidents Carter, Clinton, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and Obama, as well as Vice President Richard B. Cheney, were identified as future Presidents. Obama and Bush Jr. were told they would be future U.S. Presidents in their early 20s, and were prepared for the presidency in a secret program.
These time-travel Presidents are controlled entities that can govern from the right or left as necessary.
18. Soetoro/Obama appears to be supported by a Global New World Order agenda Soetoro/Obama, HAARP & Depopulation
As shown by FALSE FLAG HAARP Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy that guaranteed the election of Obama/Soetoro in the 2012 US election, Barack Obama is a willing asset of an international war crimes racketeering organization controlling HAARP. The ultimate culpability for the genocidal operations of the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails weapons system lies with an international war crimes racketeering organization, led by bloodlines in the City of London financial complex (including the Rothschild Family), the British monarchy and specific noble bloodlines, and the Rockefeller families. These interests control the world uranium industry, are major landowners of the planet, and have espoused global depopulation programs for at least 100 years.
The specific agencies in nation-states carrying out these tectonic attacks and radiation programs do so as part of Agenda 21, a depopulation program enunciated when Henry Kissinger was U.S. Secretary of State, and a deep cover operative of this war crimes racketeering organization.
THE NEWS Live for Nov. 2, 2012: Hurricane Sandy as Environmental War
19. OBAMA UNDER MKULTRA MIND CONTROL In his May 25, 2012 appearance at Westminster Hall (a privilege of only The Pope, The Queen & The Obama), a video analysis appears to show the greeting Church of England officials doing MKULTRA hand signals on Soetoro/Obama who becomes disoriented and writes the wrong date in the diary.
BHO, May 24, 2008 not May 25, 2012
20. Obama "Possession"
Everybody is excited…including Barack Obama. It’s like…it’s like one man went into that room and another one came out. An entirely different man walked out of that room than went in. That is how…that’s how he told it to me. A different man walked out. The change…that…the transformation was stunning. He seemed taller. His eyes were…there was an energy to him. Powerful. He was smiling and joking, shaking hands, talking real fast…the suit – the one you see on television…every detail was perfect. Everybody was rushing to shake his hand, tell them they loved him…but my friend…he was shaken up. It was too damn weird, right? What the hell happened in that room? How could one man walk in and another man walk out? We’re talking two extremes here…Obama was just about carried into that room…and he comes out…he’s bouncing off the f-cking walls.
UM: Did your friend get close…up close to Obama at that time?
Insider: Oh yeah…got the handshake. Looked right up at him. And Obama…he looked right down…looked right down and through him.
UM: Through him?
Insider: Yeah boy…right the f-ck through him. He didn’t recognize…my friend…he had been introduced to Obama not more than a day before. He was helping organize the whole fu–ing event there in Denver. .
As the judgment in Bush v. Gore shows, the US Supreme Court will rule in favor of a time-travel pre-identified US President, in this case George W. Bush. Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that effectively resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election in favor of George W. Bush.
In our judgment the US judicial system has become lawless and it is impossible to predict its actions from a legal point of view when a major NWO asset is involved.
We will have a follow-up THE NEWS Live program is the US SUPREME COURT DOES SO.
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre 2013
All rights reserved.
Perhaps his true father is Jeremiah Wright Sr. His "mother" was a student at the little red school of communism off the coast of Washington State during the time she got her teenage self knocked up. Maybe impregnating one of his students wasn't such a good look for the then married teacher with children. I remember this quote vividly... "I can not disown the Rev. Wright in the same way I can't disown my white grandmother." Why not? Because U are just as much kin to him as U are your white granny?? Go ahead and try to find pics of Wright SR. online. Seems they have all been scrubbed off. Very odd not to find visuals for such a distinguished and notable gentleman of the times. lastly...look at Barry and Jeremiah JR. side by side...brothers it is if U ask a gal like me...
Posted by: jessie | 20 January 2013 at 16:51
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Posted by: | 13 January 2013 at 03:08
this is proof of our good work, Alfred
Posted by: Jack Lindblad | 13 January 2013 at 01:27
I appreciate all your hard word and dedication to the truth. It's saddening how much deceit is present in our government and society's big institutions. I wish we had a 'wake up' pill we could distribute to the masses, because it is almost 'common sense' to be able to recognize the deception. What horror! How can the human race 'live free' and evolve consciously and with love with these powerful entities and their nefarious actions?
Posted by: Jason T. Hudson | 12 January 2013 at 14:38
good job who you call when a cop robs you
Posted by: ben harris | 12 January 2013 at 10:12