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2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems:

Multiple moneys and development: making payments in diverse economies
Organised by the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague of Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

June 19th to 22nd, 2013 (Academic strand: 19th and 20th June; Practitioners’ strand: 21st and 22nd June).

he first two days of the conference (June 19th and June 20th) will concentrate the academic panels and the last two days (June 21st and June 22nd) will focus on the practitioners’ activities.

The conference will be bilingual (English and Spanish) with sessions organized in either language.

Conference official website: www.iss.nl/ccs2013

Description website: http://ijccr.net/2012/10/11/announcing-the-2nd-international-conference-on-complementary-currency-systems-june-2013/ or for short, tinyurl.com/2ndCCSconf

Please write it in your Google Calendar.

Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav)

Hi Alfred,
Normally I don't get very upset..but please check out my ranting blog at the following webpage...it will answer many questions as to why the FISCAL CLIFF has not yet fallen...


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