PART II - THE NEWS Live for Dec. 21, 2012: A New World? The winter solstice 2012 - Is this the end of the world as you knew it and the beginning of a New World? Welcome to the Mayan [Pleiadian] Fifth World
Part II - THE NEWS Live for the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012
Hi all,
This is Alfred Lambremont Webre and this is a continuation of THE NEWS Live for the Winter Solstice - December 21, 2012.
THE NEWS Live was cut off at fourteen minutes and some odd seconds just as THE NEWS Live was beginning to report on; we were giving all of our stories about our journey's in the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar. I had started sharing my story today of the Pleiadian/Mayan Calender, the Mayan Calendar being a consciousness map as well as a very sophisticated map of time and an astronomical map.
The Mayan Calendar which is a Pleiadian Calendar in terms of time, shows that our Universe is a billion billion times older than the 13.75 billion [years] that current science shows through the 'Big Bang' theory as the age of the Earth. So that, the Mayan scientists were light-years beyond current science because this is a calendar-a technology that had been gifted to them by the Pleiadians. The Mayans were advanced enough to have received that technology and knew how to employ it.
[When PART I was interrupted,] what I was doing was we were shifting from today, from the Fourth World of duality consciousness (of compression of the Piscean Age) into the Fifth World (of expansion, of unity consciousness, of we are one). Duality consciousness is 'I win you lose'.
Obviously some forces out there in the wide mixture - it could be any forces out there - decided to interrupt this Google Hangout just when I started to hand out some information which was particularly sensitive to them. So I'll start re-capitulating very briefly.
My journey's really as an ambassador of this information - I'll call it the Pleiadian Calendar/Mayan Calendar - began in my university years over fifty years ago or just about fifty years ago, when I spent a summer on a project building a school in a village in Mexico and went and spent time down with the Mayans. [I] went to all of the sacred sites there and had experiences and came back and wrote an article about it; [the article] was published in a local newspaper and was read from the pulpit in the a local church. I thought that [that] was sort of my first instance of my being an ambassador of this Pleiadian consciousness.
Then, I spent time after I left Stanford Research Institute where I was a director of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Study -- The proposed Extraterrestrial Study. I left there in the spring of 1978 and went down to Mexico where I covered a number of events down there and spent time at the Cholula Pyramid which is the largest pyramid in the world. It is dedicated to Qutzalcoatle.
[The Cholula] Pyramid is very close to, and has a great deal of energies around this Winter Solstice of 2012. Today there are very large ceremonies going on at the Cholula Pyramid that is right next to the twin volcanoes, the volcano spirits Popocatépetl and Ixaccihuatle.
I wrote a book there. Actually, I was sited right between the Cholula Pyramids and the Popocatépetl and Ixaccihuatle volcanoes. There was just a tremendous amount of energy going on there.
This is Part II on my having produced and sharing with you my personal journey's along the way of being with the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar; which is a map of consciousness as well as time; as well, of the astronomy of our physical universe. I believe it is as objective, if not more objective, than the Gregorian calendar.
You know you can say 'what happened on October 8, 1888?' And you can say, is that objective or not objective to report those events? Well, the equivalent in the Mayan Calendar is as objective, and with the depth of the Mayan Calendar going into multi-dimensionality of what's happening on a consciousness level, is as objective because it has been correlated in a number of studies to develop and see consciousness. I would like to leave that with you.
And I 'd like to pick up the thread of what I was reporting [from Part I], and that is by conscious choice I produced and hosted a 'Harmonic Convergence' national radio show in the U.S. on August 7, 1987. [The show] was anchored at one of the national public radio (NPR) member stations in Boulder, Colorado, and was carried via live NPR satellite by a respectable number of NPR stations in the U.S.
Researcher José Argüelles, author of the 'Mayan Factor', was one of our live guests at that time. [His work in the 'Mayan Factor' promoted that] at that time they thought that the period between 1519 with the landing of Herman Cortes in Veracruz, and the Harmonic Convergence [August, 1987] --that was kind of a bookend in the consciousness area of the Mayan Calendar.
What one scholar, Dr. Carl Johan Calleman says: “We now know from Mayan sources that the Mayan Calendar has an integrated pyramidal rather than linear structure. Whether people are aware of it or not, the entire evolution of the cosmos since the Big Bang has also been meticulously mapped out in light of the Mayan calendar and verified by massive empirical evidence.”
Well, it goes back a billion billion times older than the 'big bang'. This is a vast multi-dimensional calendar.
After August 7, 1987, after I produced that NPR [program], a reporter from the Washington Post
called me at the local Boulder, Colorado, listener supported radio [where the Harmonic Convergence program was broadcast] for an extensive interview on the meaning of the Mayan Calendar and which I gave them.
At the time, I remember it was very lengthy. I was on the phone with the reporter for over an hour trying to explain what the Mayan Calendar was as a consciousness calendar, as well as a calendar of time. I don't know if the Washington Post ever published that interview, but I felt subjectively, myself, that at the time as a communicator and broadcaster, I was involved in an important process of linking U.S. Mainstream audiences into deeper Universe energy wave processes.
Would the Washington Post of 2012 be as open to this discussion of what the Mayan Calendar is as it was in 1987 from me? We'll have to see.
I had encounters with the leading Washington Post reporter-political reporter who's on MSNBC practically every day. I had an encounter with him at the National Press Club during one of the X- Conferences-press conferences and I told him about the proof of life on Mars and the proof of time-travel. He [then] wrote a critically scathing article of me.
So, I think that the mainstream media; not only in the United States, not only the Washington Post; but worldwide has shown itself firmly rooted back in the Piscean Age - back in the Mayan Fourth World. We're moving into the Fifth World objectively and that's the significance of this [report] today. So I kind of lay out here the line in the sand for the Washington Post, having dealt with them on this issue multiple times from 1987 forward .
Let's fast-forward to the commencement of the Eighth Galactic Wave of the Mayan Calendar in 1999.
These [waves] are some of the 'step pyramids' inside of the Galactic Wave and the alternating consciousness waves inside the Mayan Calendar [which emanate] from the singularity or inter-dimensional portal at the core of our universe; and are carrier waves for the mind and soul 'software' of Galactic consciousness and Universal consciousness .
That is in 1999, our Universe and the Creator Source began to broadcast thoughts of 'I,we, all of us' are Galactic and not just Planetary beings. That's what started to come in [from the inter-dimensional portal at the core of the Universe] in 1999. That's why there became a great interest in ET movies, outer space, avatar and all these sort of things.
For example, the prior step pyramid wave was from 1755-1986[sic] during the Seventh Wave of Planetary consciousness where you had movements such as the Enlightenment and democratic movements were born; and there were directing and creating an Enlightened long-term infrastructure for this planet during the Enlightenment and democratic movements when democracy was born. We had the American revolution.
And so, in 1999, when this Galactic consciousness came out, the analogy to the Enlightenment at the Galactic level was Exopolitics.
I was, at that time, tuned into all of these cosmic forces; I mean as much as I can. I was committed to this Galactic and Universal consciousness and during 1999 at the beginning of this wave. That's when I wrote the book, 'Exopolitcs', and published it online; that founded Exopolitics as a science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the Galaxy, our Universe, and the Multi-verse.
Author Barbara Hand Clow, Dr. Calleman's colleague, writes in her book 'The Mayan Code' of Exopolitics as a prototypical creation of Eighth Wave Galactic consciousness under the Mayan Calendar.
She says: “The renaissance of the advanced unifying synthesis could happen by means of Exopolitics, the political system that governs the universe.”
Barbara was quoting my Eighth Wave Galactic consciousness book/Mayan Calendar book , 'Exopolitics: Politics, Law and Government in the Universe' when she, Barbara Hand Clow, writes:
“According to Alfred Lambremont Weber who is a futurist and lives in Canada Earth is an isolated planet in the midst of an evolving and highly organised inter-planetary, inter-disciplinary, and multi-dimensional universe.”
Thus, I navigated a critical path from the Harmonic Convergence that [was a] pre-wave to the beginning of the Eighth Wave of Galactic consciousness. I was tuned in at this level, founded and wrote that book,'Exoolitics', in 1999, by being tuned into that wave of Exopolitics as one of my social contributions under the incoming Fifth Wave - Fifth World Wave consciousness.
Now this gets even deeper in 2005; with the publication of the soft cover version of my book 'Exopolitics' I became more aware of how complex it has become to function amidst the dualistic consciousness 'I Win, You Lose' of the National Security State.
When I originally wrote the book 'Exopolitics' in 1999, presumably in Eighth Wave Galactic consciousness, I had no conscious conception or knowledge of the fact that a secret U.S. government DARPA/CIA time-travel project, Project Pegasus, had teleported my book ' Exopolitics' via Tesla based time-travel from 2005, back to at least 1971 where it was viewed by three independent witnesses that became part of the CIA data base there. In other words, I call it time-travel surveillance.
And in fact, in 1971, when I was General Council of the Environmental Protection Administration of New York, I was invited down to this anomalous meeting in Washington under false pretenses. I was asked to give an environmental address (which I usually gave in New York to students and housewives) to a group of about fifty men in suits that later; we reasoned to the fact that they were CIA/DARPA employees that were looking at me in 1971 because they had a copy of the book that I would write in 1999, and would be published in 2005; and that I would be talking to you about now in 2012. That's called time-travel surveillance.
Whistle blower and Project Pegasus participant, Andrew D. Basiago, has revealed that the reason that Project Pegasus was able to identify Governor Jimmy Carter (who was then Governor of Georgia in 1971) as a future U.S. President (which they did in 1971) was that the program was in possession of the copy of 'Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe' and which bears a quote, a statement, by Jimmy Carter.
You can see, that as secrecy and compartmentalisation of the dualistic National Security State and dualised organised religion memes deconstruct; the National Security State and religions which are not based on science, but belief structures, have held sway and power over seven billion human beings. But they will deconstruct in this new Fifth World and in this new Aquarian Age as humanity has a greater receptivity to the advanced Ninth Wave Universal unity consciousness energy waves [that are now emanating] from the singularity at the inter-dimensional portal at the core of the Universe that drives our own evolution into positive directions.
I feel that the positive mindset of the Exopolitics model will blossom and grow in humanity as a Ninth Wave Unity and Universal consciousness begins to take hold and assumes a non-dualistic unity role in a populated, organised, Universe unity - populated, organised, multi-verse.
For the moment, we can say that Exopolitics was born in 1999, in the Eighth Wave Galactic consciousness; and time-traveled back to at least 1971, the latter days of the Seventh Wave Planetary consciousness (1755-1999) in a DARPA/CIA program.
Unity consciousness can be expressed in a simple realisation. You and I are not separate. We are one. It's not that 'I Win, You Lose' but 'We Are One' ultimately.
That is some part of my journey which goes from nearly fifty years ago while I was in university on a project to help build a school in a village. Then, went to the Maya and really integrated myself there. I went to the sacred sites and then came back and wrote an article that was published and read from a pulpit in a church; sort of a first publication as an ambassador. I spent time at the Cholula Pyramid, the Pyramid of Qutzalcoatle and had profound experiences as between the Pyramid and the volcano spirits of Popocatépetl and Ixaccihuatle.
Then, finally picking up through the Harmonic Convergence, being a producer and host on National Public Radio in 1987 bringing that message of the Fifth World to the United States audience and whoever else was listening; and now again, here with you on December 21, 2012, the Winter Solstice.
I would like to close this Part II, (and I thank you for your patience. This is the first time that THE NEWS Live has been interfered with by outside agencies.) with some of the thoughts of Dr. Carl Johan Calleman who has been an extraordinary scholar who has explored the consciousness side of the Mayan Calendar (of the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar) as a consciousness map and he writes:
“The reason that this kind of unity consciousness” (that we're now entering into; that the objective, not subjective but the objective Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar of consciousness tells us that we are now entering into) “can be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that leads to the transcendence of all separation (between man and woman, man and nature, ruler and ruled, east and west, etc). I feel that without the manifestation of such a shift in consciousness the world will sooner or later come to an end.
“People with a dualist and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the body of the Earth with little regard to its larger whole and would eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem. Only a shift to unity consciousness will forever stop the unchecked exploitation of the Earth and on a deeper level make us understand that we are part of creation and need to live in harmony with it. But will such a shift just happen automatically?” Dr. Calleman asks...
Indeed, we are now entering the Fifth World as described by the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar. This is an objective shift in time astronomically in terms of a rotation of the solar system in the precession of the equinoxes; also in consciousness because the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar is multi-dimensional.
It also measures developments in consciousness. It is an advanced tool and was left here with the Mayans for our civilizations to examine, and to really use as a tool in these beginning years and perhaps centuries, of the Fifth World and the beginning of the Aquarian Age -- the Age of Unity Consciousness, of expansion rather than the contraction, that we have just left.
So will it happen automatically? Well, it will happen that those of us who are receptive and open to this consciousness, I believe, are favoured by the processes of nature, the processes of the cosmic waves of consciousness coming in from the inter-dimensional portal. Over time, we'll engage in more openness and more creative and more wise actions; and cooperative actions that will benefit ourselves, our fellow humans, animals, plants, the Earth, the environment and the rest of the organised cosmos as we move towards another position on the spiral; and, moving toward getting to our renewed status as a Universe society.
There is something profound and objective happening on December 21, 2012, and its up to each of us individually to register within ourselves what shift we feel because ultimately that's the
objective-subjective measurement.
Remember, Expect a Miracle because Life is Miraculous.
Thank you!
[PART I - THE NEWS Live for Dec. 21, 2012: A New World? The winter solstice 2012 - Is this the end of the world as you knew it and the beginning of a New World? Welcome to the Mayan [Pleiadian] Fifth World
THE NEWS Live for December 21, 2012, (Part 1)
Transcription can be found here: ]
Transcripts by DJamil Graham
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre
All rights reserved
THE NEWS Live for Dec. 21, 2012 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
"THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide."