THE NEWS Live: The Fiscal Cliff - The logical result of the Rothschild-owned U.S. Central Bank (The Fed)
THE NEWS Live: The Fiscal Cliff - The logical result of the Rothschild-owned U.S. Central Bank (The Fed)
The Federal Reserve is a private central bank designed to provide debt-based currency to the United States of America, and create a perpetual fiscal cliff for the USA.
The banks that own the Federal Reserve System are beneficially owned by the Rothschild-led City of London bloodline bankers according to a 1976 U.S. Senate committee report.
THE NEWS Live for Dec. 14, 2012 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 AM GMT
at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
"THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide."
Dear Alfred,
I would like to contribute.
The mainstream media intentionally doesn't inform the world about the solution to monetary crisis, which already worked in the central middle ages, prior to the dark middle ages: complementary currencies.
Would you find it useful to interview Bernard Lietaer (li:ta:r), ex-hedge fund manager and central banker, one of the forefathers of the euro, currently the world's complementary currency expert who helped Brasil and Uruguay implement a nation-wide complementary currency similar to the Swiss secret, the WIR - except that in Brasil and in Uruguay the state tax authority accepts it, thereby legitimizes and legalizes it to be a nationally accepted true currency?
Please see the Belgian professor's perhaps best interview at
Posted by: Dora | 17 December 2012 at 15:56
Dear Mr Webre,
Please be so kind to elaborate on the 660 page long material written by David Wilcock (also featured in Steven Greer's Sirius, see new trailer at ) about The End of Financial Tyranny - The Greatest Cover-Up of All Time, available at Slideshare ( ) or, in parts, at David Wilcock's site ( ).
Posted by: Helene | 17 December 2012 at 15:43
Dollar bill: We trust in GOD = Guns/Gold - Oil - Drugs . For 'Guns' see Alfred this amazing finding: 'Special ops soldier caught on tape wearing top secret stealth invisibility suit'
Posted by: Eva | 17 December 2012 at 15:37
I keep thinking of Iceland who decided not to pay the debts they owned the banks and put their goverments to jail. Now I know this is a small contry but this small population did it why can t the Americans do it? Do they know this happened? It was not talked about it on mainstream news. The Americans have the power to do it. Even if the country is much bigger the situation seems more complicated? Can you comment on that Alfred. Thankyou. I found your information very informative.
Posted by: Nicole | 14 December 2012 at 20:34