PART I - THE NEWS Live for Dec. 21, 2012: A New World? The winter solstice 2012 - Is this the end of the world as you knew it and the beginning of a New World? Welcome to the Mayan [Pleiadian] Fifth World
THE NEWS Live for December 21, 2012, (Part 1)
This is THE NEWS LIVE for the Winter Solstice (December 21, 2012) with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern, and 2 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is available immediately afterward on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
Our motto is “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS LIVE reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”
Our headline
What is our headline for today? Our headline for today is, on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012: A new world? The Winter Solstice, 2012 - is this the end of the world as we know it, (or you knew it) and the beginning of the new world? Welcome to the Mayan, or should we say Pleiadian Fifth World.
The physical plane/3D did not end as of December 22, 2012
First of all, it is December 22, 2012, 2 AM Greenwich Mean Time in the U.K. and the world has not ended at the physical plane/3D level. Obviously that meme, which is more probably than not, a product of the Global National Security State responsible for most of the 'end of the world' memes. Actually, it was probably a professor (in the 1950's) an academic who mistook or inserted an 'end of the world' meme into the Mayan Calendar.
The National Security State with its 174 Deep Underground Military Bases [has been responsible for promoting] fear based agendas for population control based on old Fourth World Piscean Age memes; that's what the media has been pumping and promoting; all of that until now. It's obviously not ended.
There's nothing in any of the Mayan hieroglyphs to suggest that December 21, 2012, or any of the other Mayan Calendar end-dates was “the end of time” or of the physical world. In fact, the notions of time in the Mayan Calendar - which is more probably than not a Pleiadian Calendar - contains information that our physical Universe is in fact a billion billion times older than the 13.75 billion years that the current 'big bang' theory suggests.
So the science of the Mayans was way advanced. Or should we say the science that the Pleiadians left with the Mayans, was way advanced.
The Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar
Today, if we assume that December 21, 2012, is the end of this baktun [measurement of time in the Maya Long Count Calendar], the Mayan Fifth Sun or Fifth World [then] begins when the current era, The Great Cycle of the Fourth Sun, comes to an end of the Fourth World.
What some current theory [suggests] is that this happens today on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012. There are other theories that it [the end of the Fourth World] happened at the end of October, 2011, when some say that there is a Galactic alignment between the Earth and the Sun.
The Mayan Calendar was based on planetary cycles that were embedded in vast cosmic cycles; and that kept repeating endlessly in the cosmos. This is the Pleiadian Calendar that the Mayans recorded.
The cosmic 25,920 or 625 [thousand] (there's all these variations) correspond to the solar year cycles or the time needed for the solar system to make one complete rotation around the Milky Way Galaxy.
The cycle is divided into five cycles of 5,125 solar years. The year between [the Fourth and] the Fifth Sun corresponds to completion of one full zodiac cycle. Astrologers say that we are now entering Aquarius, the first zodiac sign, and leaving behind Pisces.
The Fifth World that we are now entering brings harmony, a new consciousness-expanded consciousness-unity consciousness. The basis of unity consciousness is 'We Are One' and leaving behind duality consciousness which is 'I Win, You Lose'.
A new human emerges in this new age which is in harmony with the Earth, the environment, all creatures and the greater cosmic order.
We are having a complete change-over of the Mayan Calendar; kind of a re-setting of the odometer now. As of tomorrow, we are starting a new 5,125 solar year cycle inside the Fifth World which is in the Age of Aquarius. And so the next 25,920 years will be an exploration of expansion and unity consciousness, rather than of contraction and duality consciousness which we have just come out of.
The Mayan Calendar, then, is really a consciousness and dimensional shift map, as well as, a temporal and astronomical/astrological map. We should call it really the Pleiadian/Mayan Calendar because that is its source.
The meaning of the Mayan Calendar
To look at some of the background to the Mayan Calendar in the traditional mode, we can go to Mayan ajq'ij Denise Barrios in an essay in which she wrote in December, 2012, “[2012:] The Door to Transition” And she asks:
"What is the significance of December 21, 2012? It is the end of a cycle in which a subtle change of energy will take place and allow humankind to enter into a more spiritual vibrational state; one of greater consciousness in which we will re-evaluate our priorities and recapture our intimate connection with nature.
“Some may not even notice this transformation; they may think that December 21 is a day like any other, but a change in energy at the spiritual and sensitive level will take place, and those that are prepared will have no difficulty in recognizing it.”
Judge for yourself. Are you having any recognition of a transition of energy?
In a way, it's a measure. Each of us has had our own personal journey's along the way to the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. One can say 'oh well, that the Mayan Calendar is just a subjective belief system'; but when one gets inside and studies it--I've been to the land of the Maya (to the Yucatan) since the mid-1960's. That was almost fifty years ago. And I've lived with the Maya and I've visited and had experiences at many of the Mayan monuments there.
Some analysts say/some researchers say, for example, that at Tikal, the Pyramids there are built in a cluster of seven like the seven stars of Pleiadies. That's a subjective [analysis]. But the Mayan Calendar itself is an objective artifact; scholars have traced its objective measurement of time and [have found that] there are objective correlations to celestial events and to temporal and historical events [as well].
It's like if you say what happened on November 8, 1888... You can say well, the Gregorian calendar is a subjective calendar so anything that happened that day is subjective and it was just those subjective acts that happened that day. Okay, that's an ontological question.
At the same time, you can take the Mayan Calendar and describe events by its reality and it's as objective, if not more, than the Gregorian calendar.
There is some objectivity as to the shifts in consciousness and in history that are happening [as communicated in the Mayan Calendar]. Scholars have spent their time demonstrating these and studying these and making correlations. These are widely available. You can go to the transcripts of this program and we'll have some of the major references there.
A personal journey
What I'd like to do is to share some of my personal journey along the path of the Pleiadien/Mayan Calendar which began almost fifty years ago when I began my visits to the Yucatan and to those areas and lived with Maya.
I remember my first article on coming back; I was still at university and I had been a part of a summer university program that had built a school in a Mexican village and we continued down to the Yucatan. When I came back, I wrote an article that was read from the pulpit at a local church. [The article] was published in the local newspaper and it was read from the pulpit at the local church. I think that [that] is the first time that I became an ambassador of the Mayans.
Then, by conscious choice, I produced and hosted 'The Harmonic Convergence', a national radio
show in the United States on August 17, 1987, that was anchored at one of the national public radio member stations in Boulder, Colorado, and carried live via the NPR satellite by a respectable number of...[broadcast terminated abruptly by outside source]
Transcript by DJamil Graham
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre
All rights reserved
THE NEWS Live for Dec. 21, 2012 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
"THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide."