THE NEWS Live: Israel/Gaza - A false flag war by a false flag state
THE NEWS Live for Nov. 16, 2012 with Alfred Lambremont Webre.
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Updated Transcript
This is the NEWS Live for Friday, November 16, 2012, with Alfred Lambremont Webre. The NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain time, 8 pm Central time, 9 pm Eastern time, and 1 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterward on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
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“THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”
Our Headline
What is our headline this week, THE NEWS Live, for November 16, 2012? Our headline is “Israel/Gaza – A false flag war by a false flag state” “Israel/Gaza – A false flag war by a false flag state”
Let's take significant points in the timeline of the recent outbreak, the largest major outbreak in fighting between Israel and Gaza in a number of years.
“Monday, November 12, 2012, Palestinian militant factions agreed to a truce if Israel would end its attacks.
“On Wednesday, November 14, two days after the Palestinian factions in Gaza agreed to a truce following several days of violence, Israel assassinates the moderate” (let me say again, moderate, and that's a descriptor by Democracy Now which is a relatively mainstream media outlet.)
“the moderate leader of Hamas' military wing, Almed Jabari, threatening to escalate the violence once again a week after in which at least six Palestinians were killed and dozens more are wounded in Israeli attacks.
As of this broadcast on Friday, November 16, at 6:03 pm Pacific, Israeli tank units and seventy five thousand reservists have been called up in an apparent potential repetition of Operation Cast Lead. We'll get to all of the reasons for this later in the background in the broadcast. This again, is a repetition of a long series of provoked provocations and intentional escalations by Israel going back to 1948.
The most recent was on March 9, 2012:
“On 9 March, Israel violates an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire and assassinates the head of the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committee, sparking another round of violence in which at least two-dozen Palestinians are killed, including at least four civilians, and scores more wounded. As usual, Israel claims it is acting in self-defense against an imminent attack being planned by the PRC, while providing no evidence to substantiate the allegation."
Even Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper, in lengthy articles disputed the Israeli governments position.
False flag war
Let's go to this potential war which appears to be following the pattern which goes back to 1948, and goes back to Operation Cast Lead in 2008/2009. It appears to be a false flag war, or there is good reason to suspect that. That is that the rocket attacks supposedly coming from Hamas may be coming from Israeli provocateurs inside Gaza to provoke the response by Israel and set up the conditions for a war. We'll discuss why later on, one commentator says:
"We have already seen the antics of the Israeli Mossad agent provocateurs with their bottle rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip back into Israel, and up until yesterday, the rockets have hit nothing except open fields."
These were rocket attacks into open fields. For example, in one of the previous “provocations” which was of 28 December, 2011, (one that we were able to document for tonights program) at the end of this provocation, the head of the Israeli army came out and said 'Well, we're gonna need another war'.
“Rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza causing no damage, they caused neither casualties nor damage...The rockets fired exploding in open fields in the Eshkol region” this is Au Jans France Press adding that “there were no casualties or damage. Another rocket landed in Sha’ar Hanegev region did not explode, cause casualties or damage. The attacks came after two Israeli air raids on the Gaza strip. The Israeli army said the strikes were against “global jihad” targets in the Palestinian territory where they were planning cross boarder attacks...”
[Source: OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, 28 December 2011
Again, there is no evidence; and even a responsible Israeli newspaper like Haaretz dispute this. So some, if not all of the rocket attacks in this supposed exchange now may, in fact, be false flag attacks by Israeli provocateurs.
That [agent provocateurs], in fact, occurred in Operation Cast Lead which was the last major Israeli invasion of Gaza which resulted in significant war crimes. We do have documented evidence where the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) has taken Israeli army personnel and had them pose as 'agent provocateurs' - had them pose as Palestinians - where “on May 7, 2012, they then posed as Palestinians throwing stones at other IDF, Israeli army personnel in Bilin.”
[Source: CASE Operation Glass Houses: IDF agent provocateurs admit to throwing stones at the IDF in Bilin (MAY 7, 2012)]
So right now, the Israeli army has now admitted that it is engaging Israeli army personnel, having them pose as Palestinian 'agent provocateurs' throwing stones at the IDF, at the Israeli army in Bilin on May 7, 2012.
We have evidence that in Operation Cast Lead, (there is substantial evidence) that the rocket attacks from Gaza were by Israeli provocateurs. There are witnesses to that effect and this is a 'modus operandi' that goes back to the founding of the state of Israel.
Motives for false flag war
Now, let's look at some of the motives for this possible false flag war -- at the immediate motive and then, the longer term motive. [To find] the immediate motive for this false flag war by Israel, (who we'll show is actually a false flag state) we have to look at Benjamin Netanyahu and the January, 2013, Israeli elections. That's what one of the primary timings is. We have to look at where his two parties, the Likud and the Yisrael Beitenu parties stand in the polls because the analysis is that if they didn't have the war they would lose in the elections.
One observer, a very knowledgeable political observer in the region [Mukhaimer Abu Saada] says “Netanyahu is basically trying to win the next election” (which is January 2013 in Israel) “and now he has the big ticket in his hand.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s major offensive on the Gaza Strip — his first as premier — could boost his political standing, but it could also backfire with January elections looming.
"Netanyahu, who first served as premier between 1996-1999 and won a second term in 2009, has carefully nourished his image as a bellicose leader, in the belief that tough talk and a projection of “strength” prevents wars.” (This has been his approach to Iran.)
[Source: AFP]
Now, one of Netanyahu's close allies during his career is his Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, who is now conducting this. We'll follow Netanyahu and Ehud Barak's role shortly, later on in the broadcast in the false flag operation of 9/11. This pair is leaders of false flag operations and war criminals. The Gaza offensive began when an Israeli air strike actually killed, as we mentioned, the moderate Hamas commander, Ahmed Jaabari, during a truce. There had been a truce negotiated. All parties were observing it, and then Israel broke the truce and took out a moderate leader, a moderate leader.
“The Gaza offensive began on Wednesday when an Israeli air strike killed top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, sparking a rolling series of air raids Netanyahu called “a clear message to Hamas and other terrorist organisations.”
“...he warned that Israel was ready to “significantly expand” its campaign against Palestinian militants in Gaza.
“Jaabari is Netanyahu’s Osama Bin Laden,” wrote Amir Oren in the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper. “It is living — that is, dead — proof of his success in hunting down a senior terror organisation leader.”
"For Gaza analyst Mukhaimer Abu Saada, the latest Gaza operation is a sure-fire way for Netanyahu to clinch electoral success.
[Source: AFP]
The polls
Let's look at the polls.
"Polls published last Friday showed that an electoral pact between the parties of Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, designed to strengthen both in January 2013 election, could have the opposite effect. A survey by Smith Research for the Jerusalem Post indicated that if the election were held now, Netanyahu’s Likud and Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu would win a combined 37 seats in the 120-member parliament, compared with a current 42.” (In other words, they would lose five seats.) "So far, the Gaza campaign has been one of carefully targeted air strikes which have killed 16 Palestinians, seven of them Hamas militants. But with Gaza rockets killing three Israelis on Thursday and another hitting the sea south of Tel Aviv, it looked increasingly unlikely that the operation would remain an air campaign.”
In other words, it's a provoked war. It's a war of aggression which is the most serious of war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.
"Should it include a ground incursion, this would probably mean more Israeli casualties, definitely affecting Netanyahu’s standing in the January 22, 2013 election.”
Another observer:
“Netanyahu and Barak can mark a big victory right now, not only a security victory, but also an electoral one,” wrote Shalom Yerushalmi in Maariv. “We mustn’t think for a moment that the escalation in the south was deliberate, but we may assume that Netanyahu and Barak couldn’t have dreamt of a better military-security campaign.”
[SOURCE: AFP,\11\17\story_17-11-2012_pg4_7]
This thing looks like a false flag war from the beginning.
False Flag: Israel and 9/11
Let's look at the history of false flags here. There's a great deal of evidence that Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister of Israel at this moment, were involved in 9/11. Let me quote here:
“"Benjamin Netanyahu is considered by many to be the architect of the 9/11, directing the Mossad/Shin Bet. He was Israeli PM at the time and has a long history of involvement in Israeli terrorism and politics. He's been a prominent member of the Likud Government since 1993. The Likud Party is the literal successor of the Jewish terrorist organization known as the Irgun. He was the prime minister to whom the ACB Doc was presented...Egyptian Intellectual, Hassan Al Bana, has stated publicly that he thinks Netanyahu planned 9/11 with the Zionists at the Jonathan Institute...Al Bana cites a book written by Netanyahu called Uprooting Terrorism which speaks of plans to attack...”
Another researcher, Christopher Bollyn:
"Ehud Barak is a chief architect of 9-11. As Israel's highest military strategist in political office, his role in the false flag terror attacks of 9-11 was at the highest architectural level. As the Israeli prime minister and defense minister from 1999 through March 2001, Barak was at the top of Israel's political and military establishment when the false flag terror attack was being prepared. Although Barak was replaced as prime minister by Ariel Sharon six months before 9-11, the project had been planned and was set to go before Barak left office. Barak was given a high-paying position with Electronic Data Systems, an American company, only hours before the 9-11 attacks. Israeli crimes like 9-11 and the murder of President John F. Kennedy are planned well in advance and compartmentalized for operation security."
And there's a whole literature you can go to the links at that show the Israeli double agents and dual U.S. citizens that were at the heart of the operation and cover-up of 9/11.
Oil and gas reserves
What is another goal here in this false flag war? Well, it's the oil and gas reserves off of Gaza coast because the military invasion, (We know this from Operation Cast Lead when they last invaded Gaza), where they stated that there had been a direct control and ownership of the off-shore gas reserves which were discovered in the year 2000. They are extensive gas reserves.
"The military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Forces bears a direct relation to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves. This is a war of conquest. Discovered in 2000, there are extensive gas reserves off the Gaza coastline.”
And from Israel, with the assassination of Yassar Arafat (apparently there's evidence that Israel carried this out), the gas reserves belong to Palestine.
"The death of Yasser Arafat, the election of the Hamas government and the ruin of the Palestinian Authority have enabled Israel to establish de facto control over Gaza's offshore gas reserves.”
There are many analysts that believe that their ultimate goal is to depopulate Gaza of the 1.5 million Palestinian population and to annex the Gaza strip and its oil and gas reserves there.
Israel itself a false flag
Let's look at the ultimate false flag. That is that this Israeli-Gaza war is a false flag war by a false flag state itself, because, Israel itself is a false flag, and that the founding of the nation is a false flag on the world community by Illuminati bloodline bankers and by the Freemasons whose objective was to create World War III. That was the purpose of creating Israel.
If we look at Henry Makow, Ph.D, who is a Jewish author who lived in Israel and did a lot of profound research and woke up to many profound truths about what the purpose of Israel was. He stated:
"Jews did not need a "national homeland" because of the holocaust. Instead, Jews were sacrificed in the holocaust”( This is during World War II) “so they would build Israel. The Illuminati” (based in the city of London-the Bloodline bankers) “want Israel as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a tip-off. Also, Israel is the fortress for their invasion of the Islamic world."
Secondly, [quoted from] “The 1948 War of Independence,"
“Israelis did not face a second holocaust from blood-thirsty Arab armies, as Jews are taught. The war was in fact a brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionists, called the "Nakba" ("Cataclysm") reminiscent of what Nazis did to Jews."
"According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, 1948 (this is when Israel was given Palestine) was a pretext and cover for the pre-planned expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses.”
Let's have a look at "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" [by Ilan Pappe 2006]
"The Zionist leadership knew the neighboring Arab states did not constitute a threat. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.
"The British and UN were accomplices. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.
"The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48)
To continue from Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe in "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," 2006:
"Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)
"General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 "a phoney war." Like most wars the outcome was determined in advance. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”
In other words, there were secret deals there.
“ In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.
"Far from being "a rag tag group of defenders", Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real "rag tag defenders," perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)
"Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews.
"In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli... [they] do not want to fight us." (61)
"The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.”
In other words, these were all deals behind the scenes.
"The other Arab nations were so feeble that the Zionists occupied Southern Lebanon and expelled Arabs from there. On May 24, 1948, David Ben Gurion did not sound like the leader of a beleaguered people when he confided in his diary: "We will establish a Christian state in Lebanon, the southern border of which will be the Litani river. We will break Transjordan, bomb Amman and destroy its army, and then Syria falls, and if Egypt will still continue to fight, we will bombard Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo." (144)
"Yes, the Palestinians did attack some convoys and isolated Jewish settlements at considerable loss of Jewish life. These attacks played into the hands of the Zionists who always portray resistance to their aggression as "anti-Semitism."
"Arabic speaking, Ilan Pappe interviewed survivors in Palestinian refugee camps. He compared their accounts to those in the IDF Archives.
"Over 200 Arab villages were destroyed before a regular Arab soldier set foot in Palestine. Their ethnic cleansing program was called "Plan D". (82) A detailed inventory of all Palestinian settlements and property had been made for it. (Often the unwary Palestinians extended hospitality to the takers of this macabre "census")
"The Zionists attacked Palestinian villages at night and dynamited houses while residents slept inside. Then they rounded up males between age 10 and 50 and shot them or sent them to prison camps. The women, children and elders were made to leave. Eventually about 750,000 ended up in refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank or neighboring countries. There were many instances of rape and plunder.
"In the big cities like Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa, the Palestinian districts were shelled and people terrorized and killed. Altogether, 530 of about 1000 Palestinian villages were physically demolished. About a dozen cities and towns were also emptied. Some villages had forged economic or personal ties with the Jews...”
Now, the holocaust:
“The day before a Palestinian village was attacked, Israeli political officers (like Soviet commissars) would incite the troops...”
Now, the conclusion:
"Today the Nakba” this holocaust of Palestinians “continues in Gaza Strip, the West Bank and along the partition wall.
"The majority of Israelis and their supporters are faced with a moral "fait accompli."
The majority of Israeli's and their supporters having been deceived about the holocaust, in World War ll which was to get them to move to Israel, “The War of Independence” which was a genocide, holocaust against the Palestinians “they have been tainted by a moral abomination. Many have built their lives accordingly. What can they do now?”
What Henry Makow said, and he's Jewish, “If I were living in Israel, I would work to expose the truth or leave.
"I believe Zionists should acknowledge the truth and pursue a two-state solution providing apologies and generous restitution to the Palestinians. There should be a limited right of return.
"Jews live in a bubble, told they are wonderful people persecuted for no reason. Jewish society allows little to no unsanctioned self-criticism. Increasingly the Western world is becoming a closed society like Jewry. Genuine self-criticism is not self-hatred. It is essential to health and survival.
"Jews are kept in the dark about organized Jewry's role in the New World Order. Essentially, Zionism (U.S., EU, Israel) is one pincer; anti-Zionism (Iran, Russia, China) is the other. I believe the Illuminati bankers intend for the two to destroy each other. Let us not embrace our destruction like lemmings."
That's the author, Henry Makow.
[Source: THE ILLUMINATI, The Cult that Hijacked the World BY Henry Makow Ph.D.]
This has been a lot to absorb, but what THE NEWS Live for November 16, 2012, (I urge you to review this program on video archive, or to read the transcript when it comes out in about a week. You can do it in English, Spanish, or German.) is to realise the many layers here and realise that what is going on in Israel and Gaza is the false flag war by a false flag nation, and let us not allow this to enmesh us any further.
Thank you!
May you have a wonderful day and evening, for Life is a Miracle.
Thank you!
Transcript by DJamil Graham
it woud be just great if Andy jumps back in time to 1946 and stops the creation of the zionist state.
Posted by: Chris Carter | 04 December 2012 at 13:00