THE NEWS Live for Nov. 2, 2012: Hurricane Sandy as Environmental War
THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide.
I am Alfred Lambremont Webre and this is the first
edition of THE NEWS Live for November 2, 2012. THE NEWS Live with Alfred
Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm
Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, and 1:00 AM GMT.
It is available at on Google. Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterward in an archive at ExopoliticsTV.
NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to
hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the main
stream news is designed to hide.”
Our Headline
What is our headline this week, the week ending Friday, November 2, 2012?
headline is: Hurricane Sandy appears to be a false flag operation with
multiple purposes, including, further rehearsing of the New World Order
(NWO) lockdown of the USA, the United States, because that appears to be
the targeted nation here. It's not Vancouver, Canada, where I am
speaking from now.
[Hurricane Sandy’s purposes include] securing the re-election of
global New World Order asset Barack Obama, whose legal name is Barry
Soetoro; and activating catastrophobia, fear of catastrophes, in the
North American and world public in order to promote a North American
Union, a world government, and other New World Order projects.
And I believe, to get us prepared for other HAARP triggered false
flag environmental war events in 2013 and beyond. And, possible events
by an anomalous celestial object that has a thousand archetypal names
including Planet X, Nemesis, Nibiru, Hercolubus, and the Destroyer.
We'll talk about that later in the news broadcast this week.
Hurricane Sandy and rehearsing Martial Law
As of today,
(Friday, November 2, 2012) the mainstream news, (ABC in the United
States), is reporting that parts of eastern states, for example New
Jersey, are under martial law. What martial law means is - it's a
legal state that is - military government. In other words, military
[government] and military law is in place there rather than civilian
democratically elected rules. [Martial Law] goes into effect probably
because of executive orders approved under the administration of Barack
Obama; or perhaps, under some state laws; but possibly, under FEMA and
under federal laws.
We can see that there are multiple layers. This kicking in of
martial law is the first step in implementing the 2012-and-forward End
Game of the New World Order that is - if they can pull it off which is
doubtful at this stage - a shredding of the US constitution and a
lockdown of the US. That is internal passports with the NAFTA highway
dividing the country, limited access from one end of the country to the
other, etc., under the rubric of “natural catastrophe”.
As we will see, in 2001 around the time that George W. Bush was
sworn into office, FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
(that's the agency that manages your emergencies, which are mainly false
flags in the US) issued three predictions. The first was that there
would be a terrorist attack in New York. Well, that turned out to be the
false flag of September 11, 2001. The second was hurricane Katrina of
2005. They said that there would be a destructive earthquake in New
Orleans and that turned out to be Katrina in 2005. And the third
prediction has not happened yet, which is a destructive earthquake in
California or along the west coast. And as we shall see, there are
already foreshadowing or harbingers of that third false flag.
HAARP-Chemtrails weapons system
HAARP, the HAARP-Chemtrails
weapons system, is the principle weapon of the international war crimes
racketeering organization controlled by a consortium headed up by the
British crown, bloodline bankers from the city of London with agents in
Wall Street and other financial centers throughout the world. [This
consortium] controls the seventeen or so HAARP facilities throughout the
world. This is how this disaster scenario, this disaster capitalism,
and worldwide police state are furthered according to a script.
Let's see how effective this hurricane Sandy has been with regard to
its goals. With regard to rehearsing the New World Order lockdown, as
we see, there are already tests in effect of martial law (which is
military government in parts of states in the northeast according to ABC
U.S. President Barack Obama’s approval rating
Secondly, with
regard to securing the re-election of global New Word Order asset, Barry
Soetoro, (that's his actual legal name). His Manchurian candidate name
is Barack Obama and that's a manufactured name. His biological father
is not the Kenyan civil servant named Barack Obama who was assassinated
in a car wreck, an arranged car accident in 1982 in Kenya (arranged by
the CIA). Let's see how effective that has been.
The keynote - one of the principal indicators, of whether a US
president is going to be elected or not is what they call the approval
rating. No sitting president with more than a 50% approval rating has
failed to secure re-election. Well guess what? Barack Obama's/Barry
Soetoro's approval ratings on November 1, 2012, were at 50%.
Listen to this. On October 27, 2012, (the HAARP false flag
hurricane Sandy was October 22-31, 2012), just prior to the brunt of
Sandy on October 27, 2012, the Obama approval had plummeted seven points
from 53% to 46%. It appeared that if his republican rival, Mitt Romney,
had a surge than he would win or stood a good chance of taking the
presidential vote. At this stage with Obama's approval ratings above
50% as of November 1, 2012, while no one is predicting victory, no
sitting president with a 50% approval rating has failed to secure
re-election. It appears as though Sandy has secured that goal as well.
If we look at the bookend false flag hurricanes, the HAARP false
flag Hurricane Sandy of October 22-31, 2012, and Hurricane Isaac of
October 21-September 1, 2012, [they] were both environmental warfare
psyops on the US and world political systems by this international war
crimes, racketeering organization headed up by the British crown and the
international bloodline banking syndicate, centered in the city of
London that controls the HAARP-Chemtrails weapons system of mass
Hurricane Isaac, as you recall, was steered directly into the GOP,
the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida, so as to cancel the initial
events on the first day, and kind of deflate that convention and
deflate its public profile and the bounce that Romney would have gotten.
And then, hurricane Sandy came in on October 22-31, 2012, bringing up
the approval rate to the required level.
As well, there was a relatively shallow earthquake on October 27,
2012, that occurred on the west coast here at Haida Gwaii. That's an
island north of Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island is about the size of
the state of California. It was north of that. A 7.7 earthquake, that
occurred just after 8:04 pm on October 27. One hundred thousand were
evacuated from Hawai'i on a tsunami warning. It was felt in some parts
of northern BC. It was not felt here at all in Vancouver, BC. This may
have been sort of a pincer movement in moving catastrophobia in the
north American population, both on the east coast and the west coast,
toward accepting a North American Union -- moving both Canada and the US
in a race toward the bottom.
Hurricane Sandy and "Friendly Fascism"
Let's switch and begin to look at what we call friendly fascism, or iron fist inside the velvet glove aspects of Sandy.
If you look at hurricane Sandy as compared to some of the other environmental war- HAARP directed false flag events, the loss of life was very low from Sandy. For example, when you compare it to the hundred and fifty thousand dead in the HAARP–Myanmar cyclone of May 2008. That's one hundred and fifty thousand dead compared to about a hundred dead. Some people say 'oh it was off-world technology that counteracted the New World Order-HAARP manipulation that kept the death toll that low'. But, I think that the more realistic perspective is that the New World Order-HAARP controllers took a friendly fascism approach. That's a term that when I was a futurist in the mid-seventies doing the proposed Carter White House extraterrestrial communications study, the term 'friendly fascism' came up. That is sort of fascism with a smile.
In a way, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama embodies, embodies, friendly fascism. He is so user friendly from a certain point of view. And it's friendly fascism. The New World Order-HAARP controllers wanted to tilt the election to Obama but not do an environmental, genocidal, war attack like the 2008 Myanmar cyclone where one hundred fifty thousand persons were killed. They were yellow and brown, and they were in Asia, and that was a different case. Or, the 2010 Haiti earthquake that was the Vancouver winter Olympics earthquake. What occurred there is that the Canadian governor general was actually a woman of Haitian extraction. The Canadian governor general is the woman that represents the British crown, the Queen of England. The government of Haiti was resisting the Rothschild controlled companies who wanted to exploit the gold reserves and petroleum reserves that had just been discovered under Espanola, the island that Haiti sits on. So they flattened Port au Prince, the government of Haiti, and the presidential palace with an earthquake-bomb by HAARP that resulted in two hundred thousand people killed; more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And that certainly was not friendly fascism.
One has to look at it from that perspective. Probably it's more to rehearse a New World Order lockdown in North America with gradations, while still maintaining Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama as a friendly fascism New World Order asset.
Hurricane Sandy and the New World Order
This gets us into the
next subject here on THE NEWS Live, which is the whole New World Order
facets or aspects of this environmental war event known as hurricane
Sandy. We know that the HAARP-Chemtrails global weapons system is
controlled by the city of London bloodline bankers and the British
crown. The city of London bloodline bankers has been documented that
they are essentially a satanic cult. It has been documented in many
books. One book is called The Illuminati, The Cult that Hijacked the
World. I urge people to google that and to read it, and to judge from
themselves by the evidence.
Here we have a whole number of elements that harken back to what
actually happened in WW2 during the Hiroshima bombing, where the one
Christian city, (Hiroshima in Japan), was chosen for the bombing by the
Manhattan Project which was, in essence, controlled from the inside by
agents of the city of London-Illuminati banking consortium. One of the
themes here in world genocide is anti-spirituality and anti-spiritual
leaders such as the Christ. It's not a religion such as the Vatican as a
political organization, but rather things of that sort. So what do we
have here? Just open your minds to the fact that “Christ”, “Christie”,
“Christ-Christ”, “Christopher Christie”, “Christ-Christ 'e'”, was a
central character in this environmental war hit. And that the
environmental war hit drove “Christ-Christie” into the arms of the New
World Order asset, Barack Obama. The environmental war hit had the
function of raising Barack Obama and “Christ-Christie” into world
prominence as heroes, with the Satanic intelligence deploying this
'laughing all the way home'.
You may think that this is idle but a long study of some of these
elements [has been done]. For example, we've been able to isolate that
the Tromso Norway HAARP facility was used in November 9, 2009, for the
Tromso Spiral that occurred the night before Barack Obama's Nobel speech
in which he mentioned the war and not peace. That was one of those
productions. The same Tromso Norway HAARP facility was used for the
March 11, 2011, Fukushima-HAARP event.
Upper Theatre NWO
Barack Obama seems to be a major, I call it - Upper
Theatre - New World Order asset and that's the news that has been
confirmed. That would be headline news. If we go back to the fact that
only three archetypal personalities have been allowed to speak in the
'Temple' of the New World Order in its capital (London, UK, that's at
Westminster Hall) and that's the Pope, The Queen, and the Obama. I call
him 'The Obama'. Those are the three archetypal figures in the New
World Order panoply at this time. Barack Obama spoke there at
Westminster Hall on May 25, 2011. They are fulfilling the roles of the
Pope-the church, the Queen-the world regent, and now there's rumors that
she will either step aside or demise and that they'll skip a generation
(already Prince Philip is promoting it) and go to her grandson, Prince
William, who is now fully qualified to be the first Zionist King because
he and his consort, Kate, are both from bloodline banking stock. So the
Rothschilds and that banking stock have now achieved the British crown.
That's their life long ambition. So we'll see the British crown and, of
course then, the Obama-the third archetype. He is sort of the world
president type. That's what he's kind of doing.
We have a few minutes left in the broadcast. Let's look at some of the data here.
U.S. News & World Report: HAARP Conspiracy
was interesting was that US News and World Report is a mainstream
newspaper and it actually ran a story on October 29, by Elizabeth Flock
saying Conspiracy theorists [are] saying Obama engineered hurricane
Sandy “as hurricane Sandy blasted the eastern seaboard, a number of
conspiracy theorists have decided Barack Obama engineered the mega-storm
to secure his re-election.” Then they go on and talk about HAARP.
If one goes out and looks at the data just for the record, on some of
the key websites like, an independent website that has a
real time sensor network from over 28 sensors placed in rural areas
across the United States. During the Sandy period they recorded “the
strongest HAARP readings in the projects history.” They were literally
“off the charts and lend credence to parallel claims that hurricane
Sandy is being engineered to create mass destruction.” Some of the
facts, or the conclusions are that the strongest readings in the history
of this project have peaked. A never before seen white shade indicates
about a value higher than 10 on the scale. The scale is from 1-10 and
this was above 10. HAARP status projections showed New Jersey and they
showed the storm being steered. There's plenty of evidence on the
I'd like to spend the closing 2-3 minutes of this initial broadcast of
THE NEWS Live just reviewing with you, the viewing audience, the false
flag events that have been reaped by the HAARP-Chemtrails false flag
weapons of mass destruction system. You can go to ExopoliticsTV and you
can see an hour long presentation that I made to the Consciousness
Beyond Chemtrails conference in Las Angeles this year that sets out all
of the science behind this. Let's look at these operations and see what
the script is and what the damage is.
First of all, the false flag operation of September 11, 2001. HAARP was
one of the major tools used in that to bring down the World Trade Center
towers. We have the 9-11 War Crimes Tribunal. You can go to its
website at The tribunal will be issuing its
indictment, a first ever indictment, of key co-conspirators of the 9-11
conspiracy. That indictment will be issued on January 22, 2013, two days
after the inauguration of the new US president.
Hurricane Katrina, another HAARP false flag, August 28, 2005.
The Haiti earthquake of 2010, two hundred thousand dead.
BP Gulf oil spill of April 20, 2010. The Obama administration was
responsible for the negligence that allowed this, with the Corexit, to
ruin the Gulf of Mexico. Barack Obama with his Department of Energy and
the Coast Guard actually aided and abetted BP and the British crown in
doing this.
The Fukushima HAARP radiation event of March 11, 2011. Likewise, Barack
Obama, the Department of Energy under David Chu, actually (no audio)
radiation event. You can follow all of the documentation of this event
in interviews and articles at our website, That's
And now we have Hurricane false flag Isaac, (August 21-September 1,
2012,) and Sandy, (October 21-31, 2012,) around the 'Selection' of 2012
and the implementation of the New World Order lockdown. I commend to you
all of these.
Thank you for being a part of our inaugural broadcast of THE NEWS Live.
THE NEWS Live can be seen live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm
Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern, 1 AM GMT at ExopoliticsTV.
I'm Alfred Lambremont Webre wishing you a wonderful evening and remember, Expect a Miracle because Life is Miraculous.
Thank you!
Transcript by DJamil Graham
Copyright 2012 by Alfred Lambremont Webre
All rights reserved
FEMA Predictions: “In early 2001, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), named three major scenarios as being among the most
serious threats to the nation: (1) a major hurricane hitting New
Orleans, (2) a terrorist attack in New York City, and (3) a large
earthquake hitting San Francisco.[2]”
2. The HAARP/Chemtrails weapons system
3. VIDEO: HAARP-Chemtrails WMD Exposing a Spiritual Mass Mind-control and Planetary Assault with Alfred Lambremont Webre
4. Engineered Storm? HAARP Monitoring Project Records Strongest Readings Ever Directed In Path of Hurricane Sandy
By Alex Thomas, October 27, 2012
5. Two researchers attribute Norway light to HAARP, anti-ET space-based weapon of mass destruction by Alfred Lambremont Webre
6. The Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World by Henry Makow
7. Leuren Moret: HAARP/Chemtrails Psyops - Hurricane Isaac & Foreshadowing a FEMA-predicted California megaquake
8. COOPRADIO.ORG: US HAARP Weapon Triggered Haiti Earthquake: Shock & Awe And Disaster Capitalism
9. COOPRADIO.ORG: The New 9/11: BP's false flag operation in the Gulf to Wreck the Environment - Leuren Moret
10. Fukushima global radiation false flag, HAARP-Chemtrails
depopulation agenda - Interviews/Articles with Leuren Moret by Alfred
Lambremont Webre
11. Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane Sandy
By Elizabeth Flock
12. 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at
Thank you.
Please send questions and comments to
[email protected]. Thank you.
IF i decided to come here and help out..i made a huge mistake. I think the average person is beyond help. They are too dumb, too selfish and too ignorant. They deserve to get back what they put out. They shoot the messenger, they crucify good people who only want to change the world for the better. I want to end my contract! I change my mind, i want out of this Demonic Hell Hole called planet earth. The good people are far outnumbered by evil stupid sheeple who would fight to keep their enslavement and will crucify jesus and anyone else with the message of love and light. The demons on this planet are in the billions while the lightworkers are in the thousands. We are outnumbered by demons. Let them fester in their own scum. They only want to crucify us. I'm tired of trying. It's too frustrating getting beaten down by the demons who are the average "smiley depressive" fools who pretend they are so happy and caring. Yet, they will stone you alive if you dare tell them their reality is fiction. I'm tired of them. I understand why Dr. Fred Bell said the plaiedians have to leave here because they can't handle the Auric Stench from the evil energy people eminate here. I know, i feel it every time i hear the superficial dumbed down sheep talk about their stupid dumb down cares and concerns. I'm so ready to get the hell out of here. I tried! I really did.
Posted by: getmeout | 14 November 2012 at 22:36
I keep showing information to my family members and it's really disturbing, it's like they are not human and have no concern and are completely apathetic. It makes me so ill to be around them. They are not human anymore, they are robotrons or cyborgs. It's very scary, i'm so confused as to what happened to them. They do not care if they are poisoned or if other people are killed. They say they do but then only care about their superficial lives. I see why this whole collapse is happening. The people are bringing it on themselves. If everyone showed care and compassion for others, these dark forces would not be able to thrive. They are a manifestation of the evil of human beings on this planet. I see people who do not care about others and only want to worship fake religions, watch fake tv and numb their brains with fake prescription meds and believe that their slave jobs are so important and their fake education really teaches them anything. I feel like i'm living in Satan's den..and i'm so ready to get the hell out of this nut house. Help! Where is the Exit door. I need out of this insane asylum.
Posted by: getmeout | 14 November 2012 at 22:28
Great idea! I, for one, am very interested in what you have to say about current events on a weekly basis.
Thank you so much for all the work you are doing legally and publicly, keeping us aware and informed.
P.S. I certainly hope you can find qualified enforcers of the indictments you are about to deliver.
Thanks again, Cynthia.
Posted by: Cynthia | 03 November 2012 at 23:59