Time Travel, E.T.s, Dolphins, and Our Positive Timeline
You are invited to join us for 5 days and 4 nights on the Big Island of Hawaii to celebrate Time Travel experiences with Chrononauts and clairvoyant Telepaths. This is the first time three U.S. Chrononauts and Jump Room experiencers appear together publicly in person at the same event.
14 – 18, 2013
Basiago, Bernard Mendez, Brett Stillings, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Joan Ocean & Jean-Luc Bozzoli (hosts)
Benevolent Extraterrestrials and Scientists from our world, with deep insights and advanced technology singled out these Speakers, due to their special innate and trained abilities: Mr. Webre was chosen as a historian of the future, Ms Eisenhower as a potential Mars colonist with pure bloodlines, Mr. Basiago as a supra-intelligent child prodigy, Mr. Stillings as a psychic savant, excelling in mathematics & chemistry, Mr. Mendez a federal investigator and contactee. They will share their courageous and mind-expanding development and training since childhood on diverse and fascinating life experiences such as Jump Rooms and vortal tunnels; the holographic interface that surrounds our Earth; artificial environments created by extraterrestrials that perfectly duplicate our natural environments; their friendships with the benevolent Greys; teleporting to the planet Mars and also teleporting to artificial simulations of Mars architected by the aliens in a bubble universe; revealing their attitudinal and emotional affects on time travel destinations; our super-luminal realms and much more.
Tickets and Information:
www.joanocean.com ~~ 808-323-8000 ~~ [email protected]