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Hey hey hey, I have another perspective. Take heart. How could any show deal with anything so seemingly preposterous and be straight? I thought it a great service to the disclosure folks, where wild thoughts like this actually were fairly presented if you look at Andy B. talking. He told his story. Wow. What a gift. Then Colbert did Colbert – rather brilliantly. No harm done.

Also, there's another take on Paradigm Research Group, to notice is no group. When Bassett talks as if there is, it’s just him and I think he should make that clear. And, anyone who would encourage him to take the offer from Judge Judy for our Small Claims Court case, coming up next month, I’d be appreciative – if he wins he gets to look good and if I win the show pays the judgment.

James Zukowski

There seems to be a contradiction in Mr. Bassett's comments. He states, "Paradigm Research Group has set that bar higher than most, but sadly Andrew D. Basiago and Alfred L. Webre have jumped it."

Why is it sad that Messrs. Basiago and Webre have jumped the bar? When one "jumps the bar", that bar has been cleared (or jumped over), and the expectations have been exceeded.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting Mr. Bassett's intent (and I probably am), but if he means to say that Messrs. Basiago and Webre have failed to clear the bar that has been set, then he should so state.

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