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I think this demonstrates how little we know of what REALLY goes on in the world today.... If the Myan 2012 prophesy comes true it doesn't matter anyway.

One Who Knows

To 'D. Owens':(really? Anyone can say that...AS WELL)

You are CORRECT; there is no law up until this moment stating tha a person cannot have several Youtube accounts, or close them as they want. HOWEVER, I'm not speaking of laws, simply CP's observed actions and words UP UNTIL HE TOOK APART HIS CP account. If CP was acting in good faith, he would have no reason to do that. As far as his 'personal info' being divulged, if he was truly concerned about that, I am certain he would not have had his own face plastered on pretty much every video he is released. Do you think people in Georgia, particulary the area CP lives in, don't watch YouTube or follow alternative news or something??....I give T credit, actually, that he doesn not need to divulge specifically what CP has been saying in order to defend himself. Obviously they have had personal convos if T knew this info, as I'm sure CP knows T's info too and has been using it for the wrong reason, or T would not have had to defend himself. (What would YOU have done, D.O?) How ever you may perceive T's actions, it accomplished one thing: another "Troll" albeit a foolish one that doesn't mind putting his face out there, probably due to his high opinion of himself, has been exposed for exactly what he is. Since you are obviously young, as you don't know how to look up or figure out what a "sleeper agent" is, I will give you this one. A sleeper agent is a being that is being used by negative or malevolent sources for the same purposes, unknowingly or without insight to what his actions are causing others. Do you like this definition? If not, I will be happy to further spell it out for you at a later time. If you don't believe in T's work, it is certainly your perogitive to not read it or even state an opinion about it, however....there is a saying that goes along the lines of "A man shall be known by the fruit that he bears". I have read and listened to T's interviews and stories since the start, and he is a very benevolent messenger, whose sources have been extremely accurate up until know. If you really followed T, you would know that there is an order the next series events have to follow. Sorry this is not quick enough for you. Learn patience and discernment, my young friend, it will serve you well through life. As far as your statement that T could be cointel, well...so could you or me or anyone! DISCERNMENT, DISCERNMENT, DISCERNMENT. One of the great mysteries of life is that life unfolds at its own "timetable", not anyone elses. Again, take care...


Justin H

James, I do not understand how you can accuse somebody of "using" you or us. I do not feel used. His message is one that I feel deep down is the truth, and time will tell soon enough if this is actually disinformation. Tolec, at the very least, spreads words of peace and love. And so far from what I have seen he has been very forthcoming. Now if you could explain how you think he's been using you feel free to share.

James Milligan

He's a disinformation agent Alfred and it's OK to admit it, I believed him too. But know you have too admit he's used you and us, let your ego go, like me<3 This is a learning lesson for ALL of US;-)The USGS is no longer recording EQ's for the coast of Oregon? Please?! In Light and Love<3 Jim

James Milligan

OK Tolec mentions that we will see a flyby of an asteroid and an under water volcano will pop off far from the coast of Oregon, like he has said for months. He states above, he will tell us if this is the event he has been forecasting, but instead gives us a movie review without committing to the popping off of the volcano and blue orb appearance for the symbolic celebration of the underwater hydro reptilian base being taken out...Is it me Alfred??? I'm sorry, but this is double talk with noncommittal to timelines and occurrences that Tolec has said to look for on his website since July but actually it was late May, check his site for the facts... As long as he's safe, I guess the Andromedan Council is happy, because like you told me some information is disinformation to keep him safe. People like me can go figure things out for themselves and in the END, that's the point<3 This is comical now! BTW Lisa Harrison just put up a Bigfoot researcher that gives a shout out to Tolec...Consertivtusprime is low vibrational, I have not been influenced by him. Just in case if you were worried about my point of view. I didn't know who he was until Tolec pointed him out. Dr. Greer and many others today state the new age community is doing more harm than good these days and I agree, in love and Light Alfred.


So Alfred with the 2 asteroids now having passed when do you expect to see the cosmic event, in your opinion?

Alfred Lambremont Webre

As a graduate psychotherapist (MEd, University of Texas), I am really happy that Dawn has come out of the closet as a mental health professional and stated, as is her right under the 1st Amendment, the UN Charter of Human Rights, and other documents guaranteeing our freedoms that "This entire series of interviews is pure unmitigated bunk."

Meanwhile, readers are also invited to peruse all of the Galactic Governance and Andromeda Council interviews and articles at Exopolitics.com at:


Readers will note that in some of the Andromeda Council articles evidence of accurate prediction of time and approximate location of earthquakes is given.

Dawn has given her opinions of Exopolitical research with inter dimensional entities identifying themselves as "galactic governance councils". Her blanket statements are false in my opinion, and as I stated in private correspondence with her, her initial comment on this thread is disingenuous in that it misquotes this article.

D. Owens

To 'One Who Knows': (really? Anyone can say that...)

There's no law that states a person cannot have several Youtube accounts, or close them as they want. I'm willing to bet that ConservatusPrime considered the publication against his will by 'Tolec' of his place of employment and location, as well as his name, more trouble than it was worth. Meanwhile, 'Tolec' operates behind an anonymous screen and refuses to prove his allegations of both his contact with the Andromeda Council or their very existence. As I stated to A. Webre, people are acting on the information that is being disseminated by 'Tolec' and yet when proof is requested, he shuts down their ability to continue to ask questions, and outs the identity of the people he can. This is reprehensible and so is accusing them of being 'sleeper agents' whatever the hell that is.

This entire series of interviews is pure unmitigated bunk and I hope people don't lose hope when they realize they've been lied to once again. 'Tolec' may very well be a cointel agent himself. As CP stated, very honestly, Tolec needs to either prove his allegations of the AC being real or come clean on exactly why he's lying to people. Vague predictions and other predictions that never seem to come true prove nothing.

I'm still waiting to hear about the 'orb', the 'volcano popping off' and the 'quiet visitations of representatives from the AC' coming to a public place. Somewhere. Anywhere....

I don't disagree that there may be alien life on other planets or even here at the present time. I just question things that people claim but are somehow unable to prove and refuse to prove, even when contact is supposedly friendly and ongoing. You have friends you speak to regularly, right? Can you prove they exist? 'Tolec' should be able to, also.


Tolec keep up the good work we support you, ps we wants new interview mate


Thank you Tolec for sharing your thoughts with us; they are always interesting and coming on time.
You've done an so much work for the benefit of all! I admire your courage and strength. Keep up the excellent work of informing humanity!


Wodakote from Wisconsin!

One Who Knows

Alfred & Tolec,

Thank you for all your hard work and information. It IS appreciated by the ones who understand its importance!


One Who Knows

To D. Owens~

A person who is acting honestly would not close their comments down, delete videos that might serve as proof that HE was the attacker (thank goodness for the download feature) and taunt people that one does not know in a self-aggrandizing way...he also not have multiple accounts under various names: conservitusprime, cobrabase, etc. THAT my friend, is the makings of a sociopath. He doesn't even have the basic understanding to know that T did not call him a "reptilian", but did call him an "sleeper agent" as in: "being used by the reptilians without his knowledge of". One thing that Tolec has always stated is to not believe him by word, but to go by your own internal guidance that the info he presents could be true.

Justin Hansen

exciting stuff here! I just hope that the skies here in Wisconsin will be clear for this event! Thank you both for your work. Wodakote, Peace and love!




Exciting! Thank you, Tolec and Alfred!
To Conservitusprime: please leave these two alone!


This is an awesome time to be on the earth! Take it all in people.... we just don't know what we don't know?!?! But what we are learning and open to, let it resonate with us and the truth will be known. I truly believe this. Wadoka

David de Tremaudan

If one looks at the spectrum of people posting the upcoming events of what will happen to our planet in the next year or so, one will find a common theme. This theme is what sould be seen as the real event. When we start to take one persons view over another, we will get that persons perseption of what will happen for them and how they view the upcoming event. I have been involved in numerous investigations and if you have ten people that have witnessed an event, you will come up with ten different views of the situation. The truth is in the common theme. All the commonalities of the event is where the true answer is. Do not limit yourself to following the lead of one individual no matter how the evidence they gives fits to give you "feel good" answers. Don't get me wrong, for them it's real and the way things will go. I suggest that a person views all that is available on the subject, find the common themes, and make up your own mind as to how this effects you and what you see as an outcome for yourself. Stop the mindless finger pointing and listen to what these people (all of them) are telling you. They all have their own truth. Look for yours. One of the common themes for this event is that everyone gets to freely chose their own path and destiny. Our collective problem is that we have had someone else planning how we are going to live for so long, we don't seem to be able to grasp that it will be our right to choose. Another common them is our world is changing. Ask youself how you want to change with it. Another common theme is the ET's. Anyone that denies this is blind. Look at the size of our universe. It seems extremely arrogant to me to think we really are alone in the universe. If one looks at all of the information supplied on the subject, one will come up with what you see for yourself. So stop this petty quibbling and do some exploring. one thing is for sure, it looks to be one hell of an adventure.

Leave your mind behind

You all should be seating in daily meditation and the truth will be revealed!

Yours spiritually,

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Tolec was not introduced as you state. The sentence reads in full:

"Tolec is the human representative of the Andromeda Council that Tolec reports is a galactic governance council for star systems in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies."

As to your other point, the individual in question wrote me under various pseudonyms and included attacking information, trying to suck me into his charade. So your characterization and statements are incomplete. Please see www.andromedacouncil.com for Tolec's statement as to the resolution of this matter.

Thank you.

D. Owens

Alfred, please do not introduce 'Tolec' as "Tolec is the human representative of the Andromeda Council". While he does represent himself as such, and that the 'Andromeda Council' actually exists, he has offered no proof whatsoever of this and indeed has both banned discussion of his credentials when asked for proof on his website, and has now publicly attacked a person for asking for proof and when this was not offered and indeed the request ridiculed, 'Tolec' published this man's name, location and employment details on line for everyone to see, also indicating that this man was a 'reptilian sleeper agent' and confusing this person (a male) and another Youtube poster, (a female), stating they were one and the same.

'Tolec' also implied that this other person had threatened your welfare, and also by insinuation, 'Tolec' and his family.

What the person calling himself 'Tolec' has done is not only lacking in honesty, it is probably actionable legally as slander. Publishing on line someone's name, location and employment details is reprehensible and may cause untold ramifications for this individual, whose only crime was asking for proof that what 'Tolec' said was indeed true.

Please make sure your viewers and followers understand that nothing this entity has stated can be proven to be true, and that many of his predictions either have not come to pass, or are so vague as to be silly, i.e. predicting an earthquake in the area of the Ring of Fire, and then announcing after the fact that a random EQ was the one he predicted... and is somehow 'proof' that a reptilian base has been destroyed...

I take people coming forward who claim to have unusual information or unusual connections very seriously, as I am sure many do. But it has become common for people in power to lie to us about nearly everything. We do not need self proclaimed 'saviors' lying to us, also.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" and that has simply not been forthcoming from 'Tolec' no matter how compelling or trustworthy he may seem...

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