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What the hell is this shit?


If you can look pass the 'Dear One' word this piece has very compelling message... in preference to the above, if you get my meaning.


We of the Arcturian Group welcome all who read the messages of the Arcturian Group.

We see many patiently awaiting promised changes and many others who have chosen to move into doubt and despair. Try not to allow messages in and of the old energy to keep you from your center dear ones, for much of it functions as a tool to keep you in bondage to what is now finishing. Many (not all) in power or hoping for it, hold desperately to what little power is left in obsolete concepts and beliefs, for it is what will keep the status quo, allowing them to function while keeping you tied to the past. It is good to contemplate this when considering your upcoming elections.

When thoughts of discouragement come to you, always remember that they are not yours-- they are impersonal. How could negativity flow from the Heart of the Divine which is what you truly are. Third dimensional thoughts and beliefs are simply energy waiting to be claimed by a receptive state of consciousness. Concepts accepted by the unenlightened mind manifest outwardly and are accepted then as reality.

You are learning that a consciousness filled with beliefs of duality and separation manifests as the so called evils of the world, for you are creators. Until an individual awakens, this is done ignorantly without conscious awareness. Mankind has been happily asleep and ignorantly creating good and bad for eons. There is to be no blame or guilt for the many lifetimes including this one, lived in ignorance because these experiences were necessary steps in your evolution.

This is why it is called awakening, you are awakening out of your created illusions into the Light of truth. It is not the world that is illusion, rather it is your concept of the world that is the illusion. You chose to awaken through the experiences of third dimensional energy and now you are graduating--learning the truth of who and what you really are. This is huge dear ones, and you can be very proud of yourselves for it has been a long and difficult journey. This is why so many are excitedly observing your process now, it is a great and wonderful occurrence and many are rejoicing with you.

You are learning that many things you believed to be true, never were and are beginning to understand that as creators, you can change yourselves and your world. This is what is meant by taking your power back and this is what is going on right now. You are seeing results in many places where the consciousness of the people is allowing in more Light. This in turn is exposing all that is not of the light including those individuals working to keep it away. The process cannot be slowed dear ones, for mankind and the dear soul Gaia, are changing, evolving, graduating. It was never meant that mankind remain in darkness forever, it was simply your learning path, and you have done it.

Be aware that much is soon to transpire that will shock you. Revelations about the actions of many you believed to be leaders. Try to understand that they have lived out from a state of tremendous ignorance, allowing the pulls of power to take precedence over their life plan and are now being called to answer for it. All is proceeding according to plan.

Many are experiencing health issues that seeming come "out of the blue". Most of this is the clearing of old energy still present in cellular memory from many previous lifetimes as well as the present one. Many of you chose to experience horrendous childhoods of physical and emotional abuse and you wonder why. It is very important to understand that before incarnating, a soul will often choose a life plan of experiences that will serve to reactivate certain energies needing to be released. Horrendous experiences of all sorts imprint themselves in cellular and emotional memory and are then carried from lifetime to lifetime until the individual is prepared to deal with them through release. These old energies color individual decisions and the personality (unreasonable fears) lifetime after lifetime until cleared. Those of you dealing with these sort of issues need to understand that you were not ready until now to release these painful old energie but that you are now, which is why so much seems to be coming front and forward in your thinking. All of you are receiving much help from your Higherself and Guides to do this for the Higher Self only brings in issues you are ready to release (not patched with 3d solutions), when you are ready. Try not to get sucked backward by what you feel or experience during these clearings.

Every soul formulates a plan before reincarnating; a plan to bring about the experiences and relationships that it knows are necessary in order to evolve. Because of the importance of these times, all ready to evolve with Gaia into the higher frequencies, came to earth with their whole list, not just one issue needing to be addressed. Some forget their plan once they are in the dense energies, but most do not. If you are aware of truth and yet find yourself immersed in many uncomfortable situations, examine what you are believing. Say to yourselves; "What am I believing that is causing me to feel this way? In the light of truth, is it true?". Physically, do what you need to do, sometimes medical help is needed, but remember that much of what is happening right now is the release and resolution of old finished business.

When you understand that the unpleasant experiences of your lives are opportunities for you to awaken presented by your own Higher Self because you are ready, you will be able to embrace and learn from them, feeling peace in knowing that you are now able to understand. It is only when an individual tries to hold tightly to what they have evolved beyond, that there is great suffering.

This is how evolution takes place--awareness unfolds gradually through experience after experience until the individual no longer needs that particular experience and it is no longer a part of their state of consciousness.

You will not have to wait much longer to see the results of your Light dear ones for much is coming to a head at this time. Many are feeling change on an individual basis in that they are no longer resonating with the many presentations of the old energy. Foods, people, entertainment, and ways of living simply no longer speak to you in the ways they used to . Rejoice in this dear ones, for it means that your resonance has moved beyond the resonance of these things. Please remember that we are not saying you will not have foods, people or entertainments in your lives, but that they will be on new and higher levels.

Enjoy yourselves and feel joy in the ways that resonate with you, for joy is the closest energy to the Divine. Simple pleasures will begin take precedence over complicated, expensive, and self serving entertainments that reflect popular beliefs based in duality and separation.

All is proceeding according to plan. Rejoice dear ones, you are doing a fine job of it. Just hold to your center in all experiences, not giving them the power of being good or bad for this is duality, but seeing the divine plan in all experiences and all people knowing that only truth is.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/9/2012


Mr. Webre, I am fascinated by the direction you are taking. I'm wondering if you are planning another interview with George Kavassilas? I think he may be proposing a third option for us humans.

Re: the Farsight Institute: 30% of remote viewers did not see either of the two discussed timelines, and while their observations may not have been consistent enough to draw conclusions, it was still a full 30% of the expert remote viewers. I interpret your positive timeline to be that everything is pretty much the same. I would like to be even more hopeful and propose that the real organic timeline is yet a third option, which propels us forward into an entirely different kind of existence.


I think this guy is some sort of psyop interloper out there to prevent people from doing anything constructive or relevant I find him to be of no use or relevance whatsoever

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