NASA's Lunar Science Institute's David Morrison "The Truth about Nibiru"
1. Please take 4:06 mins out of your busy life and watch the above video, NASA's Lunar Science Institute's David Morrison "The Truth about Nibiru"
2. Please take 9:01 mins out of your busy life and watch the video below, BBC video shows dual sun; Inuit talk about rotation of Earth's Axis
BBC video shows dual sun; Inuit talk about rotation of Earth's Axis
3. In his video, NASA's Lunar Science Institute's David Morrison makes three allegations as to why a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" is "not real".
ALLEGATION #1 - If a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" were real and it would be outside the orbit of Mars (or the Asteroid belt) we would see it. As we cannot see it, a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" is not real.
Response: The BBC and the South Pole Camera have recorded a celestial object, and we have reasonable cause to believe that celestial object may be a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru". See video #2 - BBC video shows dual sun; Inuit talk about rotation of Earth's Axis
ALLEGATION #2 - If a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" were real it would be perturbing the orbits of Mars and Earth.
Response: The orbits of Mars and Earth are being perturbed by a celestial body, and the simplest explanation is that this celestial body is a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru". See video #2 - BBC video shows dual sun; Inuit talk about rotation of Earth's Axis
1. 1983 NASA IRAS satellite discovers large celesial object headed toward Earth, possibly a brown dwarf star;
2. 1992 NASA press release reports celestial object is perturbing the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. The simplest explanation, by Occam's razor, is that this celestial body is a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru";
3. Inuit report the axis of the Earth has tilted (see video#2), and changes in the tilt of the Earth axis affects climate and other factors which in turn affect the Earth's orbit. Hence, something is presently perturbing the tilt of the axis of the Earth, as well as the Earth's orbit. The simplest explanation is the celestial body identified in the 1992 NASA press release is the cause of the perturbation of in the Earth's orbit.
Changes in Earth's orbit linked to extinctions
ALLEGATION #3: If a dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" were real and has a 3660 year eliptical orbit, it would have been in the solar system before and "messed up" the inne solar system.
Response: The perihelion (or closest point to our Sun) of the dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru" is by one estimate 2.85 AU (283 million miles), or 2.85 times the distance of the Earth to our Sun, and is in the Asteroid Belt. The Asteroid Belt is, in fact, a former planet of our solar system that got "messed up" by the dual sun or "Planet X/Nibiru".
QED - Quod est demonstratum/ Therefore the truth of these responses has been shown.
The scientist is lying, or ignorant. He is relying on his authority to convince people of things that aren't even true.
The Eskimo are telling the truth. They have no reason to lie.
But how does this change anything?
We have known for a long time that most people in positions of authority have been forced to lie to us. The problem is: If they are lying, how do we find the truth?
Everyone is so concerned about what WILL happen. That's what the Cabal is so worried about. They aren't sure what will happen.
But I would be very happy if we knew what IS happening! And you don't need any fancy theories about time and probabilities to do that. All you have to do is observe and be willing to say honestly what your see. In other words: Be there and communicate; the two greatest crimes in this universe!
Who is willing to be a "criminal" in the name of truth? NOW is your time!
Posted by: Larry | 02 August 2012 at 21:19