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Marie Rhodes

I love what you have to say it matches my own heart center so perfectly in the little that I know. I have a question.
We know of so many dememtions. Might it be that as our own level of progress deepens these dementions also continues endlessly to create more dementions of which we know not yet of.
I have had UFO experience, Near Death experiences and many spiritual experiences. It is has brought me to a goal that Love is most important things we can do with our lives. I try to remember that to love unconditionally under all conditions. I have dyslexia so forgive my spelling Marie Rhodes [email protected]. I am so very excited abou the work you are doing and I am telling everyone I know about it and have had some wonderful responses. In Peace and Love Marie Rhodes

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Abraham - As I have stated in the many interviews and articles I have published on the "Andromeda Council", it is my conclusion that this interdimensional entity is not a true inter-galactic governance council.

In Light, Alfred Lambremont Webre


Do you believe in what Tolec says regarding the Andromeda council helping us?

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