The three principal typologies of humanoid beings on Mars.
"There are three principal typologies of humanoid beings on Mars.
"The first typology, which I call Homo martis terris, are our genetic relatives from the time before the solar system catastrophe of 9,500 BC, when Earth and Mars were in contact. They resemble bald, homely Earthlings. This is the type that my father and I met at Curtiss-Wright in 1970.
"The second typology, which I call Homo martis martis, are the indigenous Martians. They have narrower heads, pointier ears, longer fingers, and smaller bodies than Earthlings. They resemble the vampire Count Orlock in the vintage silent film, Nosferatu (below). We were advised that if hungry enough, they would sometimes kill and eat human visitors from Earth, so we should be wary of them. This is the type that I encountered when walking through the dilapidated brick city to deliver the data disk to the communications center there.
"The third typology, which I call Homo martis extraterrestrialis, resemble the Grey ETs of the UFO contact literature. This is the type that Courtney M. Hunt and William B. Stillings and I encountered on the roof of the jump room facility called The Corkscrew when we arrived via jump room one time in 1981-82. They are probably the result of a branch of the Greys that was left back on Mars at some time in Martian history.
"There is a fourth typology of humanoid being on Mars, the tiny ones that Dave Beamer has detected being crushed under the wheels of our rovers. I don't include this type -- Homo martis deminimis -- in this taxonomy because they are far smaller than the three other typologies of Martians and us."
-- Andrew D. Basiago, president, Mars Anomaly Research Society
Did You take this Photo from The First Dracula Film in Black and White?? 😂😂😂 Really cutte!!
Posted by: Sydney | 01 February 2018 at 12:06
where are the images presenting life on mars?
Posted by: marlon | 09 October 2015 at 08:56